
2017-01-26 19:55:15
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年13期







来源出版物:石油钻探技术, 2016(1): 1-5





来源出版物:石油钻采工艺, 2015 (1): 1-6






来源出版物:力学进展, 2015, 45(1): 179-216



摘要:传统深海天然气田开发工程模式是通过铺设海底管道将天然气田产物输送至陆地,由于受水深、海底地形、技术可行性及天然气田经济效益等多种因素的制约,限制了其在深海天然气田开发中的应用。FLNG装置或 CNG船与海上天然气生产设施组合为新型的深海天然气田开发工程模式,以投资相对较低、建设周期短、灵活机动性好及目标市场可选范围广等优点备受关注。通过调研FLNG装置及 CNG船的技术发展概况,详细分析了3种适合深海天然气田开发工程模式的特点,对比总结出深海天然气田开发工程模式优选的参考条件。以FLNG装置及 CNG船为代表的深海天然气田新型开发技术将打破传统深海天然气田开发工程模式,成为深海油气开发技术发展的重要里程碑。


来源出版物:航空制造技术, 2015, 476(7): 48-52





来源出版物:中国能源, 2015, 37(4): 41-44





来源出版物:石油钻探技术, 2014, 42(1): 20-25


关键词:shale gas development; environmental impacts; enforcement and compliance; monitoring; reporting and verification

来源出版物:Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2015, 121, 73-81

Unconventional natural gas development and birth outcomes in Pennsylvania, USA

Casey, JA; Savitz, DA; Rasmussen, SG; et al.

Abstract:Background: Unconventional natural gas development has expanded rapidly. In Pennsylvania, the number of producing wells increased from 0 in 2005 to3689 in 2013. Few publications have focused on unconventional natural gas development and birth outcomes. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort study using electronic health record data on 9384 mothers linked to 10946 neonates in the Geisinger Health System from January 2009 to January 2013. We estimated cumulative exposure to unconventional natural gas development activity with an inverse-distance squared model that incorporated distance to the mother’s home; dates and durations of well pad development, drilling, and hydraulic fracturing; and production volume during the pregnancy. We used multilevel linear and logistic regression models to examine associations between activity index quartile and term birth weight, preterm birth, low 5-minute Apgar score and small size for gestational age birth, while controlling for potential confounding variables. Results: In adjusted models, there was an association between unconventional natural gas development activity and preterm birth that increased across quartiles, with a fourth quartile odds ratio of 1.4 (95% confidence interval = 1.0, 1.9). There were no associations of activity with Apgar score, small for gestational age birth, or term birth weight (after adjustment for year). In a posthoc analysis, there was an association with physician-recorded high-risk pregnancy identified from the problem list (fourth vs. first quartile, 1.3Conclusion: Prenatal residential exposure to unconventional natural gas development activity was associated with two pregnancy outcomes, adding to evidence that unconventional natural gas development may impact health.

来源出版物:Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), 2016, 27(2): 163-172

联系邮箱:Schwartz, BS; bschwar1@jhu.edu

A study on the future of unconventional oil development under different oil price scenarios: A systemdynamics approach

Hosseini, SH; Shakouri, GF

Abstract:Fluctuations in the oil global market has been a critical topic for the world economy so that analyzing and forecasting the conventional oil production rate has been examined by many researchers thoroughly. However, the dynamics of the market has not been studied systematically with regard to the new emerging competitors, namely unconventional oil. In this paper, the future trend of conventional and unconventional oil production and capacity expansion rates are analyzed using system dynamics approach. To do so, a supply-side modeling approach is utilized while main effective loops are modeled mathematically as follows: technological learning and progress, long and short-term profitability of oil capacity expansion and production, and oil proved reserve limitations. The proposed model is used to analyze conventional and unconventional oil production shares, up to 2025, under different oil price scenarios. The results show that conventional oil production rate ranges from 79.995 to 87.044 MB/day, which is 75–80 percent of total oil production rate, while unconventional oil production rate ranges from 19.615 to 28.584 MB/day. Simulation results reveal that unconventional oil can gain a considerable market share in the short run, although conventional oil will remain as the major source for the market in the long run.

