
2017-01-17 07:56:58毛志宏
当代经济科学 2016年6期

毛志宏,金 龙

(吉林大学 商学院,吉林 长春 130012)


毛志宏,金 龙

(吉林大学 商学院,吉林 长春 130012)



一、引 言




























表1 公司治理指数的载荷系数


美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)在其发布的第2号财务会计概念公告(SFAS No.2)《会计信息的质量特征》中明确指出,相关性包含预测价值、反馈价值和及时性。其中,预测价值是指会计信息应当有助于使用者对其所关注的事项或未来的结果进行合理预测,并通过减少其在决策中的不确定性,进而有利于使用者的决策差异。反馈价值的实现要求会计信息能够对相关事项或过程的未来结果进行预测和调整,换言之,反馈价值通常看作为预测价值的基础或是前提条件。因此,本文以会计信息的预测价值为切入点对会计信息相关性的问题进行研究。




















表2 变量的描述性统计分析

表3 主要变量的Pearson相关分析



表4列示了各解释变量对会计信息相关性影响的回归结果。模型1是检验公司治理对会计信息相关性的直接影响。在回归结果中,公司治理的交乘项CGI×Earn的系数显著为正(ɑ= 0.0969,p<0.1),表明公司治理对会计信息的相关性具有正向影响,假设H1得以验证。模型2是检验企业社会责任对会计信息相关性的直接影响。在回归结果中,企业社会责任的交乘项CSR×Earn的系数显著为正(ɑ= 0.0026,p<0.1),表明企业社会责任对会计信息的相关性具有正向影响,假设H2得以验证。

为验证假设H3,我们在模型1和模型2的基础上构建出一个两阶段模型(模型3和模型4)。模型3将公司治理和企业社会责任两个因素同时加入到模型中,控制其中一个因素来观察另一个因素对会计信息相关性的影响。从模型3的回归结果中可以发现,在控制了公司治理的因素后,企业社会责任对会计信息相关性的影响程度提高,显著性水平提高且回归系数变大(0.0027>0.0026),说明公司治理增强了企业社会责任对会计信息相关性的影响。在控制企业社会责任的因素后,公司治理对会计信息相关性的影响程度提高(0.1040>0.0969)。模型4在模型3的基础上加入公司治理与企业社会责任及其对应的交乘项。从模型4的回归结果中可以发现,公司治理与企业社会责任对应的交乘项CGI×CSR×Earn的系数显著为正(ɑ= 0.0067,p<0.05),且公司治理和企业社会责任的交乘项系数依旧显著,并进一步变大(0.1042>0.1040,0.0030>0.0027)。说明公司治理和企业社会责任相互调节增强了各自对会计信息相关性的影响,假设H3得以验证。此外,无形资产比例和是否亏损对应的交乘项系数均表现出显著为负,表明无形资产比重较大的企业或亏损的企业会导致其会计信息相关性降低。

表4 公司治理、企业社会责任与会计信息相关性的回归结果















表5 公司治理、企业社会责任与会计盈余价值相关性的回归结果


表5列示了公司治理和企业社会责任对会计盈余价值相关性影响的回归结果。在模型5中,公司治理的交乘项CGI×NI的系数显著为正(ɑ= 2.727,p<0.1),表明公司治理能够对会计盈余价值相关性产生促进作用,假设H1成立。在模型6中,企业社会责任的交乘项CSR×NI的系数显著为正(ɑ=0.047,p<0.05),表明企业社会责任能够对会计盈余价值相关性产生促进作用,假设H2成立。在以模型5和模型6为基础模型,以模型7和模型8作为扩展模型的比较时发现,在模型7中公司治理的交乘项CGI×NI和企业社会责任的交乘项CSR×NI的系数均显著提高(3.244>2.727,0.052>0.047),在模型8中公司治理与企业社会责任对应的交乘项CSR×CGI×NI的系数显著为正(ɑ=0.168,p<0.05),且公司治理和企业社会责任的交乘项系数进一步变大(3.676>3.244,0.064>0.052),表明公司治理和企业社会责任相互调节增强了各自对会计盈余价值相关性的影响,假设H3成立。

六、结 论



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Abstract: Using the sample of Shanghai and Shenzhen A-share listed companies from 2009-2013, this paper empirically examines the impact of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility on accounting information relevance, the synergy effect of corporate governance and corporate social responsibility on the accounting information relevance. The result shows that the improvement of the corporate governance is helpful to enhance the degree of relevance of accounting information; the better social responsibility performance of enterprises, the higher financial report accounting information relevance. Further study found that corporate governance can enhance the promoting effect of corporate social responsibility on the accounting information relevance, corporate social responsibility can enhance the positive impact of corporate governance on the accounting information relevance. It indicates that corporate governance and corporate social responsibility have a synergistic effect on the relevance of accounting information. The conclusions confirm that the corporate social responsibility plays a role of the governance of accounting information quality and has a certain guiding significance in promoting social responsibility performance of listed companies in the future.

