摘 要: 由于受汉语言文化潜移默化的影响,在汉译英中存在中式英语的问题。本文从比喻性词语、词语搭配不当等九个方面介绍中式英语的各种表现,在翻译过程中可以引以为戒,不断提高汉译英的水平。
关键词: 中式英语 文化空缺 翻译
一些汉语词语虽在英语里有概念意义的对应词,但文化意义空缺,常见于比喻性词语。若盲目按字面译成英文,就会文不对题,贻笑大方。例如:“胸有成竹”若译成“He has long had fully-grown bamboo in his bosom. ”,这种怪物岂不让人毛骨悚然,唯恐避之不及。直译行不通,只能意译。参考译文:He has long had a well-thought-out plan in his mind.又如:“扯后腿”对号入座译成“to pull ones hind leg ”实在让人一头雾水,不知所云,其实to hinder一个词就足以译出其精义。“食言”也不能译为to eat ones word(收回某人所说的话),而应译成to go back on ones word或to break ones word。“他真是个衣服架子”若按字面译成“Hes a real coat hanger. ”,则与原句的比喻意思差之千里,正确的译法应是“He really looks handsome in all kinds of clothes.”。
由于风俗习惯、生活经历和思维方式等差异,许多汉语成语虽能在英语中找到相同或相似的成语表达,但含义却不同,不能简单对应以使表达效果大相径庭。例如:“同舟共济”译成 “to be in the same boat”就失去了其团结协作、共渡难关的本义,变成“面临同样的困难或危险局面”。恰当的译法应是 “to cooperate and help each other in order to ride out a difficulty”。“蜀犬吠日”不能直接套用英语成语“to bark at the moon”(徒劳,瞎嚷嚷),而应译成“to make a fuss about something that one alone finds strange”。“翻天覆地”也不是“to move heaven and earth”(竭尽全力),而是“epoch-making”或“earth-shaking”。“怒发冲冠”与“to make ones hair stand on end”的词义相距甚远,因后者意思是使人“毛骨悚然”,应译为“to bristle with anger”或“to fly into a rage”。
忽略英语尽量避免词语重复的习惯,翻译时仍旧沿用汉语澄清句法关系,形成音节平衡而重复的特点。例如:在一篇介绍山西旅游业的文章中有这样一个句子:Shanxi is one of the birthplaces of the civilization of the Chinese nation;Shanxi is the miniature of the 5000 years civilization of China; Shanxi is also the root of all people of Chinese descent.在这个句子里,“Shanxi”一词重复出现三次,参考译文:Being one of the birthplaces of the civilization of the Chinese nation,Shanxi is the miniature of the 5000 years civilization of China and also the root of all people of Chinese descent.又如:将“停止的论点,悲观的论点,无所作为和骄傲自满的论点都是错误的”译成“Ideas of stagnation,ideas of pessimism,ideas of inertia and ideas of complacency are all wrong.”, “ideas”一词重复四次,可参考:Ideas of stagnation pessimism, inertia and complacency are all wrong.另外一例:“加快基础设施建设。以公路建设为重点,加强铁路,机场,天然气管道干线的建设。”试比较这两种译文:We should accelerate infrastructure development,concentrate on the development of highways and strengthen the developement of railways, airports and gas pipelines 与 We should accelerate infrastructure development. While mainly concentrating on highways, efforts should be made to build more railways, airports and gas pipelines. 前者重复使用“development”使译文带有浓厚的中文味道,而后者既忠实于原句意思,又避免了重复,显然优于前者。
不了解中外文化差异,翻译时用了在英语中有负面联想意义的词语,落入文化陷阱。例如:“‘金三角经济开发区”译成 a special economic development zone : a “Golden Triangle”,而“Golden Triangle”通常指东南亚以毒品生产走私而出名的地区,译成Golden Delta就可消除误解和不好的联想。“金龙牌电扇”译成“Golden Dragon” brand electric fan, 殊不知,“dragon”在西方人心目中是个令人生畏的怪兽。试想这种电扇如何打入国际市场?参考译文:“Jinlong” brand electric fan.“‘芳草牌牙膏”译成“Fang Cao”brand tooth paste,“fang”在英语中对应的一个同音同形异义词“fang”,词义指蛇的毒牙或狗、狼等又尖又长的牙齿。这种牙膏只能让英美人士望而生畏,不敢使用,可改译为 “Fragrant Grass”brand tooth paste。另外,把海南岛的“天涯海角”译成了The End of the World,始料不及的是这个短语的意思是“世界末日”,这种地方谁敢去旅游呢?应改译为Lands End或The Ends of the Earth 。
