
2017-01-10 00:46赵宽熙


关键词:史传性;独创性; 复古;正典;建设的想象力


文献标识码:A DOI:10.3963/j.issn.16716477.2016.06.0001


















“然神仙幽隐,与世异流,世之所闻者,犹千不得一者也。……予今复抄集古之仙者,见于《仙经服食方》及百家之书,先师所说,耆儒所论,以为十卷,以传知真识远之士。”[2] 在此葛洪阐明了为补遗秦代阮仓和汉代刘向记录的缺陷而作。同时期的代表志怪作品集有《搜神记》,该书作者干宝的主张亦无异于葛洪,其言曰:“虽考先志于载籍,收遗逸于当时,盖非一耳一目之所亲闻赌也,亦安敢谓无实者哉!……然而国家不废注记之官,学士不绝诵览之业,岂不以其所失者小,所存者大乎!…… 及其著述,亦足以明神道之不诬也。群言百家不可胜览,耳目所受不可胜哉。”[3]








“根据Lionel Gossman:很长时间历史与文学的关系并没有造成什么问题,因历史是文学的一部分。18世纪末,文学一词的意义或文学制度本身开始发生变化的时候,历史与文化才被区分开。”⑦而且这些初期的西方小说家对自己的作品被归类为小说一直持否定态度。


这和一些志怪与传奇作家们将他们的作品命名为 “一经”、“一传”或“一记”的事实的缘由相同⑨。由此可见,无论是西方还是中国,对于虚构的看法都一致,都在有意识地否定与回避这一事实,并且倾向于历史的观念上相同⑩。







传奇的“传”并不单纯意味着事实的传达,其在积极意义上是作家参与并加以解释的行为,由此唐代被认为是中国小说史上的一个重要转折点。历史记述上的这种差异,在后人理解真实(reality)的方式上也呈现出不同的立场,即是“历史的意义并不是通过解释这一扭曲过程所发现的”,“事实是在历史文本中自身显现”B14的立场,和“从历史的角度解释的‘存在is,sein与‘当为ought to be,sollen,相互交织而不可分离”,“道德的、意识形态的、政治的基准是建立在对于历史里实际的、事实的所有探求的基础上”B15的两相对立的立场。

前者代表人物为唐代著名史学家刘知几。他主张历史记述的中心原则为“实录”,又认为“像《左传》一样写得完美无缺的历史叙事,因记录完整,无须解释”B16。这很容易使人联想到19世纪后期法国自然主义者陈述的刘知几的这些主张,基于历史叙事中的语言和意义不存在分歧,它们之间是一致的观念。他的这种假设是根据人与人之间的关系基于事物与事件的本质,“只要客观地叙述过去的故事,就会使读者在他们所看到的故事中得到道德上的教训。”随即“客观的历史谈论将一切事实放在透明自然的视角中,就不需解释了。”就在此点上由此引起了动人的辩证的反转,这就是刘知几的那种“起初所抱有的‘否定的怀疑性解释学显然变为‘肯定的逼真性诗学”。也就是说“写历史并不是构成‘事实的某物而是朝着罗兰·巴特所说的创造‘引起现实感的效果(Reality Effect)”的方向改变了B17。












司马迁认为史记不是“作”之产品,故声明不可与所谓“作”领域的《春秋》进行比较。他的这一表明,为对创作的传统理解提供了引人注目的反转契机。黄卫总认为,司马迁本着孔子述而不作的原则,主张其《史记》不是革新,同时又不可与为其本身看作革新者的孔子相提并论的这种看法,这一瞬间,却把中国历史上最具革新的人物之一的孔子或司马迁本身的独创性否认了B28。黄卫总的指责,其意义甚为深远。他指出了这样的事实:在传统观念上,中国人为了追随孔子“述而不作”的精神,而否认了自身著作的独创性,这种观点反倒形成了主张独创性的特殊修辞手段。“通过否认得以主张(claiming by means of disclaiming)”,才呈现出具有极致反向的独创性的本质。黄卫总的此论,使F. W. Mote在对有关艺术独创性的中国传统态度的下列一段言论中得到了很大启示:“美学上、技术上的成就度越高,富于创造力的个人就越能控制过去,反之则被控制于过去。因为它们是完全统一的。”B29

