
2017-01-28 13:04陈茜茜ChenXixi
艺术交流 2017年3期

文、译陈茜茜 Chen Xixi








Jointly sponsored by CFLAC, Ministry of Culture of Peru, and the Embassy of China in Peru,organized by China TV Artists Association(CTAA), “Mutual Reference and Understanding”Seminar on TV documentary creation between China and Peru was held in Lima, Peru’s capital,on September 20, where the scholars, documentary experts, TV & film institutions and media representatives deeply discussed the creation and cooperation of documentary and TV feature films in China and Peru.

GUO Yunde, vice president of CFLAC, Jorge Arrunátegui, vice Minister of Culture of Peru, LI Yun,political counselor of Chinese Embassy in Peru and Hugo Coya, commissioner of the National Bureau of Radio and Television of Peru, respectively addressed at the opening ceremony of the Seminar.

As GUO Yunde said, culture is colorful because of communication and it enriches in mutual learning.Both China and Peru are ancient civilizations, and in seeking close bilateral economic and social exchanges, promoting cultural exchanges is the only way to promote the great-leap-forward development of any ancient nation. The art of film and TV is one country's cultural business card. With its fresh and lively image and the real narrative characteristics, TV documentary has become a vivid carrier of publicizing the national culture of a country. In recent years, numerous outstanding works,such as A Bite of China, Masters in Forbidden City, The Tale Of Chinese Medicine and Hexi Corridor, in narration of Chinese story and national image, has opened a new window for the world to know more about China. He hoped that the two countries’ TV artists would contribute to the development of the global cultural diversity by learning from each other's strong points and values.

As Jorge Arrunátegui said, Peru is one of the countries with the largest population of Chinese origin. The excellent culture of the Chinese nation has penetrated into Peru's all walks of life, and its influence can be witnessed in Peru’s literature, art and cuisine. Although the two countries are geographically distant from each other, the both countries have been linked closely as brothers and sisters. Along with the film and TV art exchanges and cooperation, Sino-Peru friendship will be more consolidated.

After the speeches, GUO Yunde and Jorge Arrunátegui signed a joint MOU between CFLAC and Ministry of Culture of Peru. The MOU will further strengthen dialogue and cooperation between the cultural institutions of the two countries and inject new vigor into the Sino-Peru cultural exchanges and cooperation.

CTAA sent a delegation including the Editer-in-chief and the director of the program Hexi Corridor,DENG Jianyong and ZHAO Qichen, to participate in the discussion as Chinese representatives. They introduced the development of Chinese contemporary documentary from different perspectives,and shared their experience in this production with the local audience. Pierre Vandoorne, head of the Audio-visual Media Department of Ministry of Culture of Peru, introduced the development and characteristics of films and TV documentary in Peru. The audience also watched the first episode of the Spanish edition of Hexi Corridor, which demonstrated the legendary eternal continuity of timehonored Chinese civilization in the passage of time.

The Seminar was presided over by ZHANG Xihai, deputy director general of International Liaison Department of CFLAC. About 150 guests from cultural organizations and TV industry were present at the seminar including ZHU Xiaoyan, cultural counselor from Chinese Embassy, ZHU Hongzi, vice head of China Art News, and LIANG Shun, chair of Sociedad Central De Beneficencia China.

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