Abstract:Idioms are the part of peoples daily life with strong national characters. And colors are closely related to peoples life. This paper has analyzed origins and classification of English and Chinese idioms, similarities and differences of English and Chinese color idioms and their causes. It can help English learners to understand and use color idioms, and learn Chinese-English cultural differences better to promote communication. Therefore, the comparison of color idioms between English and Chinese has realistic significance.
Key words:color idioms;culture;comparison
Idioms are the crystallization of human wisdom and they resulted from the accumulation of the cultural history of human beings. Color idioms not only have the meaning of the color itself, but also reflect cultural features of various nationalities. Correctly using idioms helps to promote culture exchange and national cultures embodiment. Therefore, exploring the comparison of idioms between English and Chinese has realistic significance. The comparative researches of idioms between English and Chinese have been attracting significant attention in recent years. There are not many comparative researches of color idioms by consulting literature. This study uses methods of literature research, method of comparative analysis and inductive method.
2.Literature Review
As part of language, idioms play an important role in language communication. British linguist Smith (1957) published Words and Idioms. At present, studies of idioms at abroad are relatively mature. These studies mainly focus on semantic aspect, syntax and pragmatic functions. Gemsbacher (1990) proposes that idioms can be strengthened with semantic in the process of comprehension of idioms. Tabossi (2009) puts forward acceptability syntactic structure of idioms. Fernando (2000) proposes that interpersonal functional characteristic of English idioms is daily communicational politeness.
Chinese scholars also have made a large number of studies. Luo Shiping (2005) summarizes idioms are comparatively fixed in structure. The meaning of idioms is not adding the compositional meanings simply. Tan Weiguo (2011) points out that present situation in translation of idioms, compares main strategies about translation, and emphasizes translation of idioms is based on understanding the meaning contained in idioms. Miao Changyi (2004) believes that idioms are a concentrated reflection of national culture and reflect different rhetoric techniques with briefly linguistic forms in linguistic system. Gao Xia(2001) points out Chinese idioms are more concise and easier to be recognized than English idioms.
Through literature review found that, there are a few studies of color idioms. So this paper intends to explore origins and classification of idioms, similarities and differences in color idioms, the factors that cause of similarities and differences in color idioms between English and Chinese, and find out the meaning in it so that more English learners can understand idioms culture better and promote English-Chinese culture exchange.
3.Origins and Classification of English and Chinese Idioms
Idioms are phrase and sentences that came into being for a long time. They not only reflect the geographic features of the country, but also embody the living customs, literature, history and religion. Idioms have a long history, and with the development of language, idiom has changed a lot. Some idioms are from natural environment and real life. People create idioms in the course of their lives and productive labor. These idioms are about nature, weather and color. Some idioms are from literature and allegory and the sense are reflected in the plot. A part of idioms are from religious cultures because religion is a special culture. Religion plays an important role in language learning. Some idioms are from myth because myth enriches the mine of literature. The names and places in myth has become part of peoples daily life. Without the understanding of idioms origins, people cant learn idioms well. In addition, learning classification of idioms is helpful to understand the connotation of idioms and use idioms more accurate. The broad idioms can be divided into phrases and proverbs. Idioms also can be divided into plant idioms, color idioms, animal idioms and so on.
4.Similarities of English and Chinese Color Idioms
Some color idioms between English and Chinese has the same meanings of their own colors. Such as Chinese idioms “昏天黑地”,“白纸黑字”,“黑灯瞎火”,“天下乌鸦一般黑” and English idioms “the pot calling the kettle black (壶笑锅黑)”,“swear black in white (黑白不分) ”. Black in these idioms expresses the same meaning of black. White in the Chinese idioms “白發苍苍”,“白发红颜” and English idioms “ face turned as white as a sheet(面无血色)” has the same meaning of white. In addition, yellow in Chinese idioms “面黄肌瘦”,“人老珠黄” and English Idioms “as yellow as a guinea(面黄肌瘦)”has the meaning of yellow.
Some color idioms between English and Chinese has the same meaning of emotions. For example, red symbolizes happiness in China. There are still idioms in English expressing the same meaning. Such as “Paint the town red(兴高采烈)”. While red in Chinese idioms “面红耳赤”,“仇人见面,分外眼红” and in English idioms “make somebody see red (怒发冲冠)”,“a red rag to a bull(义愤填膺)” expresses the same meaning of anger.
In addition, some color idioms between English and Chinese has the same meaning of living condition. Blue in Chinese idiom “筚路蓝缕”,“衣衫蓝褛” and English idioms “between the devil and the deep blue sea (进退维谷,左右为难)” expresses the same meaning of poverty. And Chinese idioms “紫气东来”,“被朱佩紫” and English idioms “a purple patch(顺境的日子)”,“born in the purple(生在富贵之家)” express the same meaning of wealth.