进而在此基础上,黄卫总例示了中国文学史上在复古restoring antiquity or returning to antiquity与拟古imitation of the ancients的名分下所形成的诸多文学创作。首先以唐代李白为首的诸多诗人所创作的诗歌如果是在拟古之下取得的成果,那么唐代发起的古文运动同样也是被反向命名的散文改革运动。因此,明代何景明对于把复古的名称用于韩愈的古文运动感到别扭,以至于声明“古文精神与其说是复兴于韩愈的手上,毋宁说是败在其手中”。当然,何景明的这一见解,不仅使不懂独创性之“逆说”的诸多评论家陷入混乱,甚至于激怒了他们B30。究其缘由,无非在于他们不了解反面教材的应用原理而已。


可谓“对起源的怀古之情(nostalgia for origin) ”B34常会引发后人一种焦虑感,即“究竟让我们能做到的还剩下什么”?这种过去的负面影响,可总结之前所说的对“独创性”的渴望和与此同时伴随突破传统方式的一种尝试。因此江西诗派对文体进行“脱胎换骨appropriating the embryo”或“点铁成金catalytic transformation”的做法,亦即通过把前人的诗句和诗意等的互文inter-textuality手法来减轻“因先例而不安anxiety for precedence”的心理负担。这“复古”不再是单纯的拟古倾向,而是积极意义上的“用古using antiquity”[9]。




科林伍德(Collingwood)将这种离心力称为“构成上的想象力”(constructive imagination)B36是指事实与意义(意味)活跃结合的过程。正是“通过这种结合过程形成了谈论的特定意义结构,而我们必须承认这就是历史意识的产物”B37。进而Hayden White将科林伍德的“构成上的想象力”称为“(在不能随意启动义上的)先验的、(或组成可能思考的对象,并在为形式的一贯性概念所控制的义上)构造的”B38。



①“Any theoretical inquiry into the nature of Chinese narrative must take its starting point in the acknowledgement of the immense importance of historiography and, in a certain sense, ‘historicism in the total aggregate of the culture. In fact, the question of how to define the narrative category in Chinese literature eventually boils own to whether or not there did exist within the traditional civilization a sense of the inherent commensur ability of its two major forms:historiography and fiction.”(See Plaks,Andrew H., Chinese Narrative Theory-Towards a Critical Theory of Chinese Narrative,Plaks, Andrew H. ed., Chinese Narrative-Critical and Theoretical Essays,Princeton University Press, 1977. p.311.)



④“我们必须早日从辨別所有古代记录的真伪这一愚蠢的行动中脱离。如同东洋学界本世纪文献学的金字塔之一的张心澂的《伪书通考》所代言,吾人还不能脱离这种真伪辨別文献学的幼稚阶段。……所有历史的陈述由于其样式具有各自特有、固有的意义,所以不能做为真伪的对象。” (参见金容沃的《何为女》一书,首尔:Tongnamu,1986年第134-135页)。

⑤“按照一般的常理言,小说并非历史。可是魏晋南北朝小说,无论内容和形式,都受到先秦两汉史传的影响,实际是史传的一股支流。” (参见刘叶秋的《魏晋南北朝小说》一书,中华书局,1961年第21页)

⑥“……the historians urge to preserve ancient records.”(See DeWoskin, Kenneth J.,“The Six Dynasties Chih-Kuai and the Birth of Fiction”, in Plaks, Andrew H. ed., Chinese Narrative, Princeton University Press, 1977. p.30)

⑦“According to Lionel Gossman, ‘For a long time the relationship of history to literature was not notably problematic. History was a branch of literature. It was not until the meaning of the word literature, or the institution of literature itself began to change, toward the end of the eighteenth century, that history came to appear as something distinct from literature.Lionel Gossman”,“History and Literature:Reproduction or Signification”,in The Writing of History:Literary Form and Historical Understanding, Eds.Robert H. Canary and Henry Kozicki, Madison:University of Wisconsin Press, 1978. P.23. 转引自Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.29.

