
2016-12-28 09:58:40JimmyIm,寒星
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年12期


A Cruise to Hidden Polynesia


The Aranui 3 is not a looker. It is a1)cargo vesselthat, for more than 50 years, transferred goods from Papeete, the capital of Tahiti, to the remote islands of Marquesas, 1,500km to the northeast. It was not until the early 1980s that the Aranui 3 transformed into a cruise ship, transporting travelers to South Pacific islands that few outsiders had ever laid eyes on.

But the2)allureof spending 14 days on a cruise ship had nothing to do with the Aranui 3. It wasn’t until after a few days at sea that I understood why people from all over the world spend thousands of dollars to board a cargo vessel that only has wireless internet for five days out of two weeks. It has nothing to do with the actual ship; it has everything to do with the chance to experience the living history of hidden Polynesia.

Discovered in 1595 by a Spanish explorer, French Polynesia’s Marquesas Islands are so remote that the closest3)cosmopolitan cityis Honolulu, Hawaii, about 3,500km to the north. As the only ship to go to all six of the4)inhabitedislands, the Aranui 3’s role—supplying food and goods to the islands—has allowed the small societies to5)thrive.

Our first glimpse of the islands after three days of sailing from Papeete was a town. Three6)basalticpeaks soared high above the7)lushforests, the surrounding8)watera milky dark green9)huedue to the volcanic sand below. A three-kilometer hike

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1) cargo vessel 货轮

2) allure [ə΄lʊə] n. 诱惑

3) cosmopolitan city 国际都市

4) inhabited [ɪn΄hæbɪtɪd] adj. 有人居住的

5) thrive [θraɪv] v. 繁荣,兴旺

6) basaltic [bə΄sɔːltɪk] adj. 玄武岩的

7) lush [lʌʃ] adj. 茂盛的,青葱的

8) water [΄wɔːtə] n. 水域

9) hue [hjuː] n. 颜色,色彩brought us to a wonderful spot above the bay, below which there was a pocket-sized beach for sunbathing.

The town, where we stopped for a typical buffet lunch of beef, rice and banana pudding, was equipped with a post office, a bank, a school, a few stores and not much else. Most houses were one storey, box shaped and minimally decorated, with music playing through the open windows even though no one seemed to be home.

As we arrived the next morning to the island of Nuku Hiva, a rainstorm10)brewed. “It always rains when the Aranui arrives,” said our driver, one of many locals who11)ferried cruise passengers deep into the rainforest. Arguably the most popular island, Nuku Hiva is where authorHerman Melville注1jumped out of a12)whaling shipin 1842 and was captured by the local13)tribe. He spent three weeks among the tribesmen—one of the world’s few14)cannibaltribes. Eventually he escaped, and the tribe also disappeared.

On the island of Tahuata—the site of the first French15)settlementin the Marquesas in 1842—it was the people who were the16)highlight. As soon as we anchored, local children greeted us with17)garlandsof plumeria flowers. They sang songs and the locals hosted a seaside barbeque lunch, where they performed traditional Polynesian dances accompanied by Marquesas drums and18)ukuleles.

Tahuata is also home to Felip, a local19)tattooistwho, at the age of 48, has been inking for 30 years. While some historians believe the art of inking started in the20)Bronze Age, or in Egypt around 2,000 BC. The word “tattoo”originates from the Tahitian word “tattau,” which means “to mark,” and was first mentioned in explorerJames Cook’s注2records when he explored the South Pacific in 1769. As a unique souvenir, four eager passengers became part of a very small number of Westerners who can say they got a tattoo in the place where the name of the art began.

Our final destination was back to Nuku Hiva, where we21)dockedfor two hours to swim, hike or22)amasshandcarved23)trinketsto bring home. As we pulled away from the beautiful land, I realized what I would deeply remember were not only the Marquesas islands, but also the vessel that made the seemingly unthinkable trip a reality.

10) brew [bruː] v. 酝酿

11) ferry [΄ferɪ] v. 运送

12) whaling ship 捕鲸船

13) tribe [traɪb] n. 部落,部族

14) cannibal [΄kænɪbl] adj. 食人肉的

15) settlement [΄setlmənt] n. 殖民

16) highlight [΄haɪlaɪt] n. 最精彩的部分

17) garland [΄gɑːlənd] n. 花环

18) ukulele [ˌjuːkə΄leɪlɪ] n. 尤克里里琴(一种吉他型的四弦拨奏乐器)

19) tattooist [tə΄tuːɪst] n. 文身师

20) Bronze Age 铜器时代

21) dock [dɒk] v. 停靠码头

22) amass [ə΄mæs] v. 积蓄,积聚

23) trinket [΄trɪŋkɪt] n. 精美的小装饰物

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Nuku Hiva(努库希瓦岛),南太平洋中部马克萨斯(Marquesas)群岛西北部的火山岛,1842年被法国占据,现属法属波利尼西亚。该岛地势崎岖,多林木,无沿岸平原和边缘珊瑚礁。其狭窄的谷地土质肥沃,气候温暖潮湿,出口椰干和水果。


注1:赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville),19世纪美国伟大的小说家、散文家和诗人,在20世纪20年代声名鹊起,被普遍认为是美国文学的巅峰人物之一。梅尔维尔的《白鲸》(Moby-Dick)被认为是世界十大文学名著之一,他也被誉为是美国的“莎士比亚”。

注2:詹姆斯·库克(James Cook),人称库克船长(Captain Cook),是英国皇家海军军官、航海家、探险家和制图师。他曾经三度奉命出海前往太平洋,带领船员成为首批登陆澳洲东岸和夏威夷群岛的欧洲人,也创下了首次有欧洲船只环绕新西兰航行的纪录。










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