一个民族所特有的文化现象在另一个民族的文化中有可能空缺。面对语言间的对应空缺,有时需生造词语。如:“阴阳”、“大字报”、“琵琶”、“太极拳”、“风水”、“炕”分别译为:Yin and Yang, dazibao, pi-pa, taijiquan, Feng-shui, kang。但是不能滥用汉语拼音取代应该有的翻译。例如:将“创业大楼”误译成chuangye building,应改译为enterprise building。把巨石上的刻字“南天一柱”译为Nantian Yizhu等于没有翻译,试译为A Pillar into the Southern Sky。
对汉语中一些地道的简略语缺乏认真透彻的理解,因而翻译成很不地道的英语。例如:“抓大放小”译成“grasp the major and lose the minor”,试对照“to invigorate large enterprises while relaxing control over small ones”。“门前三包”译成“guarantee things in three repects in front of the door”, 可参考译为“to be responsible for general sanitation, green covering and keeping good social order in a designated area outside the unit building”。“三通”译成three-side connections,正确译文是“three direct links of trade, mail, and air and shipping services across the Taiwan Straits”。“钉子户”译成a nail-like person, 改译为“a person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonablely high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project”。
忽视词语的搭配,脱离上下文理解词的意思。例如:汉语的“开”字在不同的动词短语里有不同的译法,不能简单划一,一路“open”到底。“开支票”就不能说open a check,而要说to write a check。“开业”也非open business,而是to start business。“开玩笑”更与open无缘,应该是to crack a joke。“开工”就可以用“open”吗?不行,要说to go into operation。另外一个汉字“心”也要小心使用,不能简单译成“heart”一词。例如:“心不在焉”是absent-minded, “心胸开阔”是broad-minded,“心里话”是ones innermost thoughts and feelings,“心心相印”译为to have mutual affinity,“心甘情愿”译作to be most willing to。一个“看”字并非表面上看起来那么简单,例如:“我看出了他的心事”应译为“I could read his thoughts. ”,而不是“I could see his mind.”。“明天去不去钓鱼得看天气。”,其中“看”字要译为depend on, 与look at, see, watch统统无关。
不顾英文文法,硬套中文文法,出现了词的用法错误。例如:“托尼和市长的女儿结了婚。”误译为“Tony married with the daughter of the mayor.”,应该把介词“with”删掉才对。“我怀疑真有这事。”却译成“I doubt that it is true.”, 正确译法为“I doubt whether it is true.”。“坐在花园中的篱笆上,一只黄蜂蜇了我一下。”误译成“Sitting on a fence in my garden, a wasp stung me.”,参考译文“Sitting on a fence in my garden,I was stung by a wasp.”。“聚也不易,散也不易”照搬原句译成了“To gather is not easy,to leave is not easy, either.”,合乎英文文法的译文是“Its not easy to gather, nor is it to leave each other.”。词的用法错误常见于搭配错误,如:某城市四处张贴了这样两条节水标语:THE CITY IS LACK OF WATER RESOURCES. PLEASE SAVE ON IT.(城市缺水。 请节约用水。)“lack”是及物动词,原句应改为THE CITY LACKS WATER RESOURCES,“save”也是个及物动词,有时跟“for”搭配,第二句可改为:PLEASE SAVE IT。
落入颜色陷阱,引起歧义和误解。例如:“红色带子”误译为red tape(官僚习气),应译为red ribbon。“黄色书籍”误译成yellow books(黄皮书),应译为pornographic books。“陌生的黑人”译成了black strangers(完全陌生的人),可对照unfamiliar black people。