⑧“As recent scholars have shown, most seventeenth-and eighteenth-century authors implicitly or explicitly denied that they were writing novels or romances.They entitled their works ‘histories, ‘lives, or ‘memoirs to dissociate themselves from the frivolous,fanciful, improbable, sometimes immoral aspects of the former. In one form or another, the phrase ‘this is not a novel/romance/story appeared frequently in prefaces.”(See Wallace Martin, op. cit., p.43)

⑨“只要大致检讨现存志怪文本,显然就会发现与历史著作类似。大部分的志怪集以‘志、‘记、‘传作为题目。With even a cursory examination of the chih-kuai texts that we now have, their affinity with traditional historical writing is obvious. Most collections are entitled ‘records, ‘accounts, ‘biographies.”(See DeWoskin, Kenneth J., op. cit., p.26)



B12“Until quite late in the Chinese tradition, most literary theorists adopted a ‘historical approach to narrative. Notions and theories of narrative were essentially based on the model of historical narratives. More often than not, fictional narratives were theorized and judged in accordance with the standards of historical narratives. Historical interpretation remained the predominant mode of reading narrative works. Narrative was history, and fiction was unofficial, defective history. "”(See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p. 3.)

B13“The annals itself has the double status of being at once a Classic and a history. As one of the Six Classics, the annals falls in the domain of ching-hsüeh, the ‘study of the Classic. But as a historical text, it also belongs to the realm of shih-hsüeh, ‘historical studies. Whereas the hermeneutic approach grew out of exegesis of the Classics, the historiographical approach emerged from the discipline of history. ” (See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.54.)

B14“The meaning of history is not to be recovered through the tortuous procedures of interpretation:it emerges freely and naturally from a well-structured historical narrative. ”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.55.)

B15“The ‘is and the ‘ought are intertwined and become inseparable in historical interpretation. Behind all intentions of objectivity and empiricism in Chinese historical inquiry exists a deep-seated ‘political unconscious. A moral, ideological, and political measure underlies all search for the actual and real in history. ”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., pp.90-91.)

B16“Liu thinks that in a well-written historical narrative, such as the Tso chuan, the meaning of the recorded events is self-evident and interpretation is superfluous.”(See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.75.)

B17“The curious point in Lius historiography is his belief in a natural,inevitable link between language and meaning,and between signifier and signified. His fundamental assumption is that human relations are grounded in the nature of things and events. Once the stories of the past are narrated ‘objectively , the reader can draw moral lessons from what he reads. Interpretation becomes superfluous once objective historical discourse locates everything within a transparent, natural perspective.At this point, his initial ‘narrative hermeneutics of suspicion apparently transforms into a positive poetics of vraisemblance. In the end objective narration and realistic description support the existing conventions of representing history. The writing of history does not constitute the ‘real but creates, in Barthess words, a ‘reality effect(Barthes,‘Historical Discourse, 154).”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., pp.76-77.)

B18“But what is backgrounded in historiography is an intricate and ideologically motivated system of organizing historical materials that conforms to specific views of humanbeings and reality.The effects of vraisemblance do no succeed in concealing the entrenched structure of legitimation and the establishment of subjects.Historiography is far from being the natural discourse it might seem at first:rather, it is nothing less than an ideology, ‘a system(with its own logic and rigor)of representations(images,myths,ideas or concepts……)endowed with a historical existence and role within a given society(Althusser, For Marx, 231)”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.6.)

B19“A basic premise of the Chun-chiu commentators is that a discrepancy between word and meaning,between the ‘letter and the ‘spirit, exists in the text.” (See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., pp.60-61.)

B20“Behind all intentions of objectivity and empiricism in Chinese historical inquiry exists a deep-seated ‘political unconscious.……one fundamental assumption of Chinese readers and writers of history is the central notion of ‘legitimacy: the legitimacy of social posit ions and the legitimacy of the succession of royal houses and dynasties.” (See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., pp.90-91.)

B21“Historical discourse has always been a highly politicized activity in China:it has had to be at once objective and normative.……History may be called the grand me tanarrative of legitimation and self-legitimation.”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.82.)

B22“The difference between history and fiction was no longer solely the dichotomy of fact and invention, actuality and probability, or literal truth and imaginative truth.The line separating them was,to alarge extent,between canonical and non-canonical texts, between officially sanctioned discourse and non-official discourse,between orthodoxy and heterodoxy. ” (See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.5.)

