
2017-03-16 00:48蒲波PuBo曹宇光CaoYuguang图片由中国文联文艺评论中心提供
艺术交流 2017年3期

文本刊记者 蒲波 Pu Bo 译曹宇光Cao Yuguang 图片由中国文联文艺评论中心提供

嘉宾与专家学者合影Group Photo of Distinguished Guests and Experts









From August 22 till 24, the 9thChinese Art Forum of Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan was held at Harbin. Jointly sponsored by CFLAC, China Literary and Art Critics Association (CLACA) and Heilongjiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles (HFLAC), this Forum, under the theme of “Literary and Art Criticism and Innovative Development of Chinese Literature and Arts”, involves various art disciplines such as literature, theatre, music, fine arts, Quyi, dance, folk arts, calligraphy, acrobatics and TV art. Focusing on such themes as the relationship of literary and art criticism with cultural standing, Chinese cultural tradition, dissemination and rejuvenation, and online literary and art development, experts and scholars from Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan gathered to share their viewpoints through keynote speeches and group discussion so as to make their own contribution to the prosperity of contemporary Chinese culture and arts.

Distinguished guests such as GUO Yunde and CHEN Zhenlian,vice presidents of CFLAC, LIU Guosong and SHI Ziqing, honorary member of the 10thNational Committee of CFLAC, WU Zhiliang,president of Macao Foundation, Tian Wenyuan, deputy director general of Publicity Department of Heilongjiang CPC Committee,FU Daobin, president of HFLAC and ZHU Ting, deputy director general of Publicity and Culture Department of Central Liaison Office in Hong Kong attended the opening ceremony and other events, along with the representatives from CFLAC, Ministry of Culture, Central Liaison Offices in Hong Kong and Macao as well as over 80 well-known experts, scholars, critics and artists.

GUO Yunde delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. As he expressed, in the respect of strengthening communication and coordination in literature and arts across the Straits and between Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao, exploring development principle of Chinese literature and arts, enhancing national pride and self-confidence in culture and promoting Chinese arts into the world arena, this Forum has played a positive role and exerted a beneficial impact. This Forum has become not only an academic platform to exchange artistic creation experience and deepen theoretic research and criticism among experts from different localities of China, but also an important bond to achieve friendship, consensus and common vision. In the context of globalization and in face of new challenges, how to elaborate, revitalize and inherit the traditional Chinese culture,and promote the innovative development of Chinese culture and arts, just as the theme of this Forum indicates, has become a hot issue as well as a pioneering topic in the development course of academic research in culture as well as literary and art criticism.As GUO Yunde stressed, Chinese nation is heading for a great revival and sufficient efforts must be made in the following two fronts so as to ensure the prosperity of Chinese culture. First of all, history must be retrieved to provide a profound elaboration of historical origin, development sequence and tendency, unique creation, values concepts and distinct characters of Chinese culture, to hold fast to the fundamental standing and gene of Chinese culture, and to bring the values of guidance of Chinese culture into full play. On the other hand, the current reality is the very starting point. More nutrition must be absorbed from the traditional treasure of culture and in combination of social practice and times requirement, then conveyed in a universal way.Those cultural creations in times fashion must be realized so as to come up with some milestone Chinese cultural products with in-depth historical connotation, contemporary Chinese expressions, common concerns and aesthetic of humankinds manifestation and significant positions in the global cultural arena.

论坛现场Scene of the Forum

郭动德致辞Guo Yunde delivered speech

As TIAN Wenyuan mentioned in her speech, this Forum has established a new platform for cultural and art exchange between Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as broadened vision and provided opportunities for literary and art workers and their cause in Heilongjiang Province. Exchange and mutual reference, as a key motivation for human progress as well as world peace and development, lead to the colorful brilliance of human civilization. As a golden key to open heart and mind,cultural exchange will bring people of different cultural backgrounds and ideologies into mutual understanding and appreciation. More achievement is expected from this Forum so as to facilitate a rapid development of Chinese literary and art criticism cause, and promote the prosperity of Chinese culture.

At this Forum, FU Daobin, MAO Junhui, ZHU Shoutong, JIANG Shuzhuo,WANG Weijiang, SONG Shenggui and ZHANG Zhiqing shared with each other their research achievement on the following topics: “Thinking Principle of Literary Criticism”, “Starting Elaboration from the Traditional-World Performing Arts”, “Relationship of Literary Criticism Subjects and Critical Essay Types”, “Expected Dialogue of Contemporary Literary and Art Criticism and Cultural Tradition”, “The Role of TV Programs in the Relationship across the Straits”, “Contemporary Art Criticism in China: Self-Awareness of Cultural Resources of Minority Nationality to Be Enhanced”and “Cultural Inheritance and National Image Establishment”.

On August 23, such experts as WANG Yonghao, LIU Guosong, YANG Chuntang, ZHANG Zexun, JIN Hao, YU Wenxiu, ZHONG Mingde and LU Weili respectively conducted an in-depth exchanges concerning the following topics: “Necessity of Criticism of Chinese Style”, “Renaissance of Chinese Ink and Brush Art”, “White Porcelain Box and Museum”, “Cultural Exchange across Time and Space—Colorful Sculpture Art of Guizi Grotto at Ancient Silk Road”, “Contemporary Aesthetic Appreciation of Chinese Classical Dance”, “Literary Survival in Material Age—Creation Theory of Women Writers Born in the 1970s and 1980s”, “From Artistry to Body Theatre: TAO Ye Provides for Discussion of ‘Verticality’” and “The Question of Chinese Schools in Theatre Analysis”.

On August 24, starting from their familiar domains and their pride in Chinese culture ,and in full expectation for Chinese cultural and art rejuvenation, all the participants realized serious observations and discussions about the innovative development of literary and art criticism and Chinese culture from the global perspective, and conveyed their profound love and persistent pursuit of traditional Chinese culture and arts. As ZHOU Youqiang, deputy director general of Literary and Art Criticism Center of CFLAC summarized, concerning the main theme, plenty of consensuses have been achieved so as to lay a sound foundation of fraternity for the ongoing discussion of Chinese cultural and art development, which is absolutely the most important outcome of this Forum. In a word, we all need to find self-recognition through communication across time and space.

华侨图书馆将建海外漂流站 让中华文化传播海外