
2017-01-21 11:07曹静怡
卷宗 2016年10期


摘 要:本文论述高职四级英语写作困境以及形成原因。选用本院大一学生的作文为例,从词、句、语篇进行多角度分析和修改,以期对提高四级写作有所启迪。


1 高职英语写作困境分析


1.1英语基本功薄弱, 词汇量少而浅,对基本词汇及其用法记忆不清。表现为用词过于简单、平淡;重复累赘;搭配错误,致使文章表达不清, 意义含混。也有学生采取消极办法(如套用万能句型等),造成文章空洞、缺乏说服力。

1.2 汉语思维严重。这在句和篇章的逻辑思维上体现得尤为明显。因为母语负迁移,大多数学生往往是先想出汉语的句子, 再译成英语,使英语句子有明显的中文表达痕迹,不符合地道的英文表述习惯。

1.3 缺乏应试技巧。很多学生在着手写作时并无审题和构思的概念, 不写标题,论点缺乏条理性和说服力。

2 从词、句、语篇进行多角度分析和修改


2.1 词

原句1:A boy asks his teacher whether learning how to Google is the way for him to obtain all the education that he really needs or not.

修改1:A boy assumes learning how to Google is all the education he really needs

此句应用简洁地描述图片内容,即一个小男孩对老师说“once I learn how to use Google, isnt that all the education I really need?”。“isnt that…”是反意疑问句,表达肯定的含义。原句表述为“whether…or not”,则成了一般疑问句,图片意思未充分清楚,如后续再加补充,则又显得行文拖沓,不如就直接改成陈述句,用assume一词更能表现这是小男孩自己主观臆断。

原句2:From the picture, we can see…

修改2:From the cartoon, we can notice…

笔者在教学中发现,不管是作文题中出现的是图片、图表或是漫画,学生都喜欢用picture一词概之,该生也不例外。当然picture也不算说错,但到底少了精确性。笔者建议:漫画cartoon;图表chart(包括pie chart, bar chart, line chart等);表格table;流程图flow diagram,绘画drawing或painting。See一词也是学生很喜欢用的,笔者认为学生在平时写作过程中就要有意识的回避简单词汇,尽量多用高职阶段所学词汇,see改成notice或者observe。

原句3:Overusing mobile phones can affect our body such as poor eyesight and tiredness.

修改3:Overusing mobile phones can undermine our health, causing poor eyesight and fatigue.

Affect ones body表示影响某人的身体,可以是正面的或负面的。改为undermine ones health(暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀…的基础)更清楚的表示这是负面影响,并且“可能短时间不能显现,但是时间一长身体就会出问题”。tiredness 改为fatigue更显词汇量。

原句4:…the relationships between us and others may have some changes…

修改4:…the interpersonal relationships may weaken/worsen…

原句中的“the relationships between us and others”较为啰嗦,实际就是interpersonal relationships。 “have some changes”也显得累赘且没有说到重点,改成weaken(变脆弱)或者worsen(变差)。

原句5:The images above indicate four diverse living states over a persons daily life.

修改5:The cartoons indicate four most commonly seen daily activities.

原句中的image指形象、印象,这里用不妥,改为cartoons。four diverse--此处冗余,既然是4种,肯定都不一样,不如把diverse改为 most commonly seen,即四种最常见的。living state指生存状况,词义太大,改为daily activities,这样over a persons daily life也可以省略,实现语言的经济性。

原句6:Holding the same gesture can enhance the burden of ones joints and muscles.

修改6:Holding the same gesture can place extra burden to ones joints and muscles.

enhance表示加强,一般用于向好的方向转化,这里可用place extra burden to (加重负担)更符合表意。

2.2 句

原句7:From the picture, we can see that people are crossing the street looking at their cell phones and using walking sticks in order to see.

修改7:The cartoon present us with a nearly absurd image that people are so obsessed with mobile phones that they cant take their eyes off them even when crossing the street!


原句8:Some people may consider the picture is absurd, but problem the picture shows should not be neglected.

修改8:Absurd as it is, the cartoon serves as a alarming bell to us all.


原句9:According to the cartoon, we notice a couple are staring at the screen as kicking the keyboard to write an e-mail.

修改9:We notice a middle-aged couple is writing an email to their son upstairs, expressing their wishes to see him.


2.3 语篇



原文10:As days going, many peoples lives have been improved a lot. Besides, many families that couldnt afford the phones before all have the mobile phones now.

修改10:As days going, peoples lives have been improved greatly. Thus, many families can afford to have mobile phones now.

Besides表示 “除此之外,还…”,即besides后句应另述第二点。但此处前后句实为同一意思承接而来,笔者认为将besides改为thus或者therefore更妥。

原文11:The cartoons indicate four most commonly seen daily activities. However, we are able to find out that four cartoons have the resemblance that men and computers are like peas and carrots.

修改11:The cartoons indicate four most commonly seen daily activities. To our surprise, we find the four cartoons bear a shocking resemblance that men and computers are like peas and carrots.



原文12:Generally, phones bring convenience to us and make our lives colorful, but...

修改12:It is true that phones bring convenience and make our lives colorful, but…

原文有两个问题:1. 前句中的Generally并不能为后句中的but做好铺垫,显得两句话链接松散。改为it is true that…使读者对后句中出现转折做好心理期待,更有逻辑性。

3 总结



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