摘 要: 针对无线传感器网络(WSN)中部分节点不能被访问而导致数据丢失率和能耗较高的问题,提出了利用Hilbert空间填充曲线的WSN移动汇聚节点轨迹设计方法。首先,利用依赖于网络大小的Hilbert曲线分析移动汇聚节点的轨迹;然后,基于节点密度计算Hilbert曲线的阶次以确定汇聚节点轨迹的维度;最后,利用NS?2仿真评估该方法在网络覆盖和可扩展方面的有效性。仿真结果表明,随着网络中节点数的增加,移动节点覆盖率降低,提出的基于密度的Hilbert曲线在网络覆盖、数据包投递率和平均能耗方面均优于基于尺寸的Hilbert曲线。
关键词: 数据传输率; Hilbert曲线; 移动汇聚节点; 网络覆盖; 无线传感器网络
中图分类号: TN92?34; TP393 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2016)23?0017?05
WSN mobile aggregation node track design based on Hilbert space filling curve
LI Xin1, WANG Yajuan2
(1. Department of Computer Engineering, Xinjiang Institute of Engineering, Urumqi 830000, China;
2. Department of Information Security Engineering, Xinjiang Police College, Urumqi 830013, China)
Abstract: Since the data loss rate and energy consumption are high due to that some nodes in wireless sensor network (WSN) can′t be accessed, a novel approach of using Hilbert space filling curve to design the mobile aggregation node track for WSN is proposed. The Hilbert curve depending on the size of network is used to analyzed the mobile aggregation node track. The order of Hilbert curve is calculated based on node density to determine the dimension of the aggregation node track. The NS?2 simulation is used to evaluate the effectiveness of network coverage and scalability. The simulation results show that the mobile node coverage rate is reduced with the increase of the nodes quantity of the whole network, and the proposed Hilbert curve based on density is superior to the Hilbert curve based on size in the aspects of network coverage, packet transfer ratio and average energy consumption.
Keywords: data transfer ratio; Hilbert curve; mobile aggregation node; network coverage; wireless sensor network
0 引 言
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4 结 语
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