刘宏新,贾 儒,李彦龙,改广伟
刘宏新,贾 儒,李彦龙,改广伟
为实现一种作业与运输兼用型地轮机构的状态转换,针对其结构特点研究一种非端部支撑的新型液压支撑方案,以满足在有限的安装空间内实现大工作行程的要求。在建立该机构力学及运动学模型的基础上,通过几何关系及动力约束条件进行参数的区域逼近;确定液压缸安装位置和参数的可行域后,运用动态图形模拟摆梁步进旋转时机构的运动情况,观测参数取值域曲线的运动状态,得出与可行边界线的交点,从而确定在液压系统压力16 MPa条件下,安装臂长度175 mm,安装臂距旋转点357 mm,液压缸缸体长度为916 mm,缸体内径为71 mm。研究及样机试用表明,非端部支撑对置双缸体液压支撑机构能够满足地轮状态转换的需要,且具有结构紧凑、工作行程大的特点。同时,该研究探索并证实了区域逼近与动态图形求解法在解决此类机构的优化与参数求解方面的可行性与有效性。
机具的升降依靠双平行四杆结构的变形实现,共边杆3约束两立柱平行。综合考虑不同作物的耕深、机构的紧凑性和运输的稳定性,同时保证地轮机构作业状态仿形功能和运输状态安全性的条件下,确定上摆梁长度为750 mm,上摆梁旋转变换角度=[0°,53°]。高机动性宽幅农具通用机架平台拟应用于24行大豆密植平播机,根据机架与工作部件的尺寸计算质量,并考虑实际工作过程中的冲击载荷,确定单个地轮支持力1=1.47×104N。
a. 运输状态a. Transport modeb. 作业状态b. Working mode
1.地轮机构 2.机架
1.Land wheel mechanism 2.Frame
Note:representing transport direction.
图1 高机动性宽幅农具通用机架平台
Fig.1 High-mobility universal frame platform for wide-breadth farm implements
a. 常规支撑方案1
a. Conventional support scheme 1
b. 常规支撑方案2
b. Conventional support scheme 2
c. 非端部支撑双缸对置液压支撑方案
c. Non-end support scheme with two opposed cylinders
1.主支座 2.上摆梁 3.安装臂(杆) 4.套销 5.液压缸
1.Main support 2.Upper swing arm 3.Mounting arm(bar) 4.Dowel pin 5.Hydraulic cylinder
图3 支撑方案
Fig.3 Support schemes
2·l'−1·l'=0 (1)
已知条件和约束:l=750 mm;=[0°,53°],1=1.47×104N;根据地轮机构的结构限制,可确定机构允许液压缸最大使用外径1max=100 mm;根据液压缸缸体材料确定缸体材料的需用应力[]=100 MPa[25];根据压力来源确定1=16 MPa;为保证缸体安装合理应满足安装距离≥150 mm,即单侧安装距离l≥75 mm。
4.1 液压缸尺寸及安装位置的可行域确定
4.1.1 工作行程与安装距离比值的影响因素
l=(l+l)·sin37° (6)
l=l·sin37°−l(1/cos37°−sin37°·tan37°) (9)
l=l(1−sin37°)+l(1/cos37°−sin37°·tan37°) (10)
4.1.2 参数可行域的确定
l=(l·sin37°−l−l·tan37°) cos37° (16)
l=l−l·tan37°−l/cos37° (17)
注:点为旋转点;点为液压缸的安装点;⊙为销轴安装使用的可行范 围区;点为销轴中心点,即⊙的圆心;1为可行区的临界点;圆弧为点1运动轨迹;为上摆梁中心线;系列表示安装臂中心线,安装臂长度l∈[,],mm;系列表示缸体中心线;系列表示缸体上边缘,其长度l为单侧缸体长度,l∈[,],mm;系列表示缸体半径,mm,r∈[,];15为单侧缸体长度可能取值所在的 曲线;1155为单侧缸体的可行安装区;1155表示随着上摆梁的运动,单侧缸体长度可能取值点的运动轨迹所围成的区域,其中,4455为不可行区域,1122为可行区域,2244为不确定区域;3点为单侧缸体最长允许使用点。
Note: Pointis the pivot point; pointis the mounting point of the hydraulic cylinder; the circleis the feasible region of the dowel pins for safe operation;pointis the central point of the dowel pins, and the center of the circle;1is a critical point of the feasible region; arcis the motion trajectory of point1;is the centerline of the upper swing arm, mm;is the centerlines of the mounting arm, the length of the mounting arml∈[,], mm;is the centerlines of the cylinder;is the upper rims of the cylinder, with its length being the length of the one-sided cylinder,l∈[,], mm;is the radius of the cylinder, mm,r∈[,];15is a curve of the possible length value of the one-sided cylinder;1155is the feasible mounting zone of the one-sided cylinder;1155denotes the region enclosed by the motion trajectory of probable values of the one-sided cylinder length as the swing armmoves, the4455region is an infeasible region, the1122region is a feasible region, and the region2244is an uncertain region; point3is the maximum allowable point of the one-sided cylinder.