Keywords: Corporate governance; Corporate social responsibility; Accounting information relevance; Synergistic effect

“The Comprehensively Deepening Reform Theory” and China’s Crossing “Middle-income Trap”

FENG Genfu1,2

(1.School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an JiaoTong University, Xi’an 710061, China;2.XJTU-SIDVC Financial and Investment Research Center, Suzhou 205000,China)

The third plenary session of the 18th central committee of the communist party of China puts forward the theory of comprehensively deepening reform, which was firstly proposed from the historical experience and realistic height by Comrade Xi Jinping as general secretary. It is a significant development of the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Using the theory of comprehensively deepening reform to analyze the historical problems left over from the economic and social development in China since the reform and opening-up and the new problems emerging at present, it can be found that the uncoordinated economic system reform, political system reform, social system reform, cultural system reform and ecological civilization reform are the key issues that restrict China to overcome the “middle income trap” in the future. Therefore, we must, under the guidance of the comprehensively deepening reform theory put forward by the third plenary session of the 18th central committee of the communist party of China, comprehensively and orderly promote economic, political, social, cultural, ecological civilization and other fields to achieve a coordinated development of economy, politics, society, culture and ecology civilization. Only in this way, China will be able to overcome and resolve various social contradictions and risks, and successfully cross the “middle income trap” to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The comprehensively deepening reform theory; Coordinated development of the economic society; Crossing middle-income trap

Re-measuring Chinese Factor Income Distribution

TAN Xiaopeng, CHAO Xiaojing

(School of Economic and Management, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China)

Abstract: This paper uses the related data about Chinese flow of funds and provincial income approach of GDP, and calculates the factor income distribution structure of China and its every region from 1992 to 2014 on the basis of adjusting individual business owners’ mixed income and state farm operating surplus. The results demonstrate that, from the overall situation of the whole country, the share of labor income has stayed in a low level steady state since 1992, the share of capital income appears a long-term and moderate upward trend and the share of government appears a cyclical fluctuation. On the regional level, the provinces’ fluctuations and trends are significantly different. The common is that, the percentile of government income is smallest and the fluctuation extent is obscure. The provinces with obvious change trend include Liaoning, Jiangsu, Beijing city, Shaanxi, Jiangxi and Anhui.

Keywords: Factor income distribution; Flow of funds; Provincial income approach GDP; Individual business owners’ mixed income; State farm operating surplus

Promoting Capital Market Reform Surrounding Third Great Forces of Asset Pricing


(1.School of Finance and Finance, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China;2.School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

Abstract: The reform of Chinese capital market could not be confined to enhancing the quality of listed companies or restricting the behavior of listed companies and investors, but paying more attention to those third great forces such as investor protection, listing and trading system, micro market structure which is enough to affect asset pricing. Perfecting the system of securities legislation and law enforcement oriented to investor protection, and constricting the destructive growth behaviors is the institutional cornerstone of regulating the development of capital market. Breaking the threshold of access to capital market, and replacing the verification-based stock-issuing system with registration-based stock-issuing system is the guarantee of preventing unfair competition and rent seeking. Filling the technical loopholes in the transaction process to ensure the harmony of futures and spot, leverage and forward delivery, price limit and trade halts system is the firewall to ensure the smooth performance of capital market and prevent those potential financial risks. Developing different institutional investors, optimizing the micro market structure is the lasting and stable development road of China’s capital market.

Keywords:Investor protection; Market structure; Trading system

Basic Research or Applied Research: Who can Promote TFP Growth More?—Adjustment Effect of Ownership and Factor Market Distortion


(School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China)

Abstract: During the period of economic transition, the influencing mechanism of different types of research and development activities on the total factor productivity (TFP) in China is more complicated than that in the mature market economies. This paper first analyzes the different effects of basic research and applied research on innovation between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises due to their difference of resource endowment and institutional logic, and then analyzes the adjusting effect of factor market distortion and joint adjusting effect of ownership and factor market distortion on the relationship between two kinds of research and development activities and regional TFP. Further Empirical analysis results based on the provincial panel data of China from 1998 to 2014 and the finite distributed lag model show that, basic research contributed more to TFP growth than applied research in the regions with high proportion of state-owned economy, and applied research contribute more to TFP growth than basic research in the regions with low proportion of state-owned economy. It is also shown that factor market distortion will weaken the influence of basic research and applied research on TFP, among which the influence of basic research was weaken more, and the adjusting effect of ownership also relied on the factor market distortion. The discovery of this paper could provide further empirical evidence for scientifically determining the adjustment direction and implementation focus of national innovation support policy.

