
2016-12-29 08:11:40吴成宝刘传生陈峥华梁基照
合成材料老化与应用 2016年6期


(1 广州民航职业技术学院飞机维修工程学院,广东广州 510430;2 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广东广州 510640;3 广州白云国际机场地勤服务有限公司机务工程部,广东广州 510470)



(1 广州民航职业技术学院飞机维修工程学院,广东广州 510430;2 华南理工大学机械与汽车工程学院,广东广州 510640;3 广州白云国际机场地勤服务有限公司机务工程部,广东广州 510470)





1 增韧理论及其增韧条件


1.1 逾渗模型理论


图1 逾渗模型理论


1.2 银纹化微观增韧机理


1.3 微观机理模型理论



图2 RIP增韧塑料微观机理模型


1.4 柔性界面层理论


2 增韧机理的定量判据

2.1 基体层厚度判据













2.2 界面黏结强度判据





用式(5)计算相关文献[39]报道的数据可知,mPP改性及未改性CaCO3填充PP复合材料的值分别为2.24、3.16,且其SI′均小于1,材料未能增韧;0.2μm GB,1μm、3μm、8μm、25μm Al(OH)3填充PP复合材料的B值分别为3.77、1.42、1.04、0.94及0.67,比较分析复合材料相对缺口冲击强度发现,B值较大的0.2μm GB填充复合材料的SI′值随体积分数的增加急剧下降,值较小的8μm、25μm Al(OH)3填充PP复合材料,在体积分数<10%时,随体积分数提高,其SI′值约有提高,但均接近1,当体积分数>10%时,SI′值明显减小,B值适中的1μm、3μm Al(OH)3填充PP复合材料在体积分数<10%时,随体积分数提高,其SI′值迅速增加,当体积分数>10%时,SI′值有所下降,但直到体积分数超过40%时,SI′值才<1,增韧效果明显。





图3 B值与SI′的关系

3 结论


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Toughening Mechanisms and Its Quantitative Criterion of Rigid Inorganic Particle Filled Polypropylene Composites

WU Cheng-bao1,2,LIU Chuan-sheng1,CHEN Zheng-hua3,LIANG Ji-zhao2

(1 School of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering,Guangzhou Civil Aviation College,Guangzhou 510430,Guangdong,China;2 College of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou,510640,Guangdong,China;3 Maintenance Engineering Department,Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Ground Servicing LTD. Company,Guangzhou,510470,Guangdong,China)

The works in toughening mechanisms and its quantitative criterion of rigid inorganic particle(RIP) filled polypropylene(PP) composites were reviewed. It was extensively reported that the classic toughing mechanisms included percolation model theory,crazing micro-mechanical model and flexible inter-layer theory. Two main quantitative criterion in characterizing the toughing mechanism of RIP filling the PP composites quantitatively,matrix ligament thickness criterion and interfacial bonding strength criterion were indicated. The related data reported in the references were processed by the criterion indicated above,and the conclusion was gained that the RIP filling PP composites could be toughed probable under the conditions:the average particle sizedis smaller than the critical particle sizedc,the volume fractionΦfis larger than the critical volume fractionΦfC,or the average matrix ligament thicknessLis smaller than critical matrix ligament thicknessLc;the interfacial interaciton parameterBwas in the range from 1 to 2.6.

rigid inorganic particle,polypropylene,composite,toughening mechanism,quantitative criterion

TQ 32.5

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