
2017-03-21 13:19
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年4期








截至2017年2月5日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“城市(urban)”“地震(earthquake)”“防震减灾(seismic resistance and disaster reduction)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1004条与1618条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。









根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“城市(urban)”“地震(earthquake)”“防震减灾(seismic resistance and disaster reduction)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1004条与1618条为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。


根据Web of Science统计数据,以“城市(urban)”“地震(earthquake)”“防震减灾(seismic resistance and disaster reduction)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为1004条与1618条为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。

We calculate the probability of strong shaking in Istanbul, an urban center of 10 million people, from the description of earthquakes on the North Anatolian fault system in the Marmara Sea during the past 500 years and test the resulting catalog against the frequency of damage in Istanbul during the preceding millennium. Departing from current practice, we include the time-dependent effect of stress transferred by the 1999 moment magnitudeM=7.4 Izmit earthquake to faults nearer to Istanbul. We find a 62+/-15% probability (one standard deviation) of strong shaking during the next 30 years and 32+/-12% during the next decade.

来源出版物:Science, 2000, 288(5466): 661-665

Decorrelation of SAR data by urban damages caused by the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake

Yonezawa, C; Takeuchi S

Abstract:Large part of urban area of around Kobe city were damaged by the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake. For detecting the damaged area, the authors computed correlation coefficients from single-look complex ERS-1/ SAR data. Two types of correlations, intensity correlation and coherence were computed. Decorrelation was found in the damaged urban built-up area in the data pair of which interval included the earthquake occurrence. The similarity of the decorrelation between the intensity correlation and the coherence indicated that major factor of the decorrelation is closely related to interferometric processes, which results in the change of speckle patterns in the single-look intensity images. A normalized difference was calculated from the correlation coeffcients between the data pair including the earthquake occurrence and the pair before the earthquake. The distribution patterns of the pixels for which normalized difference was higher than a threshold showed good correspondence with the result of the ground survey. The result of this study indicates the possibility of detecting urban disasters using the decorrelation of SAR data.

来源出版物:International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2001, 22(8): 1585-1600

Earthquake damage assessment of buildings using VHR optical and SAR imagery

Brunner, Dominik; Lemoine, Guido; Bruzzone, Lorenzo

Abstract:Rapid damage assessment after natural disasters (e. g., earthquakes) and violent conflicts (e. g., war-related destruction) is crucial for initiating effective emergency response actions. Remote-sensing satellites equipped with very high spatial resolution (VHR) multispectral and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging sensors can provide vital information due to their ability to map the affected areas with high geometric precision and in anuncensored manner. In this paper, we present a novel method that detects buildings destroyed in an earthquake using pre-event VHR optical and post-event detected VHR SAR imagery. The method operates at the level of individual buildings and assumes that they have a rectangular footprint and are isolated. First, the 3-D parameters of a building are estimated from the pre-event optical imagery. Second, the building information and the acquisition parameters of the VHR SAR scene are used to predict the expected signature of the building in the post-event SAR scene assuming that it is not affected by the event. Third, the similarity between the predicted image and the actual SAR image is analyzed. If the similarity is high, the building is likely to be still intact, whereas a low similarity indicates that the building is destroyed. A similarity threshold is used to classify the buildings. We demonstrate the feasibility and the effectiveness of the method for a subset of the town of Yingxiu, China, which was heavily damaged in the Sichuan earthquake of May 12, 2008. For the experiment, we use QuickBird and WorldView-1 optical imagery, and TerraSAR-X and COSMO-SkyMed SAR data.

来源出版物:Communications of the ACM, 2004, 47 (6): 53-57

Ambient noise horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio in site effects estimation and correlation with seismic damage distribution in urban environment: The case of the city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece)

Panou, AA; Theodulidis, N; Hatzidimitriou, P; et al.

Abstract:The validity of the estimation of seismic site response characteristics from ambient noise measurements was investigated in the downtown district of the city of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece), which was strongly affected by the 20/6/1978 (M = 6.5) damaging earthquake. For this purpose 250 ‘single site’ ambient noise measurements were performed in a dense grid of points covering the center of the city. The ambient noise H/V spectral ratio for each site was calculated and the fundamental frequency (fo) and corresponding H/V amplitude level (Ao) were estimated. Contour maps of both, to and Ao, were compared with results from geological and geotechnical studies as well as with macroseismic data of the 1978 earthquake and were found to be well correlated. These comparisons provide strong evidence that ambient noise measurements properly processed with the (H/V) spectral ratio technique can be used as an inexpensive and fast tool for microzonation studies in urban environments.

来源出版物:Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2005, 25(4): 261-274

Tsunami damage investigation of built-up areas using multitemporal spaceborne full polarimetric SAR images

Chen, Si-Wei; Sato, Motoyuki

Abstract:This paper explores the use of full polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) images for tsunami damage investigation from the polarimetric viewpoint. The great tsunami induced by the earthquake of March 11th, 2011, which occurred beneath the Pacific off the northeastern coast of Japan, is adopted as the study case using the Advanced Land Observing Satellite/Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar multitemporal PolSAR images. The polarimetric scattering mechanism changes were quantitatively examined with model-based decomposition. It is clear that the observed reduction in the double-bounce scattering was due to a change into odd-bounce scattering, since a number of buildings were completely washed away, leaving relatively a rough surface. Polarization orientation (PO) angles in built-up areas are also investigated. After the tsunami, PO angle distributions from damaged areas spread to a wider range and fluctuated more strongly than those from the before-tsunami period. Two polarimetric indicators are proposed for damage level discrimination at the city block scale. One is the ratio of the dominant double-bounce scattering mechanism observed after-tsunami to that observed before-tsunami, which can directly reflect the amount of destroyed ground-wall structures in built-up areas. The second indicator is the standard deviation of the PO angle differences, which is used to interpret the homogeneity reduction of PO angles. Experimental results from after-and before-tsunami comparisons validate the efficiency of these indexes, since the built-up areas with different damage levels can be well discriminated. In addition, comparisons between before-tsunami pairs further confirm the stability of the two polarimetric indexes over a long temporal duration. These interesting results also demonstrate the importance of full polarimetric information for natural disaster assessment.

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and Remote Sensing, 2013, 51 (4): 1985-1997

文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Heightened odds of large earthquakes near Istanbul: An interaction-based probability calculation Parsons, T Science, 2000, 288(5466): 661-665 2 Decorrelation of SAR data by urban damages caused by Yonezawa, C International Journal of Remote Sensing, the 1995 Hyogoken-nanbu earthquake 2001, 22(8): 1585-1600 3 Earthquake damage assessment of buildings using VHR Brunner, Communications of the ACM, 2004, 47 optical and SAR imagery Dominik (6): 53-57 Ambient noise horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio in site 4 effects estimation and correlation with seismic damage Panou, AA Soil Dynamics and Earthquake distribution in urban environment: The case of the city Engineering, 2005, 25(4): 261-274 of Thessaloniki (Northern Greece) 5 Tsunami damage investigation of built-up areas using Chen, Si-Wei IEEE Transactions on Geosciences and multitemporal spaceborne full polarimetric SAR images Remote Sensing, 2013, 51(4): 1985-1997

Heightened odds of large earthquakes near Istanbul: An interaction-based probability calculation

Parsons, T; Toda, S; Stein, RS; et al.

防灾减灾 共迎丰收之季