Keywords:Basic research; Applied research; Regional TFP; Ownership; Factor market distortion

A Study of the Forced Mechanism of the Low Carbon Constraint on Energy Intensity

PAN Xiongfeng, PAN Xianyou, LI Changyu

(Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China)

Abstract: From the perspective of basic relationship between low carbon constraint and energy intensity, this paper theoretically argues direct and indirect impacts of carbon productivity on energy intensity. On this basis, this paper empirically analyzes China’s provincial panel data from the period 2000-2014. The results demonstrate that the trajectory of the direct effects of carbon productivity on energy intensity is U-shape. For China’s current situation, carbon productivity can effectively keep energy intensity down, but the marginal effects of “energy saving” that carbon productivity brings about are weakening because of the rise of the cost of energy saving. Moreover, carbon productivity regulation inversely force the industry structure to upgrade itself, changing the effects that industry restructure have on energy intensity; Secondly, the technology innovation induced by carbon constraint may somewhat have rebound effects on energy intensity; At last, foreign direct investment, as one of the effective measures to reduce energy intensity, whose technology spillover and capital accumulation will be influenced by the acceleration effects of carbon productivity

Keywords: Carbon productivity; Energy intensity; Forced mechanism; Dual effect

The Win-win Relationship between Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth:Evidence from TCZ Policies in China

WU Mingqin1,2, ZHOU Shimin2, CHEN Jiachang2

(1.South China Market Economy Research Center, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;2.School of Economics and Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China)

Abstract:We take the “Acid Rain Control Zone and SO2Pollution Control Zone” (TCZ) policy that was implemented in 1998 as a natural experiment. Based on a large society and economy development dataset of 280 key cities in China from 1992-2009, this paper investigates the relationship between the policy of the TCZ and economic growth by employing the empirical method of difference-in-difference (DID). The results demonstrate that the policy of TCZ caused the GDP per capita to increase by 8.30% and the industrial GDP per capita to increase by 16.30%. This implies that implement of the appropriate and draconian environmental regulation can significantly promote economic development, and achieve a win-win situation for both the environmental protection and economic growth. Finally, the results are robust to a series of specification tests which include the test of difference of the geography, spatial distribution and the political factors in the TCZ cities.

Keywords:Environmental regulation; Economy growth; TCZ policy; DID

Uncertainty Shocks, Bank Risk-taking and Economic Fluctuations

MA Xutao, SHEN Yue

(School of Economics and Finance, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710061, China)

Abstract:Considering the uncertainty shocks, this paper constructs a continuous time DSGE model including banking sector to analyze the mechanism of bank risk-taking, explores the impacts of uncertainty shocks on bank risk-taking and economic fluctuations and reveals the bank risk-taking channel of uncertainty shock affecting economic fluctuations. The result finds that bank risk-taking behavior is related to bank capital quantity and economic uncertainty degree. The bank will increase risk-taking with the rise in bank capital or economic stability. The impulse response analysis demonstrates that economic shocks have direct effects on bank capital and economic uncertainty degree and are transmitted and amplified through this two mechanisms, and that the uncertainty shocks still is a non-ignorable factor contributing to economic fluctuations.

Keywords: Uncertainty shock; Bank risk-taking; Economic fluctuations; Continuous time DSGE Model

Life Expectation and National Saving—Based on the Analysis of Aggregate Equation with Variable Coefficient of GDP Growth Rate

JIN Gang1, ZHANG Qiuqiu2

(1.Institution of Population Research, Liaoning University, Shenyang 110036, China;2.School of Business Administration, Shenyang Univesity, Shenyang 110044, China)

Abstract:By relaxing on the assumption of traditional life-cycle theory about fixed time span of both life and working, this paper introduces survival function into analytical framework of traditional life-cycle theory. The results find that GDP growth rate in aggregate saving equation with survival function has variable coefficient, which should be constant in aggregate saving equation without survival function. The improvement of life expectation from 15 years old would increase the coefficient of GDP growth rate while the improvement of life expectation from 15 years old to 60 years old would decrease that. The result of empirical analysis of panel data based on 218 countries around the world during 1981-2010 supports the above conclusions. Along with the improvement of life expectation, the coefficient of GDP growth rate in aggregate saving equation is increasing. But the amplification of the coefficient of GDP growth rate of some countries or districts is apparently bigger than others, which might cause the improvement of national saving rate is faster than that of GDP growth rate in these countries or districts.