图6 目标优化解析
Fig.6 Objective optimization analysis
将1 max=100 mm代入公式(14),得到液压缸的壁厚≥7.5 mm,取整为=8 mm,因此缸体内径的最大值0 max=1 max−2=84 mm;
将0≤84 mm代入式(5)中,得到l≥121 mm;
点到5点距离=1max/2·+R=133 mm;
将l≥121 mm代入式(9),得到l≥285 mm;
将l≤221 mm代入式(5),得到缸体内径的最小值0 min=63 mm,因此确定缸体内径0的取值范围为0∈[63,84];
根据公式(16)和(17),并结合图6中各参数的几何关系,当取最小值121 mm时,取到最大值200 mm,取到最大值493 mm,因此确定l与的取值范围分别为l∈[75, 200],l∈[285,493];
将0 min=63 mm代入式(14),得到壁厚≥5.5 mm,取整为6 mm,则1 min=75 mm。得到缸体外径1的取值范围为1∈[75, 100]。
表1 参数可行域计算步骤及结果
注:1为缸体外径,mm;1为液压缸工作腔压力,MPa;0为缸体内径,mm;[] 为缸体材料的许用应力,MPa;为缸体厚度,mm;1为地面给予单个地轮的支持力,N;l为上摆梁长度,mm;l为安装臂的长度,mm;为点到缸体中心线的最小距离,mm;为安全系数;R为销轴半径,mm;l为液压缸的单侧安装距离,mm;l为安装臂到旋转点的距离,mm;为5点到5点的距离,mm;l为点到系列点的距离,mm。
Note:1is the outside diameter of the hydraulic cylinder, mm;1is the pressure of the hydraulic cylinder working chamber, MPa;0is the inside diameter of the cylinder, mm;[] is the allowable stress of the cylinder material, MPa;is the wall thickness of the hydraulic cylinder, mm;1is the ground supporting force of a single land wheel, N; lis the length of the upper swing arm, mm;lis the length of the mounting arm , mm;is the minimum distance between pointand the centerline of the hydraulic cylinder, mm;is safety factor; Ris radius of pin, mm; lis the one-sided mounting distance of the hydraulic cylinder, mm; lis the distance of the mounting arm and the turning point, mm;is the distance between point Band point D, mm; lis the distance between pointand point, mm.
