s of Major Articles
Korea as a Mirror: Zhuism in Japan (JIN Xianghua)
The Korean peninsula had bridged China and Japan by introducing Zhuism to Japan for a long time in history. In the early period of Edo, Korean envoys carried the books written by Toegye to Japan. Wamazaki Ansai, who was the most important Zhuist disciple in that period, established a Zhuist School by studying the books written by Toegye. At the threshold of the 20th century, the Japanese Confucians held opposite opinions on Korean Zhuism and attempted to get rid of the Korean influence. The Japanese Zhuism thuspresented a complicated face.
The Noble Savage: An Analysis of the Idealized Nomads in the Ancient Western Literature (LIU Xuefei)
Noble savage is a modern concept, which refers to those uncivilized people who has not been corruptedby civilizations and is innately good and honest. But this view has existed since ancient time. In the eyesof some ancient Greek and Roman writers, Scythians as a nomadic people was depicted as the noble savage,whose prince Anacharsis enjoyed the natural simplicity of life, had a moral character, and was viewedas one of Seven Sages of ancient Greek. This idealized view was firstly put forward by Ephorus, then it wasechoed by many Greek and Roman writers in the Mediterranean world. The reason why they portrayed himthe noble savage was that they wanted to give the Greek and Roman civilizations a good example and criticizethe so-called corrupt civilized society.
On the Memory Shaping of Guangdong as“Cradle of Revolution” (YANG Lin)
During the period of the Beijing government, the Kuomintang tried to give prominence to the revolutionaryachievements of Guangdong and carried out a series of revolutionary commemorative campaigns. Beforeand after the Northern Expedition, the Kuomintang began to connect the significance of the“revolution”in Guangdong with that of the national revolution while“integrating”the revolutionary commemorations. Withthe success of the national revolution starting from Guangdong, the Kuomintang traced the origin of its revolutionand systematically reconstructed the historical memory of the “revolution”in Guangdong. During theproduction and commemoration of the anniversaries, the Kuomintang systematically shaped the revolutionaryhistory by cutting and simplifying the “revolutionary”historical events, and thus shaping Guangdong as a“cradle of revolution”.
On the Construction of Public Hygiene Mythology in German-Controlled Qingdao (LIU Liang)
In Qingdao’s public hygienic modernization process, the Chinese people did not fully enjoy the benefitsof the system. The German colonial government’s public hygiene facilities were not as advanced as peopleclaimed, but rather contained many deficiencies. However, people deliberately ignored the fact and insteadthought highly of the hygienic modernization. The underlying reason is that the Chinese elite in the modernperiod began to accept the Western public hygiene institution when the country was in jeopardy. They hadno time to consider whether these programs were suitable for China or not. Nor did they have time to takeinto account the real feelings of the lower class people. At the same time, in order to wash off the image of“Sick Man of East Asia”, they saw Qingdao as an important symbol of Western modern civilization andmodel of China’s westernization. Based on the above factors, the construction of Qingdao’s public hygienemyth was completed.
The Identity and Image Shaping of Hermit in the Song Dynasty (MAO Qin)
Chongfang is one of the four famous hermit in Song Dynasty, he repeatedly accepted the court's call,but often resigned from the mountains. It is of great significance to explore the universality and particularityof the hermit image in the Song Dynasty. The establishment of the identity of the hermit is the result of thecombination of self-identity and social identity. "Song history seclusion Biography" on the image of the imageof both the deliberate overstating, but also the pen straightforward, the shape of the image of the shapeafter a careful arrangement and treatment, to show the world a world outside the Supreme And the combinationof governance and the image of the country, showing a "hidden" and "Shi" combination of the image,and the formation of this image is a combination of political and science products.
Research on the Friendship between Weng Tonghe and Pang Zhonglu (SUN Ping)
Based on the traditional geographical, learning and business connections, the Weng family and the Pangfamily in Haiyu had maintained friendship for many generations. By carefully reading through the text ofWeng Tonghe Diary, this paper studies the friendship between Weng Tonghe and Pang Zhonglu, the two keyfigures of Weng and Pang families, from three aspects: political interaction, exchange of literature writings,and family contacts. It helps understand Weng Tonghe’s career, ideas, skills of maintaining human connections,and his interests and hobbies.
Liang Qichao’s Criticism against Wu Qi Jing (ZHANG Zhongmin)
Liang Qichao once published an unsigned article titled “Degeneration of The Youth”on Sein MinChoong Bou(新民丛报)which recklessly condemned a pornographic book Wu Qi Jing in the late Qing. Hiscriticism then evoked strong reactions from readers who pointed out the arbitrary, indiscreet and contradictorycharacteristics of his criticism. The radical The Continent (大陆报) even attacked Liang’s character.Thus it can be seen that liang Qichao’s every word and every action would attract readers’attention due tohis great influence on the intellectual circle in the late Qing.
