油气开发是指对油气田实施产能建设和油气生产的活动。油气开发项目是一种综合性的高科技项目,具有周期长、工作量大、工作过程复杂等特点。石油是保障国民经济安全的重要战略资源,历来都受到世界各国的高度重视。近年来,我国油气田开发工程技术的快速发展,有力支撑了原油生产的稳定增长和天然气的快速发展。但是,随着已开发老油田含水率进一步上升,持续稳产难度不断加大;新发现油气田向深水、深层、非常规油气发展,地质条件越来越复杂,开发效益越来越低,迫切需要开发工程技术的创新与发展。随着陆地常规油气资源的不断消耗,很多国家的油气开发主攻方向,已实现由陆地、浅水到深水海域、常规到非常规,浅层到深层找油气的战略转移。加快海外油气开发的步伐,加大海外油气开发的力度,也成为中国石油企业的选择。相对于陆上油气开发工程,由于自然环境的考验,以及平台空间的限制,海上油气开发工程在安全方面对设计、建造及生产提出了更为严格的要求。随着资源储备的减少和开发技术的发展,目前,非常规油气资源已成为一种重要的能源。中国石油企业未来主要开发的领域也将是深层、深水、非常规等油气资源。目前,超深井越来越多,中国石油化工集团公司开发了埋深超过7 km的元坝气田,在非常规油气资源方面,开发了涪陵页岩气田。
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基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP 30文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。
shale-gas; gas; marcellus; fragmentation; core forest; disturbance
来源出版物:Environmental Management, 2012, 49(5): 1061-1075
Topographic and soil constraints to shale-gas development in the northcentral appalachians
Drohan, PJ; Brittingham, M
Abstract:Worldwide, shale-gas development is becoming a feasible extraction practice and the northern Allegheny Plateau, USA is a region experiencing such development.We used a GIS to investigate topographic and soil characteristics across existing and permitted shale-gas pads in Pennsylvania, which could affect infrastructure development and reclamation success. Results from this analysis, while regionally specific, can contribute knowledge for successful management of all shale-gas extraction. Approximately 60% of existing and permitted pads occur on slopes at risk to some excess surface water movement and local erosion. Pad development occurs >90% of the time on back-slope landscape positions and 37% of the time on soils with a fragipan subsoil horizon, which can contribute to soil drainage problems. Most pads (73%) are developed on soils without drainage problems, but 21% are on potentially wet soils. Shale-gas development related to one pad typically disturbed a 0.1-to 20.5-ha area (mean of 2.7 ha). Aerial photography analysis from 2010 indicates a small proportion of pads have undergone restoration, and restored pads were recontoured and planted with grass. Agricultural lands restored after infrastructure development were found to return to some crop production. Assuming perfect site reclamation, grass, herbaceous, hardwood, and conifer establishment appears suitable across the range of existing and permitted pads; however revegetation success may be limited by poor soil reclamation.
来源出版物:Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2012, 76 (5): 1696-1706
The United States experience as a reference of success for shale gas development: The case of Mexico
Maya, JRL
Abstract:Shale gas has gained increasing worldwide attention in the light of the rapid production and significant effects seen in the United States. Using this case as a reference, several countries have taken the first steps to develop their own resources, with Mexico in particular including shale gas in its energy planning priorities and rushing towards its commercial production, although results have still remained elusive. This paper argues that due to the intrinsic complexity embedded in the shale gas development of the United States, its use as a benchmark by Mexico for policy making purposes is misleading, given the challenges in reproducing the same factors of success on the basis of the contextual differences between both countries. The findings presented can ultimately be helpful for other countries looking forward to or in the process of developing their shale gas resources driven by the same reference.
来源出版物:Energy Policy, 2013, 62: 70-78
Water resource impacts during unconventional shale gas development: The Pennsylvania experience
Brantley, SL; Yoxtheimer, D; Arjmand, S; et al.
