
2017-02-17 02:55王春玲宋卫堂赵淑梅曲明山
农业工程学报 2017年2期




(1. 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 塔里木大学水利与建筑工程学院,阿拉尔 843300;3. 农业部设施农业工程重点实验室,北京 100083;4. 北京市农业局土肥工作站,北京100029)

H型立体栽培架是目前在生产中应用较广的一种草莓立体栽培装置。针对草莓立体栽培过程中产生的遮光和植株生长不良等问题,该研究提出将两层和三层的H型栽培架进行不同组合,通过在日光温室中设置两层+两层(T1)、两层+三层交替(T2)、三层+三层(T3)的H型栽培架的3种布置组合方式,比较不同组合处理下草莓的光照环境、生长及产量的差异。结果表明:T1上、下层草莓的光照条件最佳,T2次之,T3最差;试验期内,T1上层的草莓达到光饱和点(light saturation point,LSP)的时间比T2增加了40.0%,并且T1上、下层草莓达到光补偿点(light compensation point,LCP)的时间分别比T2中两层栽培架的上、下层增加了9.3%和21.3%;T1处理草莓的生长状况最佳。T1的单元产量最高,为50.8 kg,分别比T2与T3的单元产量提高了2.8%和33.7%。因此,日光温室内H型栽培架以两层与两层相邻的布置方式较适合用于草莓的立体栽培,可在生产中推广应用。


0 引 言


在立体栽培模式的开发和使用过程中,人们对各种模式的环境特点、草莓生长状况进行了研究,同时也进行了相应地改进和调整[11-14]。宗静等[15]通过对草莓双层高架栽培模式的气象条件进行测试,发现下层的温、光条件都较上层差,上层草莓可提前13 d进行采收。张豫超等[16]对3种草莓立体栽培架的生产性能进行了比较研究,明确了单层双列架型操作最便捷,双层品字形架型投入产出比最优,四层阶梯形架型适合草莓立体观光采摘。杨振华[17]认为A型槽架式与立柱式栽培模式经济效益高于高畦栽培。陈一飞等[18]研发了一种日光温室草莓立体栽培的智能控制系统,该系统可以使草莓的挂果期比传统种植方式平均提前40 d,产量平均提高33%。


1 H型栽培架

1.1 栽培架结构

如图1,H型栽培架由栽培支架、栽培槽、进水管、回水管等组成。栽培架长6 m,宽0.4 m,南北向放置于日光温室内,其中栽培支架是由直径20 mm的镀锌钢管焊接而成,为整个栽培架的骨架结构,侧面呈H型;栽培槽由卡子固定于栽培骨架各层上,其结构从外向内依次由黑白膜(正、反面分别为黑、白两色的聚乙烯薄膜)、无纺布、防虫网、基质组成;进水管安装在栽培架北部,回水管在南部,栽培架由北向南有5°~10°的倾角,以利于多余的水和营养液流出。图1a、1b分别为三层和两层的H型栽培架。三层栽培架仅比两层栽培架多一层栽培槽,其他结构相同,具体尺寸如图2。

a. 三层

a. Three layers

b. 两层

b. Two layers

1.栽培支架 2.栽培槽 3.进水管 4.回水管 5.草莓植株

1.Cultivation structure support 2.Cultivation trough 3.Water inlet pipe 4.Water return pipe 5.Strawberry

图1 不同层数H型栽培架示意图

Fig.1 Sketch map of different H-cultivation layers

1.2 两种栽培架的三种布置组合

2种栽培架的组合分为两层与两层相邻布置(T1)、两层与三层交替布置(T2)、三层与三层相邻布置(T3)三种,如图2。两层栽培架的总高度为95 cm,三层栽培架的总高度为160 cm;栽培槽厚度为20 cm,相邻两层的间距为65 cm,最下层距地面30 cm;相邻两栽培架的间距为60 cm[20]。

2 试验材料与设计

2.1 试验条件

本试验于2015年8月至2016年4月在北京市昌平区兴寿镇的一个日光温室内进行,温室东西长度为100 m,南北跨度为8 m。草莓品种为“红颜”,定植日期为2015年8月29日,株距为20 cm,行距为30 cm。每个栽培槽定植两列,共60株草莓。

2.2 试验设计


表1 不同栽培架组合中栽培槽的位置编号

采用顺序排列的试验设计方法。根据试验设计,将S-LIA-M003型光照传感器布置于试验区每个栽培架各层的中部、基质上方约25 cm的位置,进行草莓冠层光合有效光量子流密度(photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD)的测量。

待草莓缓苗后,在每个处理试验区栽培架的每层上,选择植株健壮、长势一致的草莓24株进行标记。2015年10月5日开始对标记的草莓的株高和叶片叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development,SPAD)值进行测量。叶绿素相对含量测量方法:采用SPAD-502便携式叶绿素测量仪[21],选择草莓新叶外第3片叶进行测量,测量时应避开叶脉,每个叶片测量3次取平均值。草莓成熟后测量草莓的单株果实个数、平均单果质量、单株产量,测试时间为:2016年1月15日-2016年4月15日。

