
2017-01-15 14:10:05
中国医学影像技术 2017年3期


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Diagnostic value of salivary gland ultrasonography scoring systems in Sjögren's syndrome


(1.DepartmentofUltrasound, 2.DepartmentofRheumatology,theFirstAffiliatedHospitalofNanchangUniversity,Nanchang330006,China)

Objective To explore the value of salivary glands ultrasonography in diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome (SS). Methods Ninety-two patients with symptoms of xerophthalmia or xerostomia were enrolled, and 42 of them were divided to the SS group and the others to non-SS group. The bilateral parotid and submandibular gland of all patients were examined with ultrasonography, then the ultrasonographic features of bilateral salivary glands were obtained. The imaging features of salivary glands were evaluated by a semi-quantitative scoring system. The differences of ultrasonography scores between SS group and non-SS group were compared. The value of semi-quantitative scoring system in diagnosis of SS was analyzed. Results Salivary gland ultrasonic manifestations of 38 patients (38/50, 76.00%) in non-SS group were normal, whose ultrasonographic scores were 0. Whereas the ultrasound of 32 patients (32/42, 76.19%) were abnormalities in SS group, whose ultrasonographic scores were ≥1. Ultrasonographic scores in SS group were higher than that of non-SS group (P<0.001). The area under the ROC curve of ultrasound score in diagnosis of SS was 0.805 (P<0.001, 95% confidence interval was [0.711,0.899]). When the cutoff value of the scores was 2, the sensitivity and specificity were 59.5%, and 92.0%. Conclusion The ultrasonographic scoring of salivary glands can provide a semi-quantitative index for inhomogeneity of the salivary glands, which has significant value in the diagnosis of SS.

Sjögren's syndrome; Ultrasonography; Salivary glands


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