
2017-03-16 00:48
艺术交流 2017年3期


ZHENG Baizhong (Professor of Art Academy of Xiamen University, Painter from China)

海上丝路新篇章(中国画·纸本重彩)郑百重A New Chapter of the Maritime Silk Road (Heavy Color on Paper) by ZHENG Baizhong



In my preparation and sketches for inspiration, I traveled to different ports in Liaoning, Shanghai, Tianjin, Quanzhou,Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Yangjiang and Hong Kong where I visited various maritime museums and made careful study of the actual situation. Then I made up my mind to carry out creation in traditional Chinese paintings of green mountains and rivers in combination of contemporary Shanshui skills.

Narration in this painting starts from Quanzhou Port, passing along the Oriental Pearl—Shanghai Port, Diaoyudao and the Great Wall, and then to Nara, Japan, to Marina Bay Sands,Singapore, to Brunei,to the Palace of Malaysia. The center is dominated by the Indonesian Houses of Parliament where President XI Jinping put forward the new concept of Maritime Silk Road. Then I went on to depict Angkor Wat and Tanah Lot,especially the flourishing Gwadar Port in Pakistan thanks to China’s support. Along a route with Istanbul in Turky, Harbor of Piraeus of Greece, Barcelona Port in Spain and Venice of Italy, the convoy of Chinese Navy safeguarding the Gulf of Aden, which I expect to demonstrate a new chapter of mutual exchange between the countries along the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road in an all-round way.


FENG Lumin (Painter from China)

丝绸之路新篇章(布面油画)冯路敏、阳小毛、张延昭、燕娅娅The New Chapter of the Silk Road (Oil on Canvas) by FENG Lumin,YANG Xiaomao,ZHANG Yanzhao and YAN Yaya



As early as in the mid-2016, YANG Xiaomao had the blueprint of the painting New Chapter of the Silk Road,and by November of the same year, ZHANG Yanzhao and YAN Yaya had completed an 8-meter-long scroll of historical and humanist outlook. After the Spring Festival in 2017, I took over this job and elaboratd on the first draft so as to highlight

current outlook and key projects on the Silk Road.

As the Silk Road has functioned as the main connection passage of economy, politics and culture between the East and the West since ancient times, a panoramic view of this time-honored passage becomes the center of this painting. The first level of this painting is varied geographic features across a distance of 7000 kilometers, the second level is varied key projects in over 50 countries along the Silk Road, and the third level is the current humanist outlook. The China-Europe Train from Yiwu City to London forms a humanist stage on the Earth, and industrial workers from different countries becomes the center of the stage. In this complicated painting with a fixed theme, painters have adopted light yellow color to paint the center of the canvas while reducing the contrast in surrounding parts so as to highlight their focus and achieve a unified harmony of block colors.


Rémy Aron (President of Maison des Artistes of France)

丝绸之路(布面油画)雷米·阿龙Silk Road (Oil on Canvas) by Rémy Aron


Silk Road is a passage, a moving concept and expedition,which signifies the necessity to approach other countries,regions, nationalities and cultures. It is a common passage of inclusiveness. As far as we are concerned, such necessity is fully understood, but must be rooted into an artist’s own cultural ground. We hope to establish an everlasting peaceful and harmonious future in the global village and make sincere cooperation in common steps for people-to-people communication in the Silk Road spirits as well as for the great community of human destiny.


ZHOU Lianrong (Vice Dean of Guanzhao Ziran Academy of Chinese Gongbi Bird-and-Flower Painting)

不朽的传说(中国画·绢本设色)周莲荣An Immortal Legend (Ink and Color on Silk) by ZHOU Lianrong


My works An Immortal Legend is under the theme of poplar trees. As a perseverant and magic species, poplar trees are said to be able to stand on the ground for a thousand years without falling, and even if havingfallen down, they can stay uncorrupted for another thousand years. I deliberately made a change of branches of a poplar tree into a phoenix surrounded by a batch of birds,which embodied my expectation that such a phoenix as China will take the lead in bringing other countries into prosperity. As the tenacity of poplar trees has witnessed the whole course of the Silk Road, its spirit has become an important component of great national spirits of Chinese people, which has perfectly interpreted this immortal legend of the Silk Road for centuries and will be passed on forever.



Kawther El-Sherif (Artist from Egypt, Wife of Ambassador of Egypt to Bahrain)

海上丝绸之路(布面油画)夸瑟尔·埃尔·谢里夫The Maritime Silk Road (Oil on Canvas) by Kawther El-Sherif


This BIAB is a witness for integration of ancient and modern Silk Roads as well as China’s communication with the world. It has proven that Chinese culture, as an inclusive culture, is able to integrate trade, commerce and humanist exchanges as a perfect whole.As two time-honored civilizations, China and Egypt have both made great achievements. Nowadays, Egyptian people hold China’s development in great esteem.


Sun Yumin (Head of Chinese Gongbi Painting Art Research Institute of Academy of Arts &Design, Tsinghua University)

哥伦布的海上之梦(中国画·纸本工笔)孙玉敏The Navigation Dream of Columbus (Gongbi on Paper)by SUN Yumin


During the long development in human history, the Silk Road civilization has left profound footprints and resonant sound. People will be easily reminded of vast desert and long queue of camel transport. Along this Silk Road, beautiful silk, porcelain and tea as well as brilliant and time-honored Chinese culture have unceasingly come to meet the entire world. The Silk Road has not only promoted economic trade and development network between the East and the West, but also enhanced cultural exchange of mankind by disseminating Oriental civilization to the rest of the world and bringing Western cultures and civilization back to China. By linking China with the world in culture, this timehonored Silk Road has promoted human civilization progress,prosperity of human cultures as well as exchanges and friendship among countries.


Farahnaz Azarabadihagh (Artist from Iran)

梦想之路(布面综合)法拉赫娜兹·阿扎拉巴迪哈Road of Dreams (Acrylic and Batik on Canvas) by Farahnaz Azarabadihagh


How has the Silk Road evolved from a way of trade into a way of culture? Besides exchange in materials, the cultural integration has become a significant exchange when elements of different culture are combined together along this Silk Road. Furthermore,more ideas are spread along this Silk Road as a new way of communication. The spirits and values of the Silk Road have fulfilled human pursuit of spiritual merit, and we ought to bring it further in a certain novel formality. As a language of heart and mind, art has abundant contents and inspirations.


Garo Bernard André (Artist from Switzerland)

东方大 门的 奥秘 (综合 绘画 )加 罗· 伯纳德 ·安 德烈Mystère d'un Huis-clos Oriental (Mixed Media Painting)by Garo Bernard André



Artists always need to reflect their own cultural identity as well as connections between different cultures.Various natural landscapes of magnificence are key elements of all art works because in their creations, besides global views, I have witnessed the relationship between people, cultures and civilizations.

In the meanwhile, for the sake of future, I will observe the fragile relationship between humankind and environment through art works. Having adopted wood, stone, fir and marble as painting materials on canvas, I intend to showcase the normal caprice of the Earth as well as such unknown elements as power out of tsunami and volcano eruption in my works. Therefore, my position in arts is that our works shall not only reflect our personal experience, but also demonstrate the power of culture, as a typical language of expression.

以文化人 自然生成