关键词:conventional oil production; unconventional oil production; oil price; scenario analysis; system dynamics

来源出版物:Energy Policy, 2016, 91: 64-74

联系邮箱:Hosseini, SH; s.h.hosseini@ut.ac.ir

Characterization and analysis of liquid waste from marcellus shale gas development

Shih, JS; Saiers, JE; Anisfeld, SC; et al.

Abstract:Hydraulic fracturing of shale for gas production in Pennsylvania generates large quantities of wastewater, the composition of which has been inadequately characterized. We compiled a unique data set from staterequired wastewater generator reports filed in 2009–2011. The resulting data set, comprising 160 samples of flowback, produced water, and drilling wastes, analyzed for 84 different chemicals, is the most comprehensive available to date for Marcellus Shale wastewater. We analyzed the data set using the Kaplan–Meier method to deal with the high prevalence of nondetects for some analytes, and compared wastewater characteristics with permitted effluent limits and ambient monitoring limits and capacity. Major-ion concentrations suggested that most wastewater samples originated from dilution of brines, although some of our samples were more concentrated than any Marcellus brines previously reported. One problematic aspect of this wastewater was the very high concentrationsof soluble constituents such as chloride, which are poorly removed by wastewater treatment plants; the vast majority of samples exceeded relevant water quality thresholds, generally by 2–3 orders of magnitude. We also examine the capacity of regional regulatory monitoring to assess and control these risks.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(16): 9557-9565

联系邮箱:Olmstead, SMM; sheila.olmstead@austin. utexas.edu

Characterization and analysis of liquid waste from Marcellus Shale gas development

Shih, JS; Saiers, JE; Anisfeld, SC; et al.

Abstract:Hydraulic fracturing of shale for gas production in Pennsylvania generates large quantities of wastewater, the composition of which has been inadequately characterized. We compiled a unique data set from state-required wastewater generator reports filed in 2009–2011. The resulting data set, comprising 160 samples of flowback, produced water, and drilling wastes, analyzed for 84 different chemicals, is the most comprehensive available to date for Marcellus Shale wastewater. We analyzed the data set using the Kaplan–Meier method to deal with the high prevalence of nondetects for some analytes, and compared wastewater characteristics with permitted effluent limits and ambient monitoring limits and capacity. Major-ion concentrations suggested that most wastewater samples originated from dilution of brines, although some of our samples were more concentrated than any Marcellus brines previously reported. One problematic aspect of this wastewater was the very high concentrations of soluble constituents such as chloride, which are poorly removed by wastewater treatment plants; the vast majority of samples exceeded relevant water quality thresholds, generally by 2–3 orders of magnitude. We also examine the capacity of regional regulatory monitoring to assess and control these risks.

来源出版物:Environmental Science & Technology, 2015, 49(16): 9557-9565

联系邮箱:Olmstead, SMM, sheila.olmstead@austin. utexas.edu


Catching environmental noncompliance in shale gas development in China and the United States

Guo, MY; Xu, Y; Chen, YQD; et al.

Coal is the top fuel for power generation in both China and the United States. Its replacement is one critical method to mitigate the serious environmental impacts. Natural gas is associated with much less air pollution and is one of the most important alternative fuels. In the United State shale gas – one key type of unconventional natural gas – has become a disruptive energy resource during the past years. China has the world's largest resource of shale gas, and it is keen to develop them to alleviate unacceptable air pollution and to ensure energy security. However, one big obstacle standing between the ambition and the reality is the potentially serious environmental impacts caused by shale gas development. We construct an analytical framework, focusing on the coverage and implementability of monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems, to qualitatively evaluate the probability of detecting noncompliance – for enhancing compliance – in China and the United States on three prominent environmental impacts, including water contamination, water consumption and methane leakage. China should improve significantly on the implementability dimension and pay urgent attention to currently weak MRV systems on water contamination. The United States needs to extend the MRV coverage of ground water consumption. Only when the environmental impacts in shale gas development were effectively controlled, the fuel switching to replace coal could bring significant environmental gains.

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