Abstract:Idioms are the essence of language and the most important tool in humans communication. This paper aims to conduct a comparative study of affective idioms between China and English. A study of affective idioms can break new ground in the exploration of idioms. In addition, through there are differences in various respects, people from distinctive nations can communicate well with each other. It shows that there are intercommunication and translatability among different Languages. Thus, making a comparative study of English and Chinese Idioms is significant to the development of comparative Linguistic study and the smooth progress of idiomatic translation.
Key words:affective idioms;happiness;anger
At present, the abroad study of idioms is relatively mature. Many abroad scholars think the study of idiom can start from three aspects. This study mainly focuses on semantics, construction grammar and pragmatic function. In addition, Idioms are an important expression in modern Chinese. The domestic of idioms mainly focus on the three aspects: translation technique, the application of education and comparative study of idioms between English and Chinese.
Idioms play an important role in language, which bear special national culture. The origin of idioms is closely related to politics, history, custom, geography and religion. Affect is a part of human psychology. Affect is abstract, so people usually express emotion in order to lively describe something. There are so many affective idioms in English and Chinese. So this paper tries to find the similarities and differences of English and Chinese affective idioms. Also, it can make student further comprehend affective idioms by finding the cause of similarities and differences.
2.Definitions of Idioms between English and Chinese
Idioms are defined as syntax, consisting of two or more words, vocabulary and string of word with fixed voice, subtle semantics and special pragmatic function by McCarthy(1998). The definition of idiom was given by the Oxford English Dictionary is that a peculiarity of phraseology approved by usage of language and often have a special signification other than its grammatical or logical one. In the process of English development, English idioms are passed through phrase, which the long-term social practice refines.
In Chinese, idioms are a feature of Chinese traditional culture, has the fixed structure and certain significance. Most idioms originate in the ancient allusion, often differ from the modern Chinese language. Idioms are including Chengyu, proverb, Xiehouyu and inoculations. The most common Chinese idioms are four-word Chengyu and inoculations. In present study Chinese idioms are taken in their narrow sense, together with their typical and unique features, that is, four-character phrases with implied meaning rather than the assembly of the literal meaning of individual words.
3.Comparative Studies of Affective Idioms between English and Chinese
Similarities on the Affective Idioms between English and Chinese. At first, English and Chinese idioms all employ the gesture of body and orientation to express emotion. Chinese and English encode the orientational metaphors “happiness is up”, “sadness is down” and “anger is up” into these following idioms: “to get ones tail up”, “on the top of the world”,“兴致勃勃”,“兴高采烈”,“兴致盎然”. The “sadness is down” takes orientation as its source domain, such as “down in the dumps”,“to look crest-fallen”,“垂头丧气”,“黯然泪下”. “to throw ones eyes up”,“to burn up”,“to blow ones top”,“火上浇油”,“怒发冲冠” can prove “anger is up”. In the above examples, the characters “勃”,“高”,“盎”,“上”,“冲” and words “up”,“top” all maintain the meaning of up. “Down”,“fallen”,“垂”,“下” are used to express sadness.
Then, English and Chinese idioms use weather conditions to make up affective idioms. “On cloud nine”,“in the clouds”,“春风得意”,“意气风发” are used to express happiness. “With a face like thunder”,“a storm of anger”,“bolt from the blue”,“暴跳如雷”,“大发雷霆” are used to express anger. “Get the wind up”,“rain tear”,“泪如雨下”,“凄风苦雨”,“风雨凄凄” are used to express sadness.
Besides, English and Chinese idioms use behavior changes to make up affective idioms. Chinese can use “蹦蹦跳跳”,“開怀大笑”,“手舞足蹈”,“眉开眼笑”,“捧腹大笑”,“前仰后合” to express happiness. In English, there are “die laughing”, “smile from ear to ear”, “jump for joy”, “fall about laughing” and so on.
At last, English and Chinese idioms use psychological changes to make up affective idioms. People usually express a certain emotion together with psychological changes. For example, when people feel angry, their temperature will increase and heart rate will accelerate. Such as, “make ones blood boil”,“ones heart is in the mouth”,“怒火中烧”,“火冒三丈”. When people feel angry, their blood flow will slow down and they will feel cool. Such as, “make ones blood run cold”,“got hot and cold all over”,“胆战心惊”,“提心吊胆”,“不寒而栗”,“面如死灰”,“膛目结舌”.
4.Differences in the Affective Idioms between English and Chinese
To begin with, there are difference in happiness between English and Chinese. Kovecses(1991)claim, this metaphor may be partially concerned with birds, which are usually regarded as the symbol of freedom, and thus associated with happiness. In English, there is the metaphor “happy is being off the ground”, such as, “float/walk on air”, “on the top of the world”. But in Chinese, “being off the ground” is regarded as pride, such as “飘飘然”. This difference is caused by two different national cultures. English is open and frank but Chinese emphasize quiet and deep.
