Abstract: We have always heard the sentence “What you say is what you are”. It is saying that the words you say are expressing your thoughts. However, in our daily communications, things are not always like this. The implication under the conversation may be far from the meaning of the words that used by the speaker. To talk about the interesting human interactions, we have to be acquainted with one of the most promising fields of linguistic studies ——pragmatics. Many linguists and philosophers have paid their attention on pragmatics. Among those geniuses, Herbert Paul Grice proposed the Conversational Implicature (CI for short) and the Cooperative Principles (CP for short). It was through the William James lectures he delivered at Harvard in 1967 that this theory first became known to the public.[1] Grice noticed that in daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. By understanding the cooperative principle better, we can figure out how to use Grices theory to help us to communicate with more pleasure.
Introduction: As we all know, the misunderstandings are produced in our conversations even though we are talking to each other with the exact same language. But there are still misapprehensions in dialogues. Only if we communicate well with others can we get along with others better. So it is quiet important for us to know how to speak and how to listen. The study aims to review the Cooperative Principle and its four maxims. By paying special attention to the violations of the CP, with the hope to help the readers know deeper about CP, the study concludes the different situations of the violations and the intentions of these violations.
Key Words: Conversational Implicature; Cooperative Principle; Violation of Maxims; Intentions of the violations
1、The Cooperative Principle and Its Four Maxims
Grice noticed that in daily conversations people do not usually say things directly but tend to imply them. And in this process, what is really happening in our mind is like the following: make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.[2] And this principle is known as the Cooperative Principle. In Grices view, Conversational Implcatures are deduced on the basis of the CP. The following are CPs four maxims[3]:
2、The Typical Violating Situations of CP.
2.1、For Language Humor
As we have seen in many sitcoms and dramas, the English humors are usually caused by the deliberate violations of the CP.
2.2、In Diplomatic discourses
The violation of CP and its four maxims can be always seen in the diplomatic discourses. It shows the wisdom of our countrys spokesman and in most situations, the violations are made on purpose for the countrys benefit.
2.3、For Politeness
The violation is sometimes for politeness. In our daily communications, we violate the CP and its four maxims form time to time. In some contexts, its for the aim of being polite. And based on the CP, British linguist Leech proposed the Politeness Principle in 1983.
2.4、For Figures of Speech
Grice also pointed out that the irony, the metaphor; hyperbole and meiosis are all the results of violation of the quality maxim of CP.[4]
The list of violations of the CP and its four maxims can be quiet longer than the above. To give just a few typical ones and through this well find that in actual language activities, the violations are the very frequent phenomena.
3、Intensions of the Violations
We all know that the explicit and clear expressions which go on under the CP can generate a delightful and efficient communication. Then, why are there violations of the maxims? The direct result of the violations is the born of Conversational Implicture. To gain better communication abilities, we need to know CI through the violation of CP. Or we call it the internal intentions of the violations. For the purposes of the violation can be varied in different contexts, this paper will analyze the intentions from the perspective of daily interactions.
3.1、The Violation of Quantity Maxim
The intentions of violation of quantity maxim can be the speaker is uncertain of his or her words or it is convenient for him or her to tell the whole story. Or he or she is trying to correct the former mistake by adding more explanations.
3.2、The Violation of the Quality Maxim
It can be associated with metaphor or the hyperbole. And it could also be the speakers stress of the topic.
3.3、The Violation of the Relation Maxim
If the speaker does not want to go on with the conversation, it is a good way to avoid the subject by saying something that is irrelevant to the topic.
3.4、The Violation of the Manner Maxim
The speaker wants to respond to the conversation but do not want to give the substantial answer.
The theory of Conversational Implicature has caught the eyes of many linguists and thus painted a new picture in pragmatics. There are the deeper studies of CI and CP which are called post-Gricean period. The significance of Grices CP lies in that it explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than is literally said. As the pragmatics focuses on the conveyance of meaning in the course of communication, CP is undoubtedly an important theory in this respect.[5]
Grices theory is close to our life. When we are talking to others or listening to others, if someone is talking to us in an unusual way, to say violating the CP maxims. It has the great possibility that the speaker wants to imply something. Paying attention to these interesting linguistics phenomena and making them an assistant in our communications is necessary.
[1] 胡壯麟,姜望琪. Linguistics: An Advanced Course Book [M]. 北京:北京大学出版社2002 P456.
[2] 胡壮麟,姜望琪. Linguistics: An Advanced Course Book [M]. 北京:北京大学出版社2002 P457.
[3] 胡壮麟,姜望琪. Linguistics: An Advanced Course Book [M]. 北京:北京大学出版社2002 P457-P458.
[4] 何自然. 语用学概论[M]. 长沙:湖南教育出版社 2010:70.
[5] 戴炜栋,何兆熊. 新编简明英语语言学教程[M].第二版. 上海外语教育出版社 2013.