B23上述所引用的鲁晓鹏一书,就如其书名,不难看出是以自历史的事实性到小说虚构之变化这一范例paradigm为中心追遡中国小说史的发展趋势。“中国古代历史的著作与小说的要素尚未区分、共存之际,把某样式或某时期指定为小说的诞生正是说明小说与历史的分割。If ficton is said to have cohabitated with genuine historical writing from the beginning in China,when we designate a genre or a perion as the birth of fiction we are in face describing the divergence of fiction and history from each other.(See DeWoskin, Kenneth J., op. cit., p.27)

B24“In the ssu-pu system as Wei Cheng inherited it, there was an explicit line drawn between philosophy and history, discourse and narrative in formal terms, and the hsiao-shuo were naturally shelved with the philosophies.hsiao-shuo,be the term rendered ‘little talk,trivial explanation, ‘minor persuasion,or the like,clearly belonged to the discursiverather than the narrative in a division.”(See DeWoskin, Kenneth J., op. cit., p.46.)

B25“The emergence and development of the lei-shu seen from this perspective complements the increasing sophistication and purification of the historical writing of the period, their appearance coming in response to the need to preserve ancient records that were being abandoned by the traditional bearer.” (See DeWoskin, Kenneth J.,op. cit., p.48)

B26“A notable difference between the Wen-hsüan and the Wen-yüan ying-hua is the emergence hsiao-shuo genre of ‘biography,or chuan. To be sure,the Wen-hsüan contains such narrative and quasi-biographical genres as the ‘stone inscription(pei),the ‘commorative record (mu-Chi),and the ‘account of a career(hsing-chuang).But the chuan is exclude from the anthology for being a historical genre rather than a literary one.Chapter 12 of Liu Hsiehs theoretical treatise,the Wen-hsin tiao-lung,is devoted to the semibiographical genres of ‘elegy(lei) and ‘stone inscription(pei). Chaper 6, which deal with historical writings,briefly mentions the topic of the chuan. But neither the Wen-hsüan nor the Wen-hsin tiao-lung discusses the ‘biography(chuan) in its diverse forms. It was, rather, the historians and bibliographers who were interested in defining and classifying the varietyes of biographical writings.The ‘Chin-chi chih of the Sui-shu lists 217 titles of ‘miscellaneous biography(tsa-chuan) in the ‘History Sectionand teats them as one of the thirteen types ofhistorical writings.The ‘BibliographicTreatise of the Chiu Tang-shu basically follows the practiceof the Sui-shu on this matter.In the Shih-tung,Liu Chih-chi devoted a chapter,Miscellaneous Narritive(‘Tsa-shu), to the quasi-historical writings that cannot be included in the corpus of canonical and official histories.He considers,separate biography(pieh-chuan) one of the ten types of non-offical histories. In the Wen-yüan ying-hua,there is no lack of such old biographical and semi-biographical genres as hsing-chuang, chih(record), ei, and ming(commemorative record). A major change from previous anthologies is the incorporation of more than thirty fictional ‘biographies be Tang writers.Fictional biography is now listed alongside the elevated official literrary genres.This recognition of a humble fictional genre and its investiture by the official literay canon are not insignificant for the study of Chinese fiction.Before the Sung,biograph and hsiao-shuo had been classified as forms of historical and quasi-historical writings and discussed from the point of view of historiography.”(See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng (1994), op. cit., pp.131-132.)

B27“专门收集有关小说记录的第一本类书《太平广记》的编纂,象征宋初并未将志怪看作小说的最后一个证据这与欧阳修将志怪排除《新唐书·史部》可作一比较。The compilation of the Tai-ping kuang-chi,the first anthology explicitly engaged in the gathering of hsio-shuo,in the same sense marks the final rejection of the chih-kuai as history in the early Sung, and coincides with Ou-yang Hsius expunging of the shih-pu(史部 histories) in the Hsin Tang-shu of chih-kuai material.”(See DeWoskin, Kenneth J., op. cit., p.48.)

B28“This is indicated by several facts first,the treatment of fictional biographies as a literary genre alongside other literary genres in the Wen-yüan ying-hua:second,the compilation of the special hsiao-shuo anthology,the Tai-ping kuang-chi:and third,the nature of the title listed in the hsiao-shuo section of the Hsin Tang-shu, which come close to the modern conception of fiction.”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1994), op. cit., p.132.)

B29“Having in mind Confuciuss remark about innovation and transmission, Sima Qian was saying that his writing of Shiji was not innovation. But his insistence that he should not be compared with Confucius(whom he considered an innovator) seems to subvert Confuciussdisclaimer of originality and ultimately his own. (Of course, both Confucius and Sima Qian are considered to be among the most innovative figure in Chinese history.) ” Huang, Martin Weizong, “Dehistoricization and Intertextualization The Anxiety of Precedents in the Evolution of the Traditional Chinese Novel脱历史化和互文性化:在中国传统小说发展上的因先例而不安”, CLEAR 12, 1990. p.46.

