
2017-01-21 05:47:27钟维琼
中国矿业 2017年12期

聂 莹,钟维琼,代 涛,李 丹

(1.北京师范大学经济与资源管理研究院新兴市场研究院,北京 100875;2.中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所国土资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,北京 100037;3.中国地质科学院全球矿产资源战略研究中心,北京 100037;4.中国地质大学(北京),北京 100083)


聂 莹1,钟维琼2,3,代 涛2,3,李 丹4




0 引 言

铁(Fe)是国民经济发展的基础性资源,广泛应用于建筑、桥梁、机械制造、车辆、生活用具等领域。对铁资源在国民经济的各领域以及各产业链的不同环节的存量和流量信息的掌握,对制定科学的行业规划和发展战略具有重要的保障作用。物质流分析方法为科学地研究资源在整个国民经济系统中的流动提供了新的视角和工具。物质流分析(Material Flow Analysis,MFA)以物质守恒为理论基础,是一种定量分析物质在给定时间和空间边界的系统内存量和流量变化,进而追踪物质在该系统中流动路径和规律的方法,如果将物质定义为某种元素,那么也可以称为元素流分析(Substance Flow Analysis,SFA)[1-2]。


1 不同层面的铁元素物质流研究


1.1 产业层面


1.2 国家或地区层面



1.3 跨国家、跨区域及全球层面



2 物质流研究与其他分析方法的结合

2.1 与系统动力学方法相结合



2.2 与复杂网络分析方法相结合




3 总 结





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NIE Ying1,ZHONG Weiqiong2,3,DAI Tao2,3,LI Dan4

(1.Emerging Markets Institute, School of Economics and Resource Management,Beijing Normal University, Beijing100875,China;2.Ministry of Land and Resources Key Laboratory of Metallogeny and Mineral Resource Assessment Institute of Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy Geological Sciences,Beijing100037,China;3.Research Center for Strategy of Global Mineral Resources,Chinese Academy Geological Sciences,Beijing100037,China;4.China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing100083,China)

In recent years,the material flow analysis method has been applied to the study of iron resources.This paper studies the research results from two aspects:the industrial level,the national level and the global level;and the combination of material flow method and other research methods such as system dynamics model and complex network model.We found that the study of iron material flow at the industrial level or in a single country is already mature,and the main innovation in the future is the combination with other analytical methods.The research on iron material flow at the trans-regional or global level is relatively less,the research combined with other analytical methods is not deep enough,and future research can achieve more innovative achievements in this field.Because of the wide range of iron products,it is difficult to identify and statistics the final products in the industry chain,and introduce final products into the whole life cycle research of iron resources is also one of the future breakthrough direction.

iron resource;material flow analysis;research results;iron and steel industry




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