复合材料气瓶由于其使用特点而长期处于交变载荷作用之下,属于全复合材料的疲劳高压容器,疲劳损伤是影响气瓶安全使用的重要原因之一[1-3].复合材料气瓶缠绕层的作用为承受气瓶内压,这对气瓶在使用过程中的安全具有很大的影响.而复合材料气瓶缠绕层内的疲劳损伤主要为缠绕层分层.由于复合材料气瓶疲劳断裂过程在宏观形貌上没有明显的变形,这就给疲劳损伤的发现带来极大困难,因此必须采用无损检测技术对复合材料气瓶缺陷进行检测.目前,行业标准NB/T 47013—2015《承压设备无损检测》中简要介绍了射线检测、超声检测、磁粉检测、渗透检测、涡流检测等9种承压设备无损检测方法.但这几种无损检测方法难以对复合材料气瓶缠绕层的分层缺陷进行检测.相对于其他无损检测技术,红外检测技术具有快速、非接触、无需耦合、大面积、实时、远距离检测等优点,非常适用于复合材料气瓶分层缺陷的检测.但由于目前国内外对红外检测技术的研究大多集中应用在对金属材料气瓶的检测上,对复合材料气瓶检测的研究还不够深入,这严重影响了红外检测技术在结构可靠性分析上的推广应用.故将采用红外检测技术对复合材料气瓶缠绕层分层缺陷进行模拟分析,为缠绕层结构可靠性分析提供依据[4-6].
2.1 模型建立
表1 复合材料气瓶的几何尺寸Tab.1Geometric dimensions of composite cylinder
表2 复合材料气瓶材料的热物理性质Tab.2Thermophysical properties of composite cylinder materials
图11 /4复合材料气瓶模型Fig.1Model of 1/4 composite cylinder
2.2 模拟过程
采用Full Newton Raphson(全牛顿-拉普森)方法进行模拟求解.模拟工况在室温下进行,初始温度和参考温度设定为25℃.在加热过程中时间步长为0.002 s,加热时间为0.1 s;冷却过程中时间步长为0.01 s,冷却时间为15 s.由于复合材料气瓶模型为轴对称结构,故将模型轴对称面边界条件设置为绝热,非轴对称面与空气接触,按对流传热求解[13-15].采用热流密度为热载荷,将恒定的热流密度加载到检测面,采用脉冲加热方式,加热强度为5.0×105W/m2.
3.1 缺陷直径对热像温度差和热像对比度的影响
设定缺陷厚度M=0.2 mm,缺陷深度H= 0.6 mm,缺陷直径D=2 mm、3 mm、5 mm、8 mm、10 mm进行模拟.模拟结果分析如图2、图3所示.
3.2 缺陷深度对热像温度差和热像对比度的影响
设定缺陷直径D=3 mm,缺陷厚度M=0.2 mm,缺陷深度H=0.2 mm、0.4 mm、0.6 mm、1.0 mm、1.6 mm进行模拟.模拟结果分析如图4、图5所示.由图4~图5可知,随着缺陷深度H的增大,热像温度差峰值和热像对比度峰值越来越小.当缺陷深度H越大,热像温度差峰值和热像对比度峰值出现的时间也越晚.
图3 缺陷直径不同时(a)热像温度差峰值和(b)热像对比度峰值趋势图Fig.3Tendency chart of peak of(a)temperature difference and(b)contrast ratio of thermal imaging at different defect diameters
图4 缺陷深度对(a)热像温度差和(b)热像对比度的影响Fig.4Effects of defect depth on(a)temperature difference and(b)contrast ratio of thermal imaging
图5 缺陷深度不同时(a)热像温度差峰值和(b)热像对比度峰值趋势图Fig.5Tendency chart of peak of(a)temperature difference and(b)contrast ratio of thermal imaging at different defect depths
3.3 缺陷厚度对热像温度差和热像对比度的影响
设定缺陷直径D=3 mm,缺陷深度H=0.6 mm,缺陷厚度M=0.2 mm、0.5 mm、1.0 mm、1.5 mm、2.0 mm进行模拟.模拟结果分析如图6、图7所示.
图6 缺陷厚度对(a)热像温度差和(b)热像对比度的影响Fig.6Effects of defect thickness on(a)temperature difference and(b)contrast ratio of thermal imaging
图7 缺陷厚度不同时(a)热像温度差峰值和(b)热像对比度峰值趋势图Fig.7Tendency chart of peak of(a)temperature difference and(b)contrast ratio of thermal imaging at different defect thicknesses
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Numerical Simulation of Delamination Defect of Composite Cylinder by Infrared Detection
ZHANG Hongpeng1,DING Keqin2*,XUE Bin1,TAO Fangze2,WEI Huazhong1
1.School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430205,China;2.China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute,Beijing 100029,China
Aiming at the problem that the delamination defect of a composite cylinder can not be detected easily,we carried out infrared simulation analysis of the composite cylinder delamination defect through the ANSYS finite element method and the infrared detection technology.The paper studies the effects of different diameters,depths and thicknesses of composite cylinder delamination defect on temperature difference and contrast ratio of thermal imaging on the surface of composite cylinder.The results show that the peaks of temperature difference and contrast ratio of thermal imaging increase with the increase of defect diameter and thickness,which means that the delamination defect can be more easily detected.The peak of temperature difference and contrast ratio of thermal imaging are inversely proportional to defect depth,which proves that the delamination defect is more easily detected at the smaller defect depth.
composite cylinder;delamination defect;finite element;infrared detection