
2017-02-17 02:55武爱彬赵艳霞
农业工程学报 2017年2期




(河北省科学院地理科学研究所,石家庄 050021)



0 引 言



1 研究区域和研究方法

1.1 研究区概况

坝上高原位处河北省北部,内蒙古高原的东南缘(114°35′~116°45′E,41°00′~42°20′N),如图1所示,为中国北方干旱与半干旱、农区与牧区接壤的过渡地带,是京津境内众多河流的发源地及上游所在地,也是京津等地的重要沙源地。坝上高原东西约330 km,南北约212 km,总面积约18 967 km2。海拔1 100~2 200 m,受蒙古高压的长期控制,气候特征为低温、少雨、多风、高蒸发,年平均温度2~5 ℃,年均降水量330~460 mm。土壤质地主要为沙质和黏质土,西部土壤类型以栗钙土为主,东部主要为灰色森林土。行政区域包括张家口市的张北县、康保县、沽源县、尚义县全部区域和承德市的丰宁满族自治县、围场满族蒙古族自治县部分区域。至2014年末研究区域总人口约200.67万人,国民生产总值约387.99亿元。

1.2 生态用地分类体系


表1 坝上高原生态用地统一分类体系

1.3 数据来源与处理

本研究采用的土地覆被数据来源于中国科学院资源环境科学数据中心,为1990、1995、2000、2005、2010和2015年中国1:10万比例尺土地利用现状遥感监测解译数据[24],该解译数据对全国LUCC (land use/cover change)共划分了6个一级类,25个二级类,从中提出研究需要的生态用地类型。该解译数据栅格大小为1 000 m× 1 000 m,根据栅格数量可计算出生态用地面积。研究区域1990-2015年期间研究区域生态用地分布如图2所示。

1.4 土地利用转移速率和动态度







1.5 生态系统服务价值




谢高地等2008年在Costanza生态系统服务功能分类的基础上,结合中国实际情况构建了一种基于专家知识的生态系统服务价值化方法[27],该方法将农田生态系统粮食生产的服务价值定义为1,其他生态系统服务价值与农田生态系统粮食生产的服务价值的比值即为该生态系统的当量因子,并在2015年进行了修订和补充,建立了不同生态系统类型、不同生态服务功能价值的时间和空间动态评估方法[28]。本研究借鉴该研究方法和研究成果,计算归纳得出坝上高原区生态用地生态系统服务价值当量因子表,如表2所示。考虑到实际应用中难以完全消除人为因素的干扰,准确衡量出农田生态系统自然条件下粮食生产的服务价值[28],本研究中将1 hm2农田生态系统粮食生产的净利润作为替代。依据统计数据[29-30]计算得到坝上高原区的农田生态系统粮食生产的服务价值在1990、1995、2000、2005、2010和2015年分别为273.50、424.60、711.00、1 236.80、1 945.50和2 496.00元/hm2。

表2 坝上高原区生态用地单位面积生态系统服务价值当量因子

2 结果与分析

2.1 生态用地格局演变的基本特征


2.2 生态用地转移特征

2.2.1 生态用地转移速率与动态度


表3 坝上高原1990-2015年生态用地转移速率及动态度

2.2.2 生态用地转移类型

各土地利用类型保持自身面积不变的比例即保留率,可比较分析不同土地利用类型在研究时段内的稳定性情况[32],某一土地利用类型保留率越大,其空间稳定性也越大,在区域尺度上更有利于景观自身功能和过程的正常运行与多样性的维持。利用ArcGIS软件的Tabulate Area工具将研究区域1990年和2015年生态用地分布图叠加分析后,统计结果如表4所示。在1990-2015年期间,林地的保留率最高,达到了63.22%,其次为草地和湿地,保留率分别为41.23%和34.88%,其他生态用地的保留率最低,仅为11.90%,说明在研究期间,林地的空间稳定性最好,其次为草地和湿地,其他生态用地稳定性最差。