式中为活塞宽度,一般为(0.6~1)0,mm;为活塞杆导向长度,一般为(0.6~1.5)0,mm;为活塞杆密封长度,由密封方式确定,mm;为其他长度,mm。其中,本文选取活塞宽度=0.80;由于双缸对置液压缸的行程较大,为减小挠度和保证稳定性,选取活塞杆导向长度=1.20;采用密封圈进行密封,确定活塞杆密封长度=10 mm;隔套和单侧缸体前后缸盖等其他长度=25 mm。
因考虑其经济性并减轻机构质量,首先期望缸体外径1取可行域的最小值,且因l与1成反比例关系,希望l长度取可行域内的最大值。经4.1.1节分析可知,希望l长度取可行域内的最小值。当销轴中心点到缸体上边缘的距离l(为正整数)值确定时,系列的位置一定,此时系列取最小值,即l=75 mm时,l取到最大值,l取到最小值。根据各尺寸的可行域,确定0∈[413, 498],即图6中以点为原点的1和5的横坐标值=413 mm,=498 mm。
4.2 最优参数确定
4.2.1 支撑方案平面运动机构建立
利用计算机辅助三维交互应用(computer aided three-dimensional interactive application,CATIA)草图约束动画模拟如图3c所示非端部支撑双缸对置液压支撑机构方案的运动情况,机构简图运动模型及对应的关键尺寸约束如图7所示[26-27],尺寸单位为mm。运动机构中固定件主支座、主运动件摆梁和安装臂为全约束,包括尺寸约束和位置约束。液压缸为运动件,固定约束两侧缸体和活塞的长宽尺寸。运动过程中缸体的安装位置固定不变,因此在草图中约束安装销轴中心与单侧缸体的端部距离l,如图7中的尺寸值75 mm。安装臂随上摆梁在[0°,53°]范围内做往复摆动,液压缸内的活塞相对于液压缸做伸缩运动,活塞的伸缩运动驱动摆梁的摆动,故摆梁运动的角度范围的端点值为草图约束动画的“参数”。利用上述的动态图形的方法对该机构进行虚拟仿真,观察其运动状态。该方法能够更加直观地反映机构的运动状态、方式,方便优化及修改方案。
4.2.2 最优解获取
a. 运动机构简图及尺寸约束
a. Motion mechanism diagram and dimension constraints
b. 临界点与曲线相交结果
b. Result of Critical point and curve intersection
Note: Pointis the pivot point; pointis the mounting point of the hydraulic cylinder; the circleis the feasible region of the dowel pins for safe operation;1is a critical point of the feasible region;is the upper swing arm;is the mounting arm;is the centerlines of the cylinder;3is the upper rims of the cylinder, with its length being the length of the one-sided cylinder, mm;3is the radius of the cylinder, mm; point3is the intersection point of the curve of the possible length value of the one-sided cylinder and critical point1during the swing armin motion.
图8 运动机构简图约束及其优化结果
Fig.8 Constraints and optimization result of motion mechanism diagram
由此确定单侧缸体长度为0==458 mm,l= 357 mm,l=175 mm,缸体外径1=85 mm,内径0= 71 mm。
5.1 虚拟样机仿真分析
根据优化结果及液压缸相关技术标准设计非端部支撑双缸对置液压支撑机构,各参数为:单侧缸体长度0=458 mm,单侧工作行程l=282 mm,缸体外径1=85 mm,缸体内径0=71 mm,缸体厚度=7 mm,缸体单侧安装距离l=75 mm,安装臂长度l=175 mm,安装臂距旋转点距离l=357 mm。
表2 支撑机构运动仿真模型运动副及分析要素
a. 仿真模型
a. Simulation model
b. 仿真轨迹
b. Simulation trajectory
1.左缸体 2.活塞杆 3.右缸体 4.右套销 5.右摆梁 6.主支座 7.中间套销 8.左摆梁 9.左套销
1.Left hydraulic cylinder 2.Cylinder rod 3.Right hydraulic cylinder 4.Right dowel pin 5.Right swing arm 6.Main support 7.Middle dowel pin 8.Left swing arm 9.Left dowel pin
Note: Point 1 is point1on the dowel pin, point 2 is pointon the upper edge of the cylinder, and refer to Fig.6.
图9 液压支撑机构虚拟样机仿真模型及轨迹
Fig.9 Simulation model and trajectory of virtual prototype of the hydraulic support mechanism
a. 扫掠包络体1分析结果
a. Analysis result of swept volume 1
b. 扫掠包络体2分析结果
b. Analysis result of swept volume 2
1.右侧液压缸缸体的扫略包络体 2.右套销
1.Swept volume of the right cylinder 2.The right dowel pin
Note: Swept volume 1 is sweeping spatial scales of the left cylinder, the left dowel pin, the right cylinder, and the right dowel pin relative to the main support in the process of the whole movement; Swept volume 2 is sweeping spatial scale of the right cylinder relative to the right dowel pin in the process of the whole movement.
