新目标英语九年级Unit 4单元要点检测题(满分:100分)

2017-02-16 21:54
中学生英语·中考指导版 2016年10期


( )1. —Why did you say Tim is living in a ______ world?

—Because he has been deaf since he was a small boy.

A. provide B. wonderful C. dark D. silent

( )2. —Bob, you need to ______ from TV. Watching it too long is bad for your eyes.

—OK, Ill go to bed at once.

A. take turns B. take risks C. take breaks D. take steps

( )3. —Linda wants to become a world famous tennis player.

—Shes so talented. I think shes going to ______ in the world.

A. make room B. make progress C. make it D. make up

( )4. —Im afraid Im going to ______ you much trouble.

—I am glad to help. What is it?

A. provide B. reach C. leave D. cause

( )5. —There are too many people in the square.

—Look. A man in black suit is making his way through the ______ to the center of it.

A. groups B. crowds C. roads D. moments

( )6. —Do I need to say something about Michael Jackson before we sing his song?

—Michael Jackson, of course, needs no ______. Hes known to us all.

A. introduction B. instruction C. information D. invitation

( )7. —You and Owen were deskmates when you were in senior high school.

—We became the best of friends since then and he ______ me deeply.

A. felt B. controlled C. hurt D. influenced

( )8. —Victor used to stay alone on his own and kept everything to himself.

—But he ______ many activities and happy now.

A. is absent from B. is proud of

C. becomes active in D. becomes careful of

( )9. —Your parents must be very angry with you if they know about this.

—Ill managed to keep my parents in the ______ about it.

A. box B. corner C. dark D. secret

( )10. —Is the performance worth watching?

—Oh, ______. Its just unreal. But everybody is so happy.

A. I cant tell it B. I cant explain it

C. I cant wait D. I cant complain


Jillian is known across the U.S. for her teaching skills. She teaches math at a public school in East Harlem, New York. Shes been there since 1966.

In 1992, Jillian 1 the Outstanding Teacher of Math prize. A year later, she received 2 teaching prize. This time, it was from President Clinton. In September 1993, the Public Broadcasting Service did a TV 3 about her.

In her 4 , Jillian sometimes dresses up as a magician or makes out of a box of chocolates. She says that 5 the students attention is very important.

Jillians students learn not to fear math. “I try to 6 they dont think they can never get the answer,” she said.

To encourage her students to take an active part, Jillian started a yearly math fair. A 7 fair included projects from about 35 classrooms. The fair helps students learn 8 math is used in the real world.

She also 9 her students to write clearly. In one lesson, she has students 10 newspaper stories. “Our job is to 11 our students into thinkers,” Jillian said.

Most of Jillians students come from poor 12 . Some of them have serious family problems. Jillian tells her students that 13 can help them. “When they come here, I want them to 14 those problems,” Jillian said.

Last year, Jillian took 15 out to train other teachers at a middle school. But now shes back teaching her own class.

( )1. A. picked B. won C. asked D. sent

( )2. A. other B. the other C. one D. another

( )3. A. show B. joke C. play D. tragedy

( )4. A. house B. office C. class D. mind

( )5. A. paying B. losing C. understanding D. getting

( )6. A. make out B. work out C. put up D. make sure

( )7. A. fastest B. latest C. newest D. earliest

( )8. A. how B. when C. what D. where

( )9. A. keeps B. makes C. asks D. teaches

( )10. A. sell B. read C. translate D. write

( )11. A. become B. make C. turn D. put

( )12. A. workers B. houses C. families D. areas

( )13. A. class B. school C. society D. club

( )14. A. learn B. forget C. solve D. think about

( )15. A. money B. students C. time D. chocolates



Last year I was put into a lower-level math class at school. The reason had nothing to do with my math problems. I couldnt see well.

The only problem in this class was there were naughty students all around me. These were boys who didnt do well in school. Their home life was clearly different from mine, and they were constantly in trouble with the school.

I remember sitting at my desk one morning. We had already finished our lesson for the day, and the other boys began to talk about what they had done at the past weekend. I tried not to listen, but it was really impossible not to. Even though the teacher was in the room, that didnt stop my classmates from discussing the parties they had been to, and what exciting things they had done...

One Tuesday morning, I went to a meeting. There was a speaker talking to us about praying for our enemies (敌人). I began to think about this and prayed for the boys in my class. I forgot that they werent good boys; they were just lost.

When I heard their voices in class, I would pray, “Dear God, please bless (保佑)...”As time went on, there was something growing inside my heart, something that wasnt there before. They began to feel like a family, and I was learning to love them in a way I never thought possible.

I now see that praying is such a powerful act. When I pray for those around me, it also blesses my life, and it changes my ideas of others.