采用SPSS20.0软件对数据进行单因素方差分析,显著性由Duncan新复极差法检测,采用Excel 2010进行数据处理。

3 试验结果与分析

3.1 不同处理栽培架上的光环境特点

为使数据具有代表性,选择典型天气的光照数据进行分析。图3是2016-03-02-2016-03-05(4 d)中T2和T3中的三层栽培架上、中、下各层的光照数据,其中3月4日为阴天。由图3可以看出,2个处理中的栽培架中各层草莓冠层的PPFD曲线走势基本一致,但在4 d内的相同时刻中2S、2Z、2X的草莓冠层PPFD值均高于3S、3Z、3X。以3月2日为例,2S达到草莓光饱和点[22](light saturation point,LSP)377.4~566.0mol/(m2·s)的时长比3S长约250 min;2Z达到LSP的时长约为240 min,而3Z的全天光照都在LSP以下;此外,2X达到草莓光补偿点[22](light compensation point,LCP)94.3~188.7mol/(m2·s)的时长约为230 min,但3X的光照全天都在LCP以下。以上结果说明,T3与T2相比,栽培架增加一层会使其中、下层的光照受到了较大程度的遮挡,不利于草莓的生长。

a. T2三层处理中上、中、下各层的PPFD曲线图

a. PPFD curves of each layer of treatment T2

表2是3月12—13日2 d内T1和T2中的两层栽培架上、下层的光照情况。可以看出T1上、下两层2 d内达到LSP和LCP的时长均大于T2上、下层。累积计算2 d的LSP,结果显示:1U的草莓冠层达到LSP的时长比2U增加了40%;1L、2L达到LSP的时长分别为100、0 min。1U、1L草莓冠层达到LCP的时长分别比2U、2L增加了9.3%、21.4%。因此,T1处理比T2处理的光照环境更佳。

表2 T1与T2中两层不同布置方式的各层光照环境(2016-03-02—03-13)


Note: LSP represents light saturation point, LCP represents light compensation point; cumulative acquisition time is 7:00-19:00 each day.

3.2 不同处理草莓的生长指标



由图4c可以看出,1U与1L的草莓SPAD值无显著性差异,均分别显著高于2U与2L。说明在两层栽培架中,同一处理栽培架上、下层之间草莓的SPAD 值无显著性差异;相同层之间T1与T2处理相比,能显著地提高草莓的SPAD。图4d显示,T2和T3处理的上、中层草莓的SPAD高于下层的。其中2S、2X为30.3、25.2高于3S、3X的29.6、24.7,且有2Z的27.9显著高于3Z的25.7。说明T2的三层栽培架与T3相比,各层草莓的叶绿素含量均有所提高,反映了T2的草莓生长状况在某种程度上优于T3。

3.3 不同处理草莓的产量及效益


表3 T1、T2处理两层栽培架上各层草莓的产量指标


Note: Same columns with the different small letters indicate that there is significant difference on strawberry yield index between different sites, and significant level is 0.05, the same as below.

表4 T2、T3处理三层栽培架上各层草莓的产量指标

从表3可以看出,1U、1L的单株产量分别显著高于2U、2L,增加量为94.3、38.9 g;同时1U、1L的单株果实个数也分别显著高于2U、2L,产生此种现象主要是由于T2处理中三层栽培架对光照的遮挡所造成。平均单果质量均是上层显著高于下层,并且T1大于T2。由此可见T1处理较T2处理显著地增加了果实的单株产量和单株果实个数,但2个处理对果实的平均单果质量无显著性影响。此外,从表4中可以看出2S、2Z、2X的单株果实个数和单株产量分别显著高于3S、3Z、3X,表现出此差异的主要原因是:T2的两层与三层栽培架交替布置,光照条件在一定程度上优于T3处理的全部三层栽培架的布置方式。T1处理的草莓单株产量和单株果实个数高于其他处理,T3处理草莓产量的相关指标最差,但是其单位土地面积上的种植密度最大。因此,需进一步测试和计算单元面积上各处理草莓的产量和成本,以确定较优的布置组合。

根据不同处理组合中定植的草莓株数,计算试验期间内草莓总产量、经济效益、栽培架成本。每个处理由2个栽培架为组成单元,因此,以每个处理的2个栽培架为计算单位,占地面积为8.4 m2。栽培架按照10 a的使用年限来计算。3个处理的草莓总产量及栽培架年成本如表5。试验期内为草莓产量形成的主要时间段,其平均价格约为60元/ kg,由表可知3个月内T1、T2、T3的收益分别约为3 048、2 964、2 280元。由此可知,所获收益远大于栽培架年成本消耗,因此3个处理的效果可直接通过其产量进行比较分析。

表5 T1、T2、T3处理试验期间草莓的总产量及成本

注:每个处理单元的总产量所占面积为8.4 m2,试验测产期为2016-01-15-2016-04-15。

Note: The total area of each treatment unit is 8.4 m2, the yield test was measured from 2016-01-15-2016-04-15.

