
2017-01-12 08:33龙俊波汪海滨
现代电子技术 2016年23期


摘 要: 线性调频信号(LMFS)是雷达回波信号的一种常见形式,Wigner?Hough变换(WHT)常用于LMFS的检测。复杂环境下雷达回波中的尖峰脉冲噪声服从[α]稳定分布,在这种噪声环境下WHT性能退化。基于此提出了能工作在稳定分布噪声环境下的分数低阶伪Wigner?Ville时频分布方法(FLO?PWVD),结合已有的Hough变换,提出了分数低阶伪Wigner?Hough变换(FLO?PWHT)新方法。在脉冲噪声环境下,应用FLO?PWHT对多个LMFS信号进行检测,计算机仿真结果表明,提出的FLO?PWHT算法性能明显优于已有的PWHT方法,能较好地在脉冲噪声环境下工作,且具有一定的韧性。

关键词: 雷达回波; 线性调频信号; 时频分布; [α]稳定分布; 信号检测

中图分类号: TN911.7?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2016)23?0005?04

FLO?WHT based radar echo LMFS detection in impulse noise

LONG Junbo1, WANG Haibin2

(1. School of Electronic Engineering, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332005, China;

2. School of Information Science and Technology, Jiujiang University, Jiujiang 332005, China)

Abstract: The linear frequency?modulation signal (LMFS) is a common form of radar echo signal, and the Wigner?Hough transform (WHT) is commonly used to detect the LMFS. The spike impulse noise in radar echo follows [α] stable distribution in complex environment, but the performance of the WHT will degenerate in this noise environment. The fractional lower?order pseudo Wigner?Ville time?frequency distribution (FLO?PWVD) method is proposed in this paper, which can work in stable distribution noise environment. The new method of fractional lower?order pseudo Wigner?Hough transform (FLO?PWHT) is proposed based on Hough transform. The FLO?PWHT method was adopted to detect the multiple LMFSs in impulse noise environment. The computer simulation results show that the proposed FLO?PWHT method has better performance than the existing PWHT method, it can work better in the impulse noise environment, and has a certain tenacity.

Keywords: radar echo; linear frequency?modulated signal; time?frequency distribution; [α] stable distribution; signal detection