Secondly, there are difference in anger between English and Chinese. Anger is a state of negative feeling, generally including hostile thoughts, physiological reaction and bad behavior. In English, there is the metaphor “anger is liquid”, such as “ones blood is up”, “make ones blood boil” and so on. But in Chinese, there is the metaphor “anger is gas”, such as “氣势汹汹”,“气急败坏”,“怒气冲天”,“气愤填膺”,“气急败坏”. The western ancient philosophers believe that water is the origin of the universe. However Chinese ancient philosophers regard gas as the origin of universe and present that gas is foundation of life.
In addition, there are difference in sadness between English and Chinese. Chinese peoples emotion relate to internal organs by the influence of Chinese traditional medicine. But English usually think peoples emotion just relate to heart. So in Chinese, there are “肝肠寸断”,“触目伤怀”,“捶胸顿足”,“愁肠百结”,“愁眉锁眼”,“抱头痛哭” and so on. In English, there are “with a heavy heart”, “break/lose ones heart”. Whats more, English can use blue to express sadness, such as “feel blue”, “look blue”, “in a blue mood”. But Chinese dont connect blue with sadness.
Finally, there are difference in anger between English and Chinese. Chinese idioms are always associated fear with gallbladder, such as “闻风丧胆”,“提心吊胆”. Taoism have present that people have soul. So Chinese often use soul to express fear, such as “魂飞魄散”,“惊心动魄”,“惊魂未定”. But English dont have this expression. Chinese tend to use mouse to describe peoples cowardice, such as “胆小如鼠”. Nevertheless, English employ goose and rabbit to express fear, such as “to raise goose skin”,“to give someone gooseflesh”,“to make ones goose-pimpled”,“as timid as a rabbit”.
5.Causes of Similarities and Differences of Affective Idiom between English and Chinese
(1)Factors that Cause the Similarities
In the above analysis, affective idioms between English and Chinese share the Similarities because the two nations have shared similar physical and mental. People from all over the world have shared the similar emotions of happiness, anger, sadness and fear, and the cause of these emotions is consistent as a whole. People share the similar emotion, similar emotional reaction and similar way of illustration, so there is similar metaphor of affective idioms between English and Chinese. Although there are different race and nation, we still live on one world. The similar material world let us experience similar things.
(2)Factors that Causes the Differences
Religion is an important part of human culture. English mainly believe in Christianity, its culture and language are deeply affected by Christianity. There are some examples in the idioms: “God help those who help themselves”,“Man proposes,God disposes”. In addition,“as wise as Solomon”,“Noahs ark” are from Bible. However, Buddhism has the most impact for China. Therefore, there are many Chinese idioms from Buddhism, such as “借花献佛”,“平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”,“苦海无涯,回头是岸”,“放下屠刀,立地成佛”.
In the aspect of living environment, Britain is located in British Isles in Western Europe, is surrounded by sea, where fishery plays a major role in their daily life. Hence, there are many affective idioms about sea in English, such as “ white about the gills”, “to get the wind up”, “seek rocks ahead”. The weather of China is complicated, which make Chinese be conserved. Chinese pay attention to speak and act cautiously, so they prefer to use concise words to express complicated meaning, such as “巧舌如簧”,“笑里藏刀”.
In the aspect of conventional values, there are some differences in many sides because of different values. For example, China is a socialist country and advocates the spirit of collectivism. Britain is a capitalist country and promotes individualism. Chinese attach important to “一個好汉三个帮”,“众人拾柴火焰高”. English will pay attention to “self” and pursue becoming self-made human.
In the aspect of historical background, China has a history of over five thousand years, has formed inclusive thought system on the basis of humanity. Chinese culture is the mixture of ideology of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, has created deep and implicit national aesthetics. English has experienced three development stages: ancient English, middle ancient English and modern English, which has formed a relatively stable language now. It didnt only inherit the ancient Greek civilization, but also was endowed with strong Germanic characteristics. Freedom, competition, democracy consciousness were deeply rooted in English culture.
This study compares the differences of affective idioms of happiness, anger, sadness and fear between English and Chinese. English and Chinese share the similarities and differences together in some aspects. This paper makes us draw the conclusion that the similarities are more than the differences. The fundamental reasons of similarities are similar psychology and cognition between English and Chinese. However, the different religion, living environment, conventional values and historical background make English and Chinese affective show a little difference. This paper has broadened the understanding of affective idioms in a degree, meanwhile makes people better understand English and Chinese culture and make great achievement in communication.
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