文/ 本·迪克森 译/王越凡 审订/张琼
By Ben Dickson
Professional writing isn’t easy. As a blogger, journalist or reporter, you have to meet several challenges to stay at the top of your trade. You have to stay up to date with the latest developments and at the same time write timely,compelling and unique content.
[2] The same goes for scientists,researchers and analysts and other professionals whose job involves a lot of writing.
[3] With the deluge1deluge洪水,暴雨。of information being published on the web every day,things aren’t getting easier. You have to juggle speed, style, quality and content simultaneously if you want to succeed in reaching your audience.
[4] Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence,which is fast permeating2permeate渗透。every aspect of human life, has a few tricks up its sleeve to boost the efforts of professional writers.
[5] 2014年,乔治·R. R.马丁,著名的《冰与火之歌》作者,在一次采访中解释了他如何拒绝现代文字处理软件,摆脱其恼人的自动更正和拼写检查功能。
[5] In 2014, George R. R. Martin,the acclaimed3acclaimed著名的。writer of the Song of Ice and Fire saga, explained in an interview how he avoids modern word processors because of their pesky autocorrect and spell checkers.
Software vendors have always tried to assist writers by adding proofreading features to their tools. But as writers like Martin will attest, those efforts can be a nuisance4nuisance麻烦事,讨厌的人。to anyone with morethan-moderate writing skills.
[6] However, that is changing as AI is getting better at understanding the context and intent of written text.One example is Microsoft Word’s new Editor feature, a tool that uses AI to provide more than simple proofreading.
Editor can understand different nuances5nuances细微差别。in your prose much better than code-and-logic tools do. It flags not only to grammatical errors and style mistakes, but also the use of unnecessarily complex words and overused terms. For instance, it knows when you’re using the word “really” to emphasize a point or to pose a question.
[7] It also gives eloquent6eloquent雄辩的。descriptions of its decisions and provides smart suggestions when it deems something as incorrect. For example if it marks a sentence as passive, it will provide a reworded version in active voice.
[9] Nonetheless AI-powered writing assistance is fast becoming a competitive market. Grammarly, a freemium grammar checker that installs as a browser extension, uses AI to help with all writing tasks on the web. Atomic Reach is another player in the space, which uses machine learning to provide feedback on the readability of written content.
[9]尽管如此,人工智能写作辅助软件正在迅速形成一个颇具竞争力的市场。Grammarly是一款免费增值语法检测工具,可以安装为浏览器扩展,它运用人工智能协助所有在线写作。Atomic Reach是该领域中的另一家公司,它利用机器学习就写作内容的可读性提供反馈。
[10] Writing good content relies on good reading. I usually like to go through different articles describing conflicting opinions about a topic before I fire up my word processor. The problem is there’s so much material and so little time to read all of it. And things tend to get tedious7tedious单调乏味的。when you’re trying to find key highlights and differences between articles written about a similar topic.
[11] Now, Artificial Intelligence is making inroads in the field by providing smart summaries of documents. An AI algorithm developed by researchers at Salesforce generates snippets of text that describe the essence of long text.Though tools for summarizing texts have existed for a while, Salesforce’s solution surpasses others by using machine learning. The system uses a combination of supervised and reinforced learning to get help from human trainers and learn to summarize on its own.
[12]其他算法,如 Algorithmia公司的Summarizer,为软件开发者提供了文献资料库,这些资料库轻轻松松就能将文本摘要功能融合到软件中。
[12] Other algorithms such as Algorithmia’s Summarizer provide developers with libraries that easily integrate8integrate使融入,使成为一体。text summary capabilities into their software.
These tools can help writers skim through a lot of articles and find relevant topics to write about. It can also help editors to read through tons of emails, pitches and press releases they receive every day. This way they’ll be better positioned to decide which emails need further attention. Having hundreds of unread emails in my inbox, I fully appreciate the value this can have.
[13] Advances in Natural Language Processing have contributed widely to this trend. NLP helps machines understand the general meaning of text and relations between different elements and entities.
[14] To be fair, nothing short of human level intelligence can have the commonsense knowledge and mastery of language required to provide fl awless summary of all text. The technology still has more than and few kinks to iron out9iron out解决。, but it shows a glimpse of what the future of reading might look like.
[15] No matter how high-quality and relevant your content is, it’ll be of no use if you can’t reach out to the right audience. Unfortunately, old keywordbased search algorithms pushed online writers toward stuffing their content with keywords.
[16] “Although with Page Rank, Google did a great job in organizing the web, it also created a web where keywords ruled over content,” says Gennaro Cuofano,growth hacker at WordLift, a company that develops tools for semantic web.“Eventually, web writers ended up spending a significant amount of time improving the findability.” The trend resulted in poor quality writing getting higher search ranking.
[17] But thanks to Artificial Intelligence, search engines are able to parse and understand content, and the rules of search engine optimization have changed immensely in past years.
[18] “Since new semantic technologies are now mature enough to read human language, journalists and professional writers can finally go back to writing for people,” Cuofano says. This means you can expect more quality content to appear both on websites and search engine results.
[16]“虽然谷歌利用Page Rank在网络组织方面成绩斐然,但它同时建构了一个关键词凌驾于内容之上的网络,”开发语义网络工具的公司WordLift的产品经理金纳罗·科法诺认为,“网络作家最终把大量时间花费在提高检索度上。”这种趋势导致了质量低下的作品搜索排名却更靠前的现象。
[19] Where do we go from here?“The next revolution (which is already coming) is the leap from NLP to a subset of it called NLU (Natural Language Understanding),” Cuofano says. “In fact, while NLP is more about giving structure to data, defining it and making it readable by machines;NLU instead is about taking unclear,unstructured and undefined inputs and transforming them to an output that is close to human understanding.”
[20] We’re already seeing glimmers of this next generation in AI-powered journalism. The technology is still in its infancy, but will not remain so indefinitely. Writing can someday become a full-time machine occupation,just like many other tasks that were believed to be the exclusive domain of human intelligence the past.
[21] How does this affect writing?“Currently, the web is a place where how-to articles, tutorials and guides are dominant,” Cuofano says. “This makes sense in an era where people are still in charge of most tasks. Yet in a future where AI takes over, wouldn’t it make more and more sense to write about‘why’ we do things? Thus, instead of focusing on content that has a short shelf life, we can focus again on content that has the capability to outlive us.” ■?
[21]这会对写作产生什么样的影响呢?“目前,网络被指导性文章、教程和指南所占据,”科法诺说,“在人类负责大部分工作任务的时代,这个现象合情合理。然而,在人工智能接管的未来,关于‘为何’的写作不是会越有意义吗?因此,我们可以再次专注于恒久传世而非短暂易逝的内容。” □