Stow the Flash Cards Mom and Dad:Social Skills Better for Your Kids儿童教育:社交技能重于识字卡

2017-02-08 23:37利兹绍博格雷格托波周忠花
英语世界 2017年9期

文/利兹·绍博 格雷格·托波 译/周忠花

By Liz Szabo & Greg Toppo






Parents who want their kids to succeed have been known to play Mozart in the nursery and quiz their preschoolers1preschooler学龄前儿童。with fl ash cards2flash card识字卡。.

[2] A new study suggests these parents might want to go back to the basics by teaching children to share and take turns.

[3] Kindergartners with strong social and emotional skills were more likely than their peers to succeed academically and professionally, according to a 20-year study that followed more than 750 children until age 25.

The study is one of two published recently that illustrate how a child’s early childhood shapes adult life.

[4] In the first study, youngsters whose kindergarten teachers gave them the highest scores on “social competence” were more likely than other kids to graduate high school on time, earn a college degree and hold full-time jobs. Social competence involves more than making friends,according to the study, published in the American Journal of Public Health3《美国公共卫生杂志》为美国公共卫生协会会刊,成立于1911年,旨在推动公共卫生的研究、政策、现状和教育。.Teachers rated kids on the ability to cooperate, resolve conflicts, listen to others’ points of view, give suggestions without being bossy4bossy 专横的。and other skills.

[5] Kids with weaker social skills were more likely to develop substance abuse5substance abuse(精神性)药物滥用。problems, be unemployed, smoke pot6pot〈俚语〉大麻。, get arrested, live in public housing or receive public assistance, according to the study, which included children from low-income neighborhoods in Nashville; Seattle; Durham, N.C.7N.C.为North Carolina缩写,即美国北卡罗来纳州。; and central Pennsylvania.

[6] For some measures of adult success, good social skills appeared to be more important than academic ability,said co-author Damon Jones, a senior research associate at Pennsylvania State University. Likewise, social competence often proved to be a better predictor than race, sex or family income.




[7] Children with poor social skills in kindergarten are by no means a lost cause8lost cause必将失败的事业,败局已定的事业。, pediatrician9pediatrician儿科医师。Dina Lieser said.

[8] The study provides a hopeful message, because it’s possible to improve social skills throughout childhood, said Lieser, chairwoman of the American Academy of Pediatrics10美国儿科学会致力于帮助婴幼儿、青少年和年轻人解决身体和心理上的一切问题,代表着美国育儿领域最前沿的研究水平和最丰’council on early childhood, who wasn’t involved in the study.

[9] A growing number of studies point to the importance of early childhood experiences in shaping the brain and later behavior. A 2011 study found that people who showed more selfcontrol as preschoolers were healthier and wealthier by age 32, even after researchers considered influential factors such as IQ11为intelligencequotient(智力商数)的缩写,简称智商。and social class.

[10] A second new study found that psychiatric12psychiatric精神病学的;精神病治疗的。troubles in the teen and preteen years predicted future problems in adult life.

[11] That study, published Wednesday in JAMA Psychiatry13JAMA为《美国医学会杂志》(The Journal of the American Medical Association)的缩写,是美国医学会主办的一种综合性临床医学杂志,创办于1883年,是国际四大著名医学周刊之一。《美国医学会杂志·精神病学》(JAMA Psychiatry)为其分刊。, found that children who had mental health problems at ages 9 to 16 were more likely to suffer legal, fi nancial, health or social problems by age 19 to 26.






[12] Mental health problems were common in the research project,affecting more than half of the children in the study, part of the Great Smoky Mountains Study14大雾山研究项目始于1993年,因研究对象来自北卡罗来纳州西部,而该地区又属于大雾山山区,故此得名。大雾山国家公园,也称大烟山,位于田纳西州与北卡罗来纳州交界处,是美国最受欢迎的国家公园。, which included children from 11 mostly rural counties in North Carolina.

[13] About 26% of 1,420 children in the study met the criteria for a behavioral or emotional disorders,such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorder or attention-deficit/hyperactivity15hyperactivity极度活跃,活动过度。disorder. About 31% of children had a psychiatric problem that was troubling but didn’t met the criteria for an official diagnosis.

[14] Researchers followed the children to see which ones developed a major problem in adulthood, such as becoming suicidal, becoming addicted to drugs,developing multiple psychiatric problems, being charged with a felony16felony严重犯罪(如谋杀、放火、强奸等)。,being incarcerated17incarcerate监禁,下狱;禁闭。, dropping out of high school or becoming a teen parent.

[15] Nearly 20% of healthy kids experienced one of these problems,compared with 42% of those with mild mental health problems and 60%of those with a diagnosed psychiatric disorder, according to the research.





[16] Only 40% of kids with psychiatric problems got any help at all,and only 20% were treated at a specialty mental health facility, said study co-author William Copeland, an associate professor at the Duke University School of Medicine.

[17] Copeland said his study shows it’s important to help these high-risk youngsters. “These problems don’t just resolve themselves and go away,”Copeland said.

[18] Pediatricians should screen children for social, emotional and behavioral problems and, if needed,arrange for help for parents, as well,Lieser said. Treating a mother’s depression, for example, can help the whole family.

[19] Early-childhood education advocates say investing in education can help communities reap18reap收获,收割。benefits that go well beyond the costs of sending a typical 3- or 4-year-old to a high-quality preschool. An often-quoted figure promises that $1 invested in preschool and other early interventions can yield as much as $16 or $17 in benefits down the road.

[17]科普兰认为该研究已经证实帮助这些高风险人群具有十分重要的意义。 “这些问题不会自行消弭,”科普兰说道。




[20] Perhaps the most well-known example—and Jones cites it in his study—involves the ongoing study of the Perry Preschool19Perry Preschool Program Study佩里学前教育研究项目是由美国海斯科普教育研究基金会组织的实验研究项目,也是美国最早启动、最具名气的幼儿教育长期研究项目,其实验研究结果有力地证明了幼儿教育对人的未来发展具有长远的影响。, a Ypsilanti,Mich., program that served poor African-American children in the 1960s. Researchers with the High/Scope Educational Research Foundation20High/Scope Educational Research Foundation美国海斯科普教育研究基金会,也译高瞻教育研究基金会,是全美学前教育研究和评价方面的权威机构,致力于将主动学习应用到实际课程中去,开发海斯科普课程,进行教育质量评估,开展早期教育项目有效性的相关研究,以及培训早教教师及管理人员。其最为有名的研究项目即为佩里学前教育研究项目。,based in Ypsilanti, tracked about 125 local children through their 20s and found that those who had gone through the Perry program needed fewer special education services, had higher high school graduation rates and, among young women, had a teen pregnancy rate that was about half that of a control group.

[21] The study has followed participants into their 40s, and subsequent research has found that the Perry kids earned more as adults, were less likely to have committed crimes or gone to jail, and were less likely to receive public assistance.



[22] “You have this window up to age 5, where if you intervene, it’s amazing the progress these kids can make,” said Joyce Harrison, an assistant professor of child and adolescent psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore, who wasn’t involved in the study. “By the time kids get to kindergarten, we’ve lost a really big window. It’s not impossible to intervene, but it does get harder. There is this huge malleability21malleability可锻性。that decreases at age 5.”

[23] Communities today often miss the opportunity to help youngsters develop their social, emotional and behavioral skills, Harrison said.

[24] “So often, kids who start out behind end up staying behind,” Lieser said. ■


[24]“孩子如果输在起跑线,通常也就输在终点线。”莉瑟尔表示。 □