Keywords: Life expectation; Working period; Economic growth rate; National saving rate; Variable coefficient of GDP Growth Rate; Aggregate saving equation

Effectiveness of Monetary Policy on the Financial Asset Structure and Macro-economic Fluctuations

XU Mei

(School of Economics, Northwest University of Politics and Law, Xi’an 710063, China)

Abstract:The adjustment of monetary policy can affect the consumption and investment of the individuals. The accumulation of individual behavior will result in the creation of the macro financial asset structure. Through credit and financing, the financial capital will be converted to physical capital and thus have an impact on macroeconomic. In this paper, by constructing Sidrauski model, the effects of monetary policy path hypothesis are put forward. Then ARDL-ECM is build to argue that the monetary policy effect on the structure of financial assets is more effective than macroeconomic, short-term adjustment is more effective than long-term.

Keywords:Monetary policy; Financial assets structure; Macro-economic fluctuation; Sidrausiki model; ARDL-ECM

Decentralization, Local Debt and Modern Financial Reform—Based on the Effect Analysis from Different Angles of Fiscal Decentralization

WANG Jieru

(Institute of Finance and Taxation, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014,China)

Abstract:It is generally recognized by domestic academia that local debt was born within fiscal decentralization. The mainstream view is that payment imbalance will lead to the expansion of local government spending scale. Another view supports the “leviathan” hypothesis, and points out that fiscal decentralization can limit the excessive expansion of local government spending. But how fiscal decentralization functions specifically in local debt remains to be further research. This article sets up a theoretical framework of fiscal decentralization associated with local government debt, and conducts empirical tests from three angles of expenditure decentralization, revenue decentralization and vertical fiscal imbalance. The results show that the decentralization effects should not be treated as the same. Improving revenue decentralization, reducing expenditure decentralization and vertical fiscal imbalance will be helpful to a lower level of the local debt. To build the modern government relationship, it needs to increase central general transfer payment after the “split 50-50”, with strict management of government spending. At the same time, moderately relaxing revenue management, giving the local government limited tax revenue legislative right, and building a local tax system is very important.

Keywords:Debt level of local government; Expenditure decentralization; Revenue decentralization; Vertical fiscal imbalance

Formal Credit Constraints and Influencing Factors of Specialized Farmers:Evidence from 725 Apple Growers in China

MA Yanni, HUO Xuexi

(Western Rural Development Research Center School of Economics and Management,Northwest Agriculture and Forest University, Yangling 712100,China)

Abstract: The specialized household has a difficulty of financing. This paper comparatively analyzes formal credit constraints condition and causes of specialized households with different scales by using the micro-data of 725 apple growers in China and the status of leading specialized households. The results show that the specialized households generally are subject to credit constraints of formal financial institutions, and are given priority to that of demand type. Leading specialized households are vulnerable to credit constraints of supply type, and the cumbersome financial procedure, a long time of examination and approval are the main reasons that led to the credit constraints. The Logistic analysis shows that the farmers in the western region are vulnerable to credit constraints. In addition, the farmers with more family labor and apple planting area, less family net incomes, greater the distance to bank outlets, and larger amount of each loan, will be subject to credit constraints.

Keywords: Leading specialized household; Formal credit constraints; Logistic model; Influencing factors

The Effect of Housing Demolition on the Household Entrepreneurship in the Process of Urbanization

FAN Cijun, ZHANG Donghao

(Research Institute of Economics and Management, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,Chengdu 611130, China)

Abstract: Since the reform and opening up, China’s urbanization level has substantially been improved, and the housing demolition also gradually accelerates. Using Chinese Household Finance Survey 2011 data, this paper studies the effect of housing demolition on household entrepreneurship. We find that the housing demolition significantly decreases the probability of entrepreneurship and the amount of company assets. In further studies, we show the negative relationship between the demolition and entrepreneurship varies in housing state. Those who have houses suffer less from this negative relationship. At last, we also find that the effects of demolition on entrepreneurship are heterogeneous, the negative effect of demolition is biggest for the renters, is smaller for households having one house and is smallest for households having multiple houses.

Keywords: Housing demolition; Entrepreneurship; Housing ownership; Heterogeneity

Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility and Accounting Information Relevance

MAO Zhihong, JIN Long

(Business School, Jilin University, Changchun 130012; China)






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