MA Hong-xia, LIU Juan
(College of Mathematical Sciences, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China)
The Twin Domination Number of Lexicographic Product of Digraphs
MA Hong-xia, LIU Juan*
(College of Mathematical Sciences, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China)
Letγ*(D) denote the twin domination number of digraphDand letDm[Dn] denote the lexicographic product ofDmandDn, digraphs of orderm,n≥2. In this paper, we first give the upper and lower bound of the twin domination number ofDm[Dn], and then determine the exact values of the twin domination number of digraphs:Dm[Kn];Km[Dn];Km1,m2,…,mt[Dn];Cm[Dn];Pm[Cn] andPm[Pn].
twin domination number; lexicographic product; digraphs
LetDm=(V(Dm),A(Dm))andDn=(V(Dn),A(Dn))betwodigraphswhichhavedisjointvertexsetsV(Dm)={x0,x1,…,xm-1}andV(Dn)={y0,y1,…,yn-1}anddisjointarcsetsA(Dm)andA(Dn),respectively.ThelexicographicproductDm[Dn]ofDmandDnhasvertexsetV(Dm)×V(Dn)={(xi,yj)|xi∈V(Dm),yj∈ Vn}and(xi,yj)(xi′,yj′)∈A(Dm[Dn])ifoneofthefollowingholds:(a) xixi′∈A(Dm);(b) xi=xi′andyjyj′∈A(Dn).
Inrecentyears,thedominationnumberofsomedigraphshasbeeninvestigatedin[7~16].However,todatefewresearchabouttwindominationnumberhasbeendoneforlexicographicproductofdigraphs.Inthispaper,westudythetwindominationnumberofDm[Dn].Firstly,wegivetheupperandlowerboundofthetwindominationnumberofDm[Dn],andthendeterminetheexactvaluesofthetwindominationnumberofdigraphs: Dm[Kn];Km[Dn];Km1,m2;…;mt[Dn]; Cm[Dn]; Pm[Cn]andPm[Pn].
Lemma 1 For anym,n≥2, thenγ*(Dm)≤γ*(Dm[Dn])≤γ*(Dm)γ*(Dn).
Now we prove thatγ*(Dm)γ*(Dn)≥γ*(Dm[Dn]). LetS1={xi1,…,xit} be a minimum twin dominating set ofDm. LetS2={yj1,…,yjw} be a minimum twin dominating set ofDn. SetS′={(xik,yjl)|xik∈S1,yjl∈S2}. For any vertex (xi,yj)∈V(Dm[Dn]), ifxi∈S1andyj∈S2, then (xi,yj)∈S′. Ifxi∈S1andyj∉S2, there must existyjl,yjl′∈S2, such thatyjlyj,yjyjl′∈A(Dn). Since (xi,yjl)(xi,yj),(xi,yj)(xi,yjl′)∈A(Dm[Dn]) and (xi,yjl),(xi,yjl′)∈S′, (xi,yj) is twin dominated byS′. Ifxi∉S1, there must existxik,xik′∈S1such thatxikxi,xixik′∈A(Dm), and there must existyr∈S2such that (xik,yr)(xi,yj),(xi,yj)(xik′,yr)∈A(Dm[Dn]) and (xik,yr), (xik′,yr)∈S′, so (xi,yj) is twin dominated byS′.
Therefore,S′ is a twin dominating set ofDm[Dn] and |S′|=|S1||S2|=γ*(Dm)γ*(Dn). Thus,γ*(Dm[Dn]) ≤γ*(Dm)γ*(Dn).
Clearly, the following theorem is obtained from Lemma 1.
Theorem 1 For anym,n≥2, thenγ*(Dm[Dn])=γ*(Dm) if and only ifγ*(Dn)=1.
According to Theorem 1, the following theorem is obvious.
Theorem 2 For anym,n≥2, thenγ*(Dm[Kn])=γ*(Dm).
Theorem 3 For any complete digraphKmand digraphDn, then
Proof By Lemma 1 and Theorem 1, it is clear thatγ*(Km[Dn])=1 ifγ*(Dn)=1. It is easy to see thatS={(x0,y0)} is a twin dominating set ofKm[Dn], where {y0} is a twin dominating set ofDn.
LetKm1,m2,…,mtbe the completet-partite digraphs. The next Theorem is obtained by Lemma 1 and Theorem 3.
Theorem 4 Letmi≥1, for anyi∈{1,2,…,t}. Then
Theorem 5 Form,n≥2, we have
Case2bm-2=0 (thatis|J|≥1).Weconsiderthefollowingtwosubcases:
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(编辑 HWJ)
马红霞,刘 娟*
(新疆师范大学数学科学学院,中国 乌鲁木齐 830054)