图10 干涉仿真结果
Fig.10 Interference simulation result
5.2 样机试制及测试
a. 运输状态a. Transport modeb. 作业状态b. Working mode
c. 应用于24行大豆密植平播机
c. Application of 24 rows soybean precision parallel planter
图11 样机测试及工程应用
Fig.11 Prototype test and engineering application
2)针对本文地轮机构的结构及相关数据,液压支撑机构优化参数为:安装臂的长度为175 mm,安装臂距旋转点357 mm,液压缸缸体长度为916 mm,缸体内径为71 mm。
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Parameters solving and optimization of long working stroke hydraulic support mechanism using regional approximation and dynamic graphical solution
Liu Hongxin, Jia Ru, Li Yanlong, Gai Guangwei
(Engineering College, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin 150030, China)
As a result of substantial improvements in agricultural mechanization in China, large farm implements have been widely utilized. However, a problem has arisen concerning how to guarantee safety, effectiveness and convenience when such wide-breadth farm implements switch between road transport and operational modes. At present, there are 3 methods of resolution: Folded frames, which can be subdivided into supero-inferior fold, horizontal fold and lifting fold; a trailer for longitudinal traction along the girder of a wide-breadth farm implement; and combined double-frame agricultural implement with common mechanism for raising/lowering and rotating a lift frame about a vertical axis. Nevertheless, folded frames have complex structures and are expensive to manufacture; a dedicated shoring trailer has to be furnished, and field operation is very inconvenient; and the complex structure of combined double frames are more expensive. To address these technical problems, a high-mobility universal frame platform for wide-breadth farm implements, which can benefit operation and transport, was designed at Northeast Agricultural University. Its land wheel mechanism outperforms conventional land wheels on the frames of farm implements that only have depth-limiting and transmission functionality. The land wheel mechanism ensures easy tilling depth adjustment, good conformality, the ability to produce a large driving force, and convenient and quick switch modes. To realize the mode switching of land wheel mechanism for operation and transport purposes, a novel hydraulic support scheme was selected based on a part of trunnion mounted cylinder on a common rod. It adapted to the structural characteristics of the land wheel actuation device that required a long working stroke within a limited mounting space. Toward mechanics and kinematic models for this mechanism, support structure parameters were regionally approximated according to a spatial geometric relationship and subject to dynamic constraints. After the feasible region of the mounting position and dimensions of the hydraulic cylinder were determined, a dynamic graphical solution was used to simulate the motion situation of mechanism. As the swing arms rotated stepwise, the curve describing the cylinder length on one side was observed to find its point of intersection with a feasible boundary. The optimal solutions for the mounting position and cylinder dimensions could be determined using this information. When the hydraulic system pressure was 16 MPa, the length of the mounting arm was found to be 175 mm, the mounting arm was 357 mm away from the pivot point, the length of the hydraulic cylinder was 916 mm, and the inside diameter of the cylinder was 71 mm. The study and prototype trial indicate that the non-end supported opposed twin-cylinder hydraulic support mechanism enables the land-wheel mode to switch and is characterized by a compact structure and a long working stroke. The study also demonstrates that regional approximation and dynamic graphical solutions can be effectively used in the optimization and parameter solving for such mechanisms.
agricultural machinery; maneuverability; approximation theory; mode transition; long stroke; regional approximation; dynamic graphical solution
S220.2; S220.34
刘宏新,男,教授,博士生导师,研究方向为现代农业装备、数字化设计、CAD&CAE。哈尔滨 东北农业大学工程学院,150030。Email:Lcc98@neau.edu.cn
刘宏新,贾儒,李彦龙,改广伟. 区域逼近与动态图形法求解大行程液压支撑机构参数及优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(4):1-9. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.001 http://www.tcsae.org
Liu Hongxin, Jia Ru, Li Yanlong, Gai Guangwei. Parameters solving and optimization of long working stroke hydraulic support mechanism using regional approximation and dynamic graphical solution[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(4): 1-9. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.04.001 http://www.tcsae.org