
2017-03-20 09:20王功清
中国-东盟博览(政经版) 2017年2期

□ 文/本刊记者 王功清


□ 文/本刊记者 王功清



搭建平台 打造工业产业基地

近年来,随着“工业强市”战略的深入实施,东盟经开区软硬环境建设不断完善,投资环境得到了巨大改善,产业不断加速聚集、升级,形成独特优势,“洼地效应” 日益凸显。



真诚服务 助推企业转型升级





完善基础 营造宜居宜业优美环境




立足当下 打造国家级开发区

据初步统计, 2016年,东盟经开区规上工业增加值完成69亿元,同比增长13%;财政收入完成10.51亿元,同比增长11.93%;固定资产投资完成156.59亿元,同比增长14.77%;工业投资完成118.32亿元,同比增长14.25%;万元工业增加值能耗同比下降4.7%,超额完成全年目标任务;新增强优工业企业(产值5亿以上工业企业)11个。招商引资实现新突破,开发区共引进项目27个,总投资71.62亿元。一串串喜人的数字彰显出东盟经开区强劲的发展动力。





D riven by the successful holding of previous CAEXPOs, Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as GAETDZ), known as Wuming Overseas Chinese Farm in 2004, has been flourishing, and it was ranked by the Chinese government as a state-level development zone in 2013, evolving into one of the most promising ones of its kind in Nanning and even the whole Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

An industrial base

For the past few years, significant headway has been made in GAETDZ’s“software-hardware” infrastructure construction, investment climate and industry scale, as the development strategy of making Nanning stronger is being thoroughly implemented. Thus, GAETDZ’s unique advantages have taken shape, forming an increasingly prominent industrial cluster. Up till now, a number of Chinese and foreign wellknown enterprises have successively set up their branches in the zone: Budweiser Beer, Cargill, CNH, COFCO, Sinar Mas Group, UNI-PRESIDENT, Pearl River Beer, Yili, JDB Group, Shuanghui Group, etc.

At present, a distinctive development pattern comprising three competitive industries — food processing, biomedicine and machine manufacturing— has come into being; renowned and leading enterprises have been gradually built and put into operation, contributing to the completeness of industries and making relevant supporting services more improved; a food industrial park, which is the largest of its kind in Guangxi and throughout Southwest China in both scale and total number of brand enterprises, has been completed; and an industrial cluster, dominated by industry and supplemented with the secondary and tertiary industries, has been basically formed.

Services targeted at enterprises’transformation and upgradation

In GAETDZ, it is the top priority to cater to the needs of interested enterprises to enter the zone. “Our branch was set up in GAETDZ on November 28, 2012, and then was put into operation in August of the same year. Such growth is perceived by our peers as a miracle,” said Mr. Fang Shizhuang, president of Guangxi Zhuangfang Bio-tech Co., Ltd.

Another good example is that the construction of SCISKY S&T Industrial Park began in December 2016 after just seven months of preparatory work: The project contract was signed in May of the same year, the survey of acquired land finished in August and the four-party fund agreement signed in September. SCISKY’s accession to GAETDZ is a reflection of the idea of putting service first.

Over the years, investors’ satisfaction on GAETDZ has been dominating the top of the list of all development zones across Nanning. Of particular note is that GAETDZ will focus on combining regular visits with convenient services targeted at enterprises stationed in the zone in 2017.

An elegant environment for living and starting businesses

GAETDZ, guided by the idea of scientific planning, has been steadily committed to building a modern industrial park favorable for living and starting businesses in recent years.

Infrastructure continues to improve. With the investment reaching over four billion yuan, the total length of roads within the jurisdiction of GAETDZ exceeded 300 kilometers; multiple transformer stations have come into service; rain and sewage can be disposed separately by the drainage system; water can be supplied by water plants to given sub-areas; sewage treatment plant with annual handling capacity of 100,000 tons, pipeline gas network, cogeneration plant and digital park are accessible to the whole zone; service system integrating finance, communication, health care, education and business gets better with each passing day; and urban supporting facilities like bus station and food court have been built and put into use.

The local authority’s service quality has been enhanced significantly. Currently, the office of administrative examination and approval has been established in the zone, providing much greater convenience for items involved; in the meantime, online service platform has also been accessible to the public.

Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone

A promising state-level development zone

In 2016, according to preliminary statistics provided by the department concerned, GAETDZ’s industrial value added — above the designated size — reached 6.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13 percent; fiscal revenue totaled 1.051 billion yuan, a year-onyear increase of 11.93 percent; investment volume of fixed assets added up to 15.659 billion yuan, a year-onyear increase of 14.77 percent; investment volume of industry amounted to 11.832 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.25 percent; energy consumption rate of tenthousand industrial value added dropped by 4.7 percent compared with the previous year, exceeding the target for 2016; eleven newly-increased excellent industrial enterprises, with the output above 500 million yuan, were added; a total of 27 projects, with the total investment of 7.162 billion yuan, were introduced to the zone through investment promotion.

“We should energetically foster a new development system of modern industries, continue improving infrastructure and optimizing quality of service, and focus on the construction of major projects when comprehensively implementing the strategy of making Nanning stronger by virtue of industry, in an attempt to make the zone an ideal place for investment and house purchasing,” said Mr. Xiong Ruiguang, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of and Director of the Administration Committee of GAETDZ.

Guangxi ASEAN Economic and Technological Development Zone Develops in Tune with the Relevant Enterprises

Written by Wang Gongqing / Translated by Xu Zhiliang

吹响“冲锋号” 按下“快进键”——宁乡经开区深入开展“大干一百天,实现双过半”大竞赛活动