从表5可以看出,T1的栽培密度最低,但其单元产量在试验期间内最高,为50.8 kg,同时其年消耗成本最低。T1虽较T2栽培密度减少了,但总产量却提高了2.8%;T3的种植密度虽然最大,但其平均单株产量最低。T1平均单株产量较T3增加了100.3%,试验期内T1的草莓总产量较T3增加了33.7%。由此可知3个处理中T1是最适合于草莓栽培的布置方式。

4 结 论




3)试验期间T1的单元总产量最高为50.8 kg,分别比T2、T3处理的单元总产量提高了2.8%、33.7%。

因此,在长度100 m,跨度8 m的日光温室内,H型栽培架以两层与两层相邻的布置方式可使草莓的光环境达到较佳,生长较适宜,同时成本也较低,并且可以获得较高的效益,适宜在实际生产中进行推广应用。

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Effect of different combinations of H-type cultivation frames on light and strawberry growth and yield

Wang Chungling1,2, Song Weitang1,3※, Zhao Shumei1,3, Qu Mingshan4

(1.,,100083,; 2.,,843300,; 3.,,100083,; 4.,100029,)

In the process of facility horticulture cultivation, the model of three-dimensional cultivation has been paid more and more attention. “H” type cultivation frame is widely used in stereo-cultivation of strawberry at present. In practical applications, growers choose the different layers of cultivation for planting. The most common arrangement of planting frame is two or three layers, which way can reduce the costs with higher yields and benefits, we do not know now. Therefore, an experiment aimed to select a better combination of cultivation frame was performed in this study. In this experiment, three combinations of “H” type cultivating shelves were set up, namely, two-layer frames arranged adjacently (T1), two-layer frame and three-layer frame are alternately arranged (T2), three-layer frames are arranged adjacently(T3), to compare the light conditions, growth status and yield differences. The experiment was carried out in a solar greenhouse in Changping district of Beijing from August 2015 to April 2016. The length of the greenhouse is 100 m and the span is 8 m. Strawberry varieties is “Hong Yan”, planting date was August 29, 2015. Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) of strawberry canopy and growth index were measured during the trial. Growth index include strawberry plant height and leaf chlorophyll relative content (SPAD), strawberry yield per plant, the number of fruits per plant, the average weight of fruit. Measured production time was three months. Results showed that under T1 treatment, the strawberries light conditions were the best of the upper and lower cultivars. During the experiment, the trend of light curves of the three cultivars in T2 and T3 were basically the same, but PPFD of the upper, middle and lower layers in T2 were higher than that in T3 corresponding position. During the experiment, the time length that light intensity at strawberry canopy reached light saturation point (LSP) of T2 upper layer was longer than that of T3 corresponding position; the time length of T2 middle layer reached the strawberry LSP was 240 min, and that of T3 middle layer was always below the LSP. In addition, the light intensity at strawberry canopy in the lower layer of T2 reached light compensation point was 230 min, and that of T3 lower layer was always below the light compensation point (LCP) all day. During the experiment, the time length that light intensity at strawberry canopy reached the LSP within two days of T1 and T2 were calculated, results showed that the time length reached LSP in T1 upper layer increased by 40% compared with that of T2. The time length of reaching at LSP in lower of T1 and T2 was 100 min and 0 min, respectively. The time length of reaching the LCP in the upper, lower layers of T1 increased by 9.3%, 21.4% compared with that of T2, respectively. Thus, the light environment of T1 was better than that of T2. Growth index of T1 strawberry was the best, yield per plant and the number of fruits per plant in T1 was higher than that of other treatments. Correlation indexes of strawberry yield were the worst in T3. During the test period, the yield per unit area of T1 was 50.8 kg, and the cost of T1 was the lowest in three treatments, yield per unit area of T1 was increased by 2.8%, 33.7% compared with that of T2 and T3, respectively. Therefore, strawberries of all two layers arrangement of “H” type cultivation frame got better lighting conditions, reduced costs and obtained better economic benefit. All two layers arrangement of “H” type cultivation frame (T1) was suitable for application in actual production.

greenhouse; cultivation; light; “H” cultivation frame; strawberry; yield


S625.3; S628







宋卫堂,博士,教授,主要从事设施园艺栽培技术与设备研究。北京中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,100083。Email:songchali@cau.edu.cn 中国农业工程学会会员:宋卫堂(E040100004M)

王春玲,宋卫堂,赵淑梅,曲明山. H型栽培架组合方式对光照及草莓生长和产量的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(2):234-239. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.032 http://www.tcsae.org

Wang Chungling, Song Weitang, Zhao Shumei, Qu Mingshan. Effect of different combinations of two H-type cultivation frames on light and strawberry growth and yield[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(2): 234-239. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.02.032 http://www.tcsae.org