( )1. Why was the writer put in the lower-level class?

A. Because he was bad at math.

B. Because he didnt ask questions about math problems.

C. Because something was wrong with his eyes.

D. Because the boys in the class could help him.

( )2. The meaning of underlined word “constantly” in the second paragraph is closest to ______.

A. hardly B. usually C. never D. nearly

( )3. What did the writer think of the boys at the beginning?

A. They only enjoyed parties. B. He cared about them very much.

C. He thought they were just lost. D. He was annoyed at the boys.

( )4. After the writer learned to pray for the boys, ______.

A. the boys changed a lot

B. the boys felt they were like a big family

C. he had a different idea about them

D. he thought it impossible to love the boys

( )5. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer was really kind-hearted.

B. Bad people can become good ones if they pray.

C. The boys only listened to their teachers.

D. The classmates helped the writer a lot.


After a car accident put me into the hospital, I felt very angry about a lot of the way my life was turning out.

One bright morning, I was awakened by sounds out in the hallway. Since I was still feeling sorry for myself, I didnt wake up in a pleasant mood. I pushed the button to call the nurse, and I saw a little boy in the hallway. A cast (石膏夾) completely covered his arm, from fingers to shoulder, but his face was covered with a smile. In his other hand, he was holding a teddy bear.

I heard his mother telling him to sit and wait until she was done. He looked over to me and I had the permanent (持久的) anger on my face, but he smiled at me. Then without warning, he came running to my bed and smiling at me. With his good arm, he held out his big brown teddy bear. It was missing an eye but I had to admit it was lovely. “This is Teddy. Hes still sick. He needs to stay here. Could you keep him here till he gets better?” he said.

I reached out and took Teddy from his hand. I promised I would take care of Teddy until the time he got better. I also promised to keep him from harm afterwards. Just then the little boys mother called him. He looked back at me and said, “Bye sir, bye Teddy” and ran out of the room. His mother smiled down at him and the nurse wheeled him away. I sat there hugging Teddy for the longest time. I will never forget what that little boy gave to me that day. It was so much more than a well-loved one-eyed teddy bear. I have kept my promises to that little boy, too.

( )6. The little boys face was covered with a smile because ______.

A. he liked to play in this hospital

B. he thought everything would become better

C. he was hurt a little

D. it was a bright morning

( )7. Why did the writer have permanent anger on his face?

A. Because he disliked the little boy.

B. Because he was still feeling sorry for himself.

C. Because the little boy made too much noise.

D. Because the nurse didnt take care of him well.

( )8. Its clear that ______.

A. the little boy hurt both his arms

B. the little boys mother loved the boy very much

C. the little boy hated the way his life was turning out

D. the little boy disliked the teddy bear

( )9. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. the one-eyed teddy bear was made by the boy

B. the little boy was very naughty

C. the writer would keep the teddy bear forever

D. the writer was always pleased with his life

( )10. In fact, what did the little boy give to the writer that day?

A. A bright morning. B. A warm hug.

C. A promise. D. The feeling of love.


Linda and her brother, John, saved money for many years. One day, Linda b 1 her money jar. “I would like to help other people with the money,” she said. John also took out all his money from his money jar.

“We can do a lot for others with all the m 2 ,” John said with a smile. “But who shall we help?” Linda asked. “Lets help our n 3 , Billy and his sister, Rose. I have found that there are some holes in their shoes,” John said. “We could buy some new shoes for them,” Linda said.

Linda and John told their mother their p 4 . She was glad and took them to a shoe store at once. Linda p 5 out a pair of shoes for Rose. John chose a pair of shoes for Billy. They put the two pairs of shoes into two beautiful boxes. When it was d 6 , John walked to Billy and Roses house quietly. He put the boxes near the door, and k 7 hard, and then he ran away quickly.

Billy and Rose came out. “Look! There are p 8 for us. Someone left them here,” Billy said. They looked around, but they couldnt find anyone. They took the boxes inside h 9 .

The next morning, when Linda and John went out, they saw Billy and Rose playing outside. They were both w 10 their new shoes. Linda and John were so happy because they could help others.

1. b_________ 2. m__________ 3. n__________ 4. p__________ 5. p_________

6. d_________ 7. k__________ 8. p__________ 9. h__________ 10. w________

五、书面表达。 (计10分)



1. 方文是一名来自农村的学生,左腿走路不方便;

2. 他以前很害羞,不与人交流,不上体育课,不参加集体活动;

3. 在同学的帮助下,他变得外向、活泼;

4. 请你补充说明他的状况(一至两点)。

参考词汇:countryside n. 农村;be absent from 缺勤;take part in 参加
