Gigi Hadid—The Hottest “Girl Next Door”

2017-04-07 06:37byanonymous翻译栗子
疯狂英语·初中天地 2017年1期

by anonymous翻译:栗子

Gigi Hadid—The Hottest “Girl Next Door”

by anonymous翻译:栗子


About Friendship

Kendall注1and I have only been…we grew up,

like, really close to each other. Our families are, you know, connected, and so, um, but we just never really got the1)opportunity, I guess, to2)hang out as kids. But we’ve only been friends for like a year now, um, and, and she’s one of my best friends and she’s so3)awesome.

Do you share modeling4)tips, or, like, “Oh my God, I

have to do this5)runway show, help!”

Yeah, kind of. I guess it’s more like, you know, yeah,

more like “Oh my God, I have to do this runway show, help!” Um, but also just being really excited for each other and supporting each other. And, um, our6)beauty7)contracts8)came around the same time, so it was really fun to9)celebrate that together. I was always, like,10)kinda told that, when I was becoming a model, like, don’t live with a model ’cause you get competitive, etc, etc. But I don’t really fnd that I get competitive with my friends. Especially, you know, with someone like Kendall, we look nothing alike, so someone that’s gonna want a Kendall is not gonna want a Gigi. And that’s just, even with my sister, you know, there’s a lot of, um,11)tabloids12)making up that we’re in this13)rivalry. Um, and, yeah, so I guess the hardest part about being friends with models is that, when you have a big secret like a Maybelline注2contract, you can’t tell them. Um, and, like, I think that’s, like, the big, the hardest part about being friends with other models. It’s like we can’t really talk about what we’re doing until it comes out, and then we’re all14)pretty excited for each other, and, yeah.


But the craziest thing is you are the16)hottest model

out there. There’s nobody hotter than you.

I don’t know about that. Thanks.

And, and you’re very17)humble about it, which I

love, and you’ve got your school thing. You’ve got so many other things going on, but there’re still some people who want to18)critique you about your…your, critique you about your19)physique, which is20)blowing my mind, because you look like you’re in great21)shape.

1) opportunity [,ɒpə'tjuːnɪtɪ] n. 机会,时机

2) hang out 闲逛

3) awesome ['ɔːsəm] adj. 〈口〉顶呱呱的,棒极的

4) tip [tɪp] n. 秘密消息,内部消息

5) runway show 时装秀

6) beauty ['bjuːtɪ] n. 此处指美容业

7) contract ['kɒntrækt] n. 合同,契约

8) come around 来到,来访

9) celebrate ['selɪbreɪt] v. 庆祝

10) kinda ['kaɪndə] adv. 有一点,有几分(kind of的缩略语)

11) tabloid ['tæblɔɪd] n. 小报

12) make up 编造

13) rivalry ['raɪvəlrɪ] n. 竞争,敌对

14) pretty ['prɪtɪ] adv. 〈口〉相当,非常

15) fame [feɪm] n. 名声

16) hot [hɒt] adj. 热门的,走红的

17) humble ['hʌmbl] adj. 谦逊的

18) critique [krɪ'tiːk] v. 批判,发表评论

19) physique [fɪ'ziːk] n. 体形

20) blow sb.’s mind〈口〉使某人感到十分震惊(或诧异)

21) shape [ʃeɪp] n. 体形,身段

注1:肯达尔·詹娜(Kendall Jenner),1995年出生于美国洛杉矶,14岁时与Wilhelmina模特公司正式签约,开始了自己的模特生涯。她是在美国体育圈和娱乐圈都享有很高声望和地位的“卡戴珊家族”的一员。


Thank you. Um, I mean, I’ve played volleyball since I was in sixth grade, and I went to junior Olympic22)qualifers for volleyball. So I’ve always been an athlete, and I’ve always…that’s just been my body type, and I don’t think that…it’s just me. My whole thing with, you know, fghting back on23)social media and standing up for myself has also been because when I did so, there were Victoria’s Secret注3angels to24)plus-size models that were texting me like…

Um hmm.

…this is happening to everyone,25)regardless of, you know, who they are, and I think that’s the problem. Just my message is that people need to realize that the person they’re commenting on, regardless if they’re in the public eye or not…

Um hmm.

…is an actual human, and hiding behind a computer doesn’t make it okay.

About Family

Your Mom, I know recently she talked about this horrible health26)struggle she’s sort of gone through. How have you been able to sort of support her through it?

Um, you know, it’s hard. Because especially with something like Lyme disease注4, where they, not a lot of people know a lot about it, especially doctors, so they don’t really know how to help medical27)wise. And so it’s really hard for me and my28)siblings to know how we can help. Um, but I guess, just, you know, being supportive is the best way that we can do it. Um, and, you know, for example, she’s been in29)Korea for three weeks now working with a doctor there. And, um, just like, you can tell how much it means to her when I, you know, during my lunch break on a30)shoot will “face-time” her and talk to her about how my day’s going. And I think that, just like the little things like that is what’s helping her get through it.

After reading this interview, you can think about the following questions and discuss with

your classmates. And if you want, you can write back and share with us.

Q1: If your friend gets better marks than you in an exam, what would you do?

Q2: Have you ever written any comments on social media? If you have, what did you write?

Q3: If one of your family members gets sick, what would you do?

22) qualifer ['kwɒlɪfaɪə] n. 预选赛

23) social media 社交媒体

24) plus-size 特大号的

25) regardless of 不管,无论

26) struggle ['strʌgl] n. 斗争

27) wise [waɪz] n. 方法,方式

28) sibling ['sɪblɪŋ] n. 兄弟姐妹

29) Korea [kə'rɪə] n. 韩国

30) shoot [ʃuːt] n. 拍摄

注3:维多利亚的秘密(Victoria’s Secret),1977年在加州旧金山创办了第一间商店,其产品种类包括了女式内衣、睡衣及各种配套服装、香水化妆品,以及相关书籍等,是全球最著名、最性感的内衣品牌之一。

注4:莱姆病(Lyme disease),一种由伯氏疏螺旋体感染所引起的自然疫源性疾病和人兽互通病,神经系统损害为该病最主要的临床表现。参考译文
