B30“So, the greater the aesthetic and technical achievement, the more the creative individual was thought to be in command of the past, or under command of the past―for they were the same thing. ”Frederic W. Mote,“The Art and the ‘Theorizing Mode of theCivilization 艺术与文明的”理论化样式, Christian F. Murck ed. ,Uses of the Past in Chinese Culture: Artists and Traditions(Princeton university Press, 1976. p.7. 转引自黄卫总,同上书,第46页)


B32“A major constituents of the research in the area of traditional Chinese fiction has been what is called ‘source study,‘influence study,or ‘derivation study which attempts to establish textual connections between works of fiction and the earlier works from the same or a different generic tradition. ” (See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng, "The Fictional Discourse of Pien-wen: The Relation of Chinese fiction to Historiography", CLEAR 9, 1987. p.49.)

B33“Very often in the case of Chinese fiction, retrogressive searches ultimately come back to the the tradition of historical writings or historiography which is chronologically the ‘origin and ‘antecedent of the much later fictional narrative literature.”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1987), op. cit., p.49-50.)

据说,经常以“索隐”名目被称呼的这种研究倾向,依照鲁晓鹏的主张,赋予在“中国的文言传统”与“整个中国文化之内存续高度的持续性和统一性”的印象。“The evidence of the happy linkage of the two essential modes of Chinese narrative leaves one with the impression that there exits a great continuity and uniformity within the Chinese literary tradition and Chinese culture at large.”(See Lu, Sheldon Hsiao-peng(1987) , op. cit., p.50.)

B34“for a culture as old as the Chinese, it may be expected that Sinology is often haunted by a nostalgia for origin and motivated toward hunting for direct, factual sources.” (See Lu, Sheldon Hsiapeng(1987), op. cit., p.50.)

B35“Forms of traditional, positivistic adaptation/derivation studies often go back to historiography for the final location of textual sources and the basis of subsequent literary inspiration. for the better or worse, these studies unavoidably picture a process of reduction towards tradition and continuity in accountiong for the mechanism of textual formation and variations. The productive and creative instances of fictional discourse are subjugated to the techniques of mnemonics and creative instances of the past.”(See Lu,Sheldon Hsiao-peng (1987), op. cit., p.52.)

B36“This, according to Collingwood, is ‘the renacment of past thought in the historians mind. ……they certainly acknowledge with him the necessity of the constructive imagination in in writing a history. ”(Yu, Anthony C. 余国藩, "History,Fiction and the Reading of Chinese Narrative", CLEAR 10, 1988. p.5.)

B37“This discourse itself is the actual combination of facts and meaning which gives to it the aspect of a specific structure of meaning that permits us to identify it as a product of one kindof historical consciousness rather than another. ”(See Yu, Anthony C. 余国藩, op. cit., p.6.)

B38“This is, in fact,how White explains Collingwoods understanding of the constructive imagination,……was both a priori(which meant that it did not act capriciously) and structural (which meant that it was governed by notions of formal coherency in its constitution of possible object of thought). which for the latter”(See Yu, Anthony C. 余国藩, op. cit., p.6.)










[9]Huang, Martin Weizong. Uses of the Past in Chinese Culture:Artists and Traditions[M].Princeton:Princeton University Press,1976:48-49.

(责任编辑 文 格)

Abstract:The concern about the relationships between history and fiction can be described as one of the efforts that illustrate the origin of Chinese novel. In this thesis, I will explain the reason and meaning of the tradition of historiography of Chinese fiction being treated as an important thing. The reason that history and fiction can be easily identified in China and Europe is mainly due to the formal features of both. In an early stage, fictions were not distinguished from history, but gradually diverged from history as time went by. This trend, however, evoked the returning to antiquity and imitation of the ancients in the Chinese literary tradition. The restoring antiquity that can be called the nostalgia to the originality always fretted the descendants to do their efforts of relieving their anxiety for precedence. Consequently, it might be impossible to discuss the relationship between history and fiction without both being separated.

Key words:historiography;originality;restoring antiquity or returning to antiquity;canon;constructive imagination

复古小清新 我的慢生活