Teacher-Student Relationship after the May Fourth Movement:The 1922 Lecture Notes Fee Unrest in Beijing University (JIA Qiwei)
In October 1922, a group of the students in Beijing University launched a student strike when the universityadministration decided to collect the lecture notes fee. Responding to the students' unreasonable attitude,Cai Yuanpei angrily resigned, which triggered an internal debate about Cai’s staying or leaving amongstudents. Later, although Cai was restored to his office, he began to lose the confidence of managingthe university. Cai’s experience reflected the fact that after the May Fourth Movement, the relationship betweenstudents and teachers had undergone a subtle change. Students gradually occupied a more powerfulposition in the university, while teachers and university authorities were increasingly disadvantaged. In thenational "new" trend, educators were caught in the dilemma of guiding students and catering to students atthe same time.
A Study of the Term Shift from“Western History”to“World History” (WANG Xing)
The world history discipline experienced the term shift from “Western History”to “World History”inmodern Chinese historiography. The turning point was the department adjustment in 1952, along with manychanges of disciplinary structures and ideas behind it. The shift was the result of the interaction of external and internal factors and reflected Chinese scholars' different understandings of world history. It witnessed theacademic transformation of modern Chinese historiography. By investigating the shift, it allows us to understandthe emergence and development of the world history discipline. It also helps build today's world historydiscipline.
The Faithful and Brave Professional Soldier ——— A Discussion on Russian Squad 's Education(CAO Wenming)
Russian squads appeared in the period of the military democracy of the Eastern Slavs, flourishing inthe Kiev Ross period. The implementation of squads’education depended on how Prince of Kiev Rossviewed squads. Initially, Prince and squads established the military ally relationship. They were Prince’sprofessional soldiers. Since Vladimir I, Prince and squads established feudal relationship, and squads becamethe political vassals of the great power. Squads’education was implemented in daily life. There were nofixed educational sites or subjects. The contents of the education included religion, court etiquette, and militaryeducation, in order to cultivate squads to be loyal, courageous, and professional military men.
Eye-witnessing: Henry VIII’s Representation and the Reformation Politics (ZHAO Bowen)
The English Reformation entailed a radical revision of Henry VII’s monarchical images. After The Actof Supremacy was proclaimed, Henry VIII and his court servants employed many artists to create paintingsand miniatures to manifest his supremacy. Apart from supremacy, these works also reflected some ideasabout what Henry VIII wished his country to be. Meanwhile, they reflected political reality and popular culturetrends. By analyzing these materials, we could have a better understanding of the English Reformationpolitics.
A Comparative Study on Anti-Corruption Regulations between The Le Code and The Great Ming Code(PHAN Ngoc Huyen)
The Le Code and The Great Ming Code are two important codes of the Le Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty.The regulations on corruption and bribery in The Le Codeand The Great Ming Code had somethingin common, although the two codes were different in other aspects, such as the number of regulations, theadjustment of violations, and the punishment level. This article compares the punishment regulations againstofficials’corruption between The Great Ming Code and The Le Code, in order to deeply investigate the anti-corruption policies in Vietnamese and Chinese history in themedieval period.
The Transformation of George III’s Image in His Latter Reign (YU Yumin, XIA Zhengwei)
In modern British history, few monarchs have received more abuses and criticisms than George III fromboth historians and ordinary people. But this kind of negative attitude mainly originated from George’s politicalactivities in his early reign. George III’s domestic image had undergone great changes since Pitt theYounger became prime minister. George III became quite popular among British people and was seen as akind patriarch and the symbol of the British nation. This transformation of George III’s image arose fromboth George’s personal endeavor and some breaking events in contemporary British history, for example, thegreat impact of the French Revolution.
A Preliminary Study on Corset in Victorian Britain (SONG Xuening, LIU Jinyuan)
Corset was widely applied to women in Victorian Britain. This kind of dress which deformed women’snatural body was favored by British women in all classes, and became a popular fashion in the early andmiddle period of Victorian Era. However, In the latter Victorian era, women’s corset faded away and finallydisappeared in the 20th century, as a result of the criticisms from doctors, the spread of feminism and thedress reform movement. Corset was a mixed product of the aesthetic ideal constructed by males, the unequalgendered division of labor, and the cultural advantage of the upper-class, which reflected the subjugation ofwomen in the patriarchal society. And the final success of dress reform movement reflected the awakening ofwomen’s subjective consciousness and the rising status of women in Britain.
The Relations between the United States and France in the Vietnam War 1961-1965———A Study on de Gaulle’s“the Neutralization of Vietnam”Plan (LI Yunyi)
When Charles de Gaulle was back in power in 1958, he wanted to rebuild France’s “grandeur”byforeign policy. After the Algerian War, de Gaulle proposed“the Neutralization of Vietnam”, a political solution,which could decrease the Chinese and American influences in this area, to terminate the Vietnam War.However, because of the bipolar system in the Cold War, although an image of France which was independentfrom the U.S. was built by this proposition and facilitated France’s diplomacy in the Third World,“the Neutralization of Vietnam”fell down in 1965 and worsened the French-American relation, which reflectedthe particularity of French foreign policy in the Cold War.