5.Differences in English and Chinese Color Idioms
5.1 Different Color Words with Same Semantics
There are some different color idioms with same semantics. For example, red in Chinese idioms “仇人见面,分外眼红”,“面红耳赤” and black in English idioms “as black as thunder(勃然大怒)”,“black in the face(气愤异常)” symbolize the same meaning of anger. Green in Chinese idioms “绿女红男”,“花花绿绿” and purple in English idioms “a purple passage(浮词丽句)” have the same meaning of gorgeous. Black in Chinese idioms “颠倒黑白”,“近朱者赤近墨者黑” and red in English idioms “a red light district (花街柳巷)”,“catch someone red-handed(逮个正着)” express the meaning of bad things.
5.2 Same Color Words with Different Semantics
There are some same color idioms with different semantics. Red in Chinese idioms has the meaning of luck. But red in English idioms has the opposed meaning. Such as “A red light district(花街柳巷)” and “Catch someone red-handed(逮个正着)”. Black symbolizes negative things in China, while it has different meaning in English. For example, black in “A black book(私人笔记本)” has the meaning of privacy. Blue in Chinese idioms only expresses the meaning of blue. Unlike Chinese idioms, blue in English idioms has many different meanings. For example, blue in “true blue will never stain(真金不怕火煉)” has the meaning of truth, blue in “blue-eyed boy(得意门生)” expresses honor and blue in “things look blue(事不称心)” has the implication of melancholy. Green in Chinese idioms expresses the meaning of green, such as “绿草如荫”,“柳绿花红”,“牡丹虽好,终须绿叶扶持”. But it in English idioms has a lot of different meanings. Green in “give the green light(得到许可)” has the meaning of permission and green in “a green horn(容易上当的糊涂虫)” symbolizes the meaning of naive. White in Chinese idioms has the meanings of funeral and poverty. Such as “红白喜事”,“一穷二白”,“白手起家”. White has the opposed meaning in English idioms. White in “days marked with a white stone(幸福的日子)” expresses the meaning of happiness, and white in “a white lie(善意的谎言)”,“a white spirit(纯洁的心灵)” has the meaning of pure. Yellow symbolizes power and luck in China. Such as “飞黄腾达”,“黄袍加身”. But yellow in English idioms “a yellow dog(卑鄙的人)” has the meaning of turpitude. Purple in Chinese idioms “鼻青脸肿” means a person got injured. And purple in English idioms “a purple patch(顺境的日子)”,“born in the purple(生在富贵之家)”,“raised to the purple(登上宝座)” and “marry into the purple(嫁到富贵人家)” has the meaning of wealth.
6.Causes of Similarities and Differences
6.1 Cause of Similarities
There are some similarities in color idioms because of the same cognitive structure. Most color idioms between English and Chinese have the meaning of their own colors. Such as “萬紫千红”,“花红柳绿”,“白发苍苍”,“绿草如茵” and “swear black in white (白纸黑字)”,“face turned as white as sheet(面无血色)”. People created color idioms based on these colors. In addition, some colors bring people the same feelings. For example, the color red excites people, and the color blue makes sad. So the Chinese and English color idioms have the same meanings sometimes.
6.2 Causes of Differences
As an essential part of humans life, religion provokes peoples behaviors and thoughts. Every nation has its unique religious culture. Buddhism has an effect on Chinese culture and language. And Christianity also influences English culture and language. Color idioms have the different meanings because of religion.
Different living conditions also influence the peoples images of color idioms. Colors are closely related to people's life. Idioms come from peoples life and catch up with peoples living conditions. China and England have the different regional culture because of different geographical locations and create many color idioms with regional features.
Different characters between Chinese and English people are reflected in color idioms. Chinese people are modest, so their expression in color idioms is implicit. Unlike Chinese people, English people are more outgoing so they express the color idioms directly.
The different traditional values also cause the different meanings of the same colors. On the one hand, the color blue has relationship with sea and sky in the eyes of many Chinese. Chinese people regard blue as an epitome of the whole nature. On the other hand, blue symbolizes melancholy in the eyes of English people.
Although there are mainly seven colors in peoples eyes, they constitute a colorful world. Different cultures give the different cultural connotations of the same color. Actually, color idioms are no longer the reflections of colors, but the abstract meanings of colors. So people need to promote cultural communication and enhance mutual understanding. At the same time, they should pay attention to symbolic meanings of colors in different cultures and emphasize the similarities and differences in color idioms between English and Chinese.
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