表4 坝上高原地区1990-2015年生态用地转移

2.3 生态用地生态系统服务价值变化特征



表5 坝上高原区1990-2015年生态用地生态系统服务价值变化

3 结 论





4)研究期间生态用地生态系统服务价值由1990年的46.01亿元,上升到2015年的428.26亿元,增加了8.31倍,主要是由于生态系统服务价值标准当量从1990年的273.50元提高到2015年的2 496.00元,提高了8.13倍。应当继续加强生态防护林建设,采取生物恢复技术、人工补水,科学禁牧、休牧、轮牧,调整产业结构等措施恢复和增加林地、湿地和草地的生态系统服务功能。


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Analysis of ecological land pattern evolution and ecosystem service value in Bashang plateau

Wu Aibin, Zhao Yanxia


Ecological land is of great significance in safeguarding important ecological processes and providing essential ecosystem services, and the classification and evaluation of the ecosystem services of ecological land have become increasingly important in recent years. In order to change the trend of ecological land loss caused by blind economic development and to improve the regional pattern for ecological security, it is necessary to study the rational allocation of the quantitative structure and the spatial patterns of ecological land. Based on land use data of Bashang plateau in 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010 and 2015, GIS (geographic information system) technology was used to analyze ecological land pattern evolution and ecosystem service values of Bashang plateau. The results were as follows: (1) The ecological land in Bashang plateau was classified into 4 types (forest, grassland, wetland and other ecological land) and 15 sub-types; the quantity of ecological land decreased from 904 500 to 881 800 hm2during 1990- 2015 due to the decreased grassland and wetland and the increased forest and other ecological land. The quantities of forest and other ecological land increased from 275 000 and 8 300 to 324 900 and 11 300 hm2respectively, and meanwhile the quantities of grassland and wetland decreased from 501 500 and 119 700 to 437 300 and 108 300 hm2respectively. (2) The transfer rates of forest, other ecological land, grassland and wetland were 1.45%, 0.73%, -0.51% and -0.38% from 1990 to 2015, respectively. The dynamic degree during 1990-2000 was -0.50%, while it was 2.43% during 2000-2015, which indicated that the activity degree of ecological land in 2000-2015 was much higher than that in 1990-2000. The decrease of grassland and the increase of forest land accelerated, while the reduction of wetland slowed down, and other ecological land change increased. All of these were mainly due to a series of key ecological projects that were carried out in Bashang plateau to control sandstorm source of Tianjin and Beijing, which have led to the rapid growth of forest; meanwhile, as the climate of Bashang plateau tended to be dry after entering 21 century, as well as the unreasonable utilization of grassland and wetland resources, the areas of grassland and wetland decreased. (3) The retention land rates of forest, grassland, wetland and other ecosystem land in the study area were 63.22%, 41.23%, 34.88% and 11.90% respectively, indicating that the spatial stability of forest was the best, followed by grassland and wetland, and the stability of other ecological land was the worst. The ecological evolution process was mainly concentrated in the transfer from grassland to non-ecological land and forest, the transfer from forest to grassland, the transfer from wetland to non-ecological land and the transfer from non-ecological land to grassland and forest. The transfer from non-ecological land to grassland and forest land showed that the series of ecological construction projects had achieved initial success. (4) The ecosystem service values of ecological land decreased from 46.01×108yuan in 1990 to 428.26×108yuan in 2015, enlarged by 831%. The average annual growth rate of ecosystem service values increased from 15.82% during 1990-2000 to 17.37% during 2000-2015. The forest ecosystem service values were the maximum, while the other ecological land ecosystem service values were the minimum. We should continue to strengthen the construction of ecological nature preserves, use biological recovery technology and artificial replenishment such as scientific grazing, adjust the industrial structure and use other measures to restore and increase the forest, wetland and grassland ecosystems.

ecosystem; land use; geographic information systems; ecological land; pattern evolution; service value; Bashang plateau


P964; Q149






武爱彬,男,河北石家庄人,助理研究员,主要从事区域生态学、遥感与地理信息等方面的研究。石家庄 河北省科学院地理科学研究所,050021。Email:wu.ai.bin@163.com

武爱彬,赵艳霞. 坝上高原生态用地时空格局演变与生态系统服务价值分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):283-290. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.039 http://www.tcsae.org

Wu Aibin, Zhao Yanxia. Analysis of ecological land pattern evolution and ecosystem service value in Bashang plateau[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 283-290. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.039 http://www.tcsae.org

Laughing song