2.1 制备不同组成的PVF-CS复合海绵
配置质量分数为15%的PVA溶液,溶解至澄清,分别按所取PVA质量的0%、5%、10%、15%及20%称取壳聚糖,加入到溶液中,充分搅拌,逐一加入0.12 g曲拉通X-405、一定量的硫酸和甲醛,继续搅拌20 min~25 min,倒入模具中,50℃~70℃烘烤成型,最后取出用蒸馏水洗净晾干,得到5组不同壳聚糖含量的PVA-CS复合海绵,编号为CS0、CS5、CS10、CS15、CS20.同理确定壳聚糖含量,分别取0 mL、0.04 mL、0.08 mL、0.12 mL、0.16 mL曲拉通X-405,重复上述实验方法,制备出5组不同发泡剂含量的PVF-CS复合海绵,编号为X0、X0.04、X0.08、X0.12、X0.16.
2.2 复合海绵吸水率和吸水速率的测定
2.3 复合海绵膨胀率的测定
2.4 表面形貌的测定
2.5 复合海绵抗菌性能的测试
称取牛肉膏3.0 g、蛋白胨10.0 g、NaCl 5.0 g放入烧杯中,加入蒸馏水,加热使其溶解,倒入三角瓶中并稀释至1 000 mL,琼脂的量按上述配制溶液体积的2.0%直接加入到三角瓶中,用1 mol/L NaOH调节pH为7.6,加塞包装,将上述培养基以0.103 MPa、121℃、20 min高压蒸汽灭菌1 h.测试分为2组,一组接种金黄色葡萄球菌,另一组接种大肠杆菌,同时将所制备的聚乙烯醇-壳聚糖复合海绵剪碎放置在接种后的培养皿中心,在相同条件下置于培养箱1 d.观察其形貌变化,以抑菌环直径大小评价海绵抗菌性能.
3.1 复合海绵吸水率及吸水速率的比较
表1 不同组成的PVF-CS海绵吸水速率Tab.1Water adsorption rate of PVF-CS sponges with different composition
图1 加入(a)不同质量比的壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇与(b)不同体积的发泡剂制备的PVF-CS海绵的吸水率Fig.1Water absorption of PVF-CS sponges prepared with(a)different mass ratios of chitosan/PVA and(b)different volumes of vesicant
3.2 复合海绵膨胀率的比较
3.3 PVF-CS复合海绵的空隙结构
图2 加入(a)不同质量比的壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇与(b)不同体积的发泡剂制备的PVF-CS海绵的膨胀率Fig.2Swelling degree of PVF-CS sponges prepared with(a)different mass ratios of chitosan/PVA and(b)different volumes of vesicant
3.4 海绵的抑菌性能
PVA缩甲醛纯海绵没有出现抑菌圈,说明纯的PVA缩甲醛海绵对金黄色葡萄球菌无抑菌作用,见图4(a);而PVF-CS复合海绵对金黄色葡萄球菌出现了最大直径为22.5 mm的抑菌圈,见图4(b),对大肠杆菌没有出现抑菌圈,见图4(c),说明PVF-CS海绵相对于传统的PVA缩甲醛海绵,对金黄色葡萄球菌有一定的抑菌作用,对大肠杆菌的抑菌作用不佳.
图3 (a)CS0、(b)CS10、(c)CS20、(d)X0、(e)X0.08、(f)X0.12海绵的SEM图Fig.3SEM images of(a)CS0,(b)CS10,(c)CS20,(d)X0,(e)X0.08and(f)X0.12sponges
图4 (a)PVA缩甲醛纯海绵与(b、c)PVF-CS海绵的抗菌图Fig.4Antibacterial ability of(a)PVA sponge and(b,c)PVF-CS sponge
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Synthesis and Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol-Chitosan Composite Sponges
WEI Duanli1,2,YAO Weiqin2,YU Xianghua2,LI Liang2*
1.College of Post and Telecommunication,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430074,China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering,Wuhan Institute of Technology,Wuhan 430074,China
To improve the properties of polyvinyl alcohol-chitosan composite sponge,polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)sponge modified by chitosan(PVF-CS)was prepared by adding chitosan powder during the acetalation reaction of PVA and formaldehyde.A series of PVF-CS composite sponges with different composition were prepared by changing the content of vesicant and chitosan.The effects of the content of vesicant and chitosan on the pore morphology,water absorbability,absorbed speed of water and swelling degree were studied.Moreover,the Scanning Electron Microscopy was carried out to characterize the structure and morphology of the as-prepared sponge.The antibacterial abilities to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were tested.The result indicates the as-prepared sponge possesses the optimal property when Triton X-405 is used as vesicant and the mass ratio of chitosan/PVA is 10%,and the water absorbability of the composite sponge with honeycomb porous scaffold can reach 858%.The antibacterial experiments show that the antibacterial ability of PVF-CS to the Staphylococcus aureus is better than that of pure PVA sponge.
polyvinyl alcohol;chitosan;sponge;porous structures