Abstract:Improvements in horizontal drilling and hydrofracturing have revolutionized the energy landscape by allowing the development of so-called “unconventional”gas resources. The Marcellus play in the northeastern USA. documents how fast this technology developed: the number of unconventional Marcellus wells in Pennsylvania (PA) increased from 8 in 2005 to similar to 7234 today. Publicly available databases in PA show only rare evidence of contamination of surface and groundwaters. This could document that incidents that impact PA waters have been relatively rare and that contaminants were quickly diluted. However, firm conclusions are hampered by i) the lack of information about location and timing of incidents; ii) the tendency to not release water quality data related to specific incidents due to liability or confidentiality agreements; iii) the sparseness of sample and sensor data for the analytes of interest; iv) the presence of pre-existing water impairments that make it difficult to determine potential impacts from shale-gas activity; and v) the fact that sensors can malfunction or drift. Although the monitoring data available to assess contamination events in PA are limited, the state manages an online database of violations. Overall, one fifth of gas wells drilled were given at least one non-administrative notice of violation (NOV) from the PA regulator. Through March 2013, 3.4% of gas wells were issued NOVs for well construction issues and 0.24% of gas wells received NOVs related to methane migration into groundwater. Between 2008 and 2012, 161 of the similar to 1000 complaints received by the state described contamination that implicated oil or gas activity: natural gas was reported for 56% and brine salt components for 14% of the properties. Six percent of the properties were impacted by sediments, turbidity, and/or drill cuttings. Most of the sites of groundwater contamination with methane and/or salt components werein previously glaciated northern PA where fracture flow sometimes allows long distance fluid transport. No cases of subsurface transport of fracking or flowback fluids into water supplies were documented. If Marcellus-related flowback/production waters did enter surface or groundwaters, the most likely contaminants to be detected would be Na, Ca, and Cl, but those elements are already common in natural waters. The most Marcellus-specific“fingerprint” elements are Sr, Ba, and Br. For example, variable Br concentrations measured in southwestern PA streams were attributed to permitted release of wastewaters from unconventional shale gas wells into PA streams through municipal or industrial wastewater treatment plants before 2011. Discharge has now been discontinued except for brines from a few plants still permitted to discharge conventional oil/gas brines after treatment. Overall, drinking water supply problems determined by the regulator to implicate oil/gas activities peaked in frequency in 2010 while spill rates increased through 2012. Although many minor violations and temporary problems have been reported, the picture that emerges from PA is that the fast shale-gas start may have led to relatively few environmental incidents of significant impact compared to wells drilled; however, the impacts remain difficult to assess due to the lack of transparent and accessible data.
关键词:unconventional shale gas; environmental impact; hydraulic fracturing; hydrofracturing; water quality; marcellus shale
来源出版物:International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 126: 140-156
Toward a better understanding and quantification of methane emissions from shale gas development
Caulton, DR; Shepson, PB; Santoro, RL; et al.
Abstract:The identification and quantification of methane emissions from natural gas production has become increasingly important owing to the increase in the natural gas component of the energy sector. An instrumented aircraft platform was used to identify large sources of methane and quantify emission rates in southwestern PA in June 2012. A large regional flux, 2.0–14 g CH4s−1km−2, was quantified for a ~2800-km2area, which did not differ statistically from a bottom-up inventory, 2.3–4.6 g CH4s−1km−2. Large emissions averaging 34 g CH4/s per well were observed from seven well pads determined to be in the drilling phase, 2 to 3 orders of magnitude greater than US Environmental Protection Agency estimates for this operational phase. The emissions from these well pads, representing ~1% of the total number of wells, account for 4%–30% of the observed regional flux. More work is needed to determine all of the sources of methane emissions from natural gas production, to ascertain why these emissions occur and to evaluate their climate and atmospheric chemistry impacts.
来源出版物:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2014, 111(17): 6237-6242
Early trends in landcover change and forest fragmentation due to shale-gas development in Pennsylvania: A potential outcome for the northcentral appalachians
Drohan, PJ; Brittingham, M; Bishop, J; et al.
Worldwide shale-gas development has the potential to cause substantial landscape disturbance. The northeastern U.S., specifically the Allegheny Plateau in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky, is experiencing rapid exploration. Using Pennsylvania as a proxy for regional development across the Plateau, we examine land cover change due to shale-gas exploration, with emphasis on forest fragmentation. Pennsylvania’s shale-gas development is greatest on private land, and is dominated by pads with 1-2 wells; less than 10% of pads have five wells or more. Approximately 45%-62% of pads occur on agricultural land and 38%-54% in forest land (many in core forest on private land). Development of permits granted as of June 3, 2011, would convert at least 644-1072 ha of agricultural land and 536-894 ha of forest land. Agricultural land conversion suggests that drilling is somewhat competing with food production. Accounting for existing pads and development of all permits would result in at least 649 km of new road, which, along with pipelines, would fragment forest cover. The Susquehanna River basin (feeding the Chesapeake Bay), is most developed, with 885 pads (26 % in core forest); permit data suggests the basin will experience continued heavy development. The intensity of core forest disturbance, where many headwater streams occur, suggests that such streams should become a focus of aquatic monitoring. Given the intense development on private lands, we believe a regional strategy is needed to help guide infrastructure development, so that habitat loss, farmland conversion, and the risk to waterways are better managed.