
2016-12-14 02:42:07
中国学术期刊文摘 2016年21期


数据来源:Web of Science 文献出版时间:2015-01—2016-09 检索时间:2016-10-14

Acoustics 声学


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Ultrasound in Obstetrics &Zika virus intrauterine infection causes fetalMelo, A. S. Oliveira; 74brain abnormality and microcephaly: Tip ofMalinger, G.;Gynecologythe iceberg?Ximenes, R.; et al.2016, 47(1): 6-7Ultrasound in Obstetrics &Analysis of cell-free DNA in maternal bloodGil, M. M.; 72in screening for fetal aneuploidies: UpdatedQuezada, M. S.;Gynecologymeta-analysisRevello, R.; et al.2015, 45(3): 249-266 58 Procedure-related risk of miscarriage following amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling: A systematic review and meta-analysis Akolekar, R.; Beta, J.; Picciarelli, G.; et al. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 2015, 45(1): 16-26Khataee, Alireza;Sonochemical synthesis of Pr-doped ZnOUltrasonicsSonochemistry 45nanoparticles for sonocatalytic degradationKarimi, Atefeh;of Acid Red 17Arefi-Oskoui, Samira;2015, 22: 371-381 et al.40 Non-invasive prenatal testing for trisomies 21, 18 and 13: Clinical experience from 146958 pregnancies Zhang, H.; Gao, Y.; Jiang, F.; et al. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology 2015, 45(5): 530-538Ultrasound in Medicine andWfumb guidelines and recommendations forFerraioli, Giovanna; 36clinical use of ultrasound elastography: Part 3:Filice, Carlo;BiologyLiverCastera, Laurent; et al.2015, 41(5): 1161-1179 35 Modeling and application of process damping in milling of thin-walled workpiece made of titanium alloy Li, Xin; Zhao, Wei; Li, Liang; et al. Shock and Vibration 2015, 431476Ultrasound in Medicine andWfumb guidelines and recommendations forShiina, Tsuyoshi; 30clinical use of ultrasound elastography: Part 1:Nightingale, Kathryn R.;BiologyBasic principles and terminologyPalmeri, Mark L.; et al.2015, 41(5): 1126-1147 29 Spoofing and countermeasures for speaker verification: A survey Wu, Zhizheng; Evans, Nicholas; Kinnunen, Tomi; et al. Speech Communication 2015, 66: 130-153Khataee, Alireza;Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 27Sonocatalytic removal of an organic dye usingTiO2/Montmorillonite nanocompositeSheydaei, Mohsen;Hassani, Aydin; et al.2015, 22: 404-411

Agricultural Engineering 农业工程


被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Hydrothermal liquefaction of biomass:Elliott, Douglas C.;Bioresource Technology 53Developments from batch to continuousBiller, Patrick;processRoss, Andrew B.;2015, 178: 147-156 et al.Industrial Crops and Products 34Essential oils for the development ofeco-friendly mosquito larvicides: A reviewPavela, Roman2015, 76: 174-187 31 Bacterial community compositions of coking wastewater treatment plants in steel industry revealed by Illumina high-throughput sequencing Ma, Qiao; Qu, Yuanyuan; Shen, Wenli; et al. Bioresource Technology 2015, 179: 436-443Review: Sustainable production of Mukherjee, Agneeu; Biomass & Bioenergy 31hydroxymethylfurfural and levulinic acid:Dumont, Marie-Josee;Challenges and opportunitiesRaghauan, Vijaya2015, 72: 143-183 30 Hydrodeoxygenation processes: Advances on catalytic transformations of biomass-derived platform chemicals into hydrocarbon fuels De, Sudipta; Saha, Basudeb; Luque, Rafael Bioresource Technology 2015, 178: 108-118Sawatdeenarunat, Bioresource Technology 29Anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosicbiomass: Challenges and opportunitiesChayanon; Surendra, K.C.; Takara, Devin; et al.2015, 178: 178-186 29 A review on the sustainability of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment: Design and operation Wu, Haiming; Zhang, Jian; Ngo, Huu Hao; et al. Bioresource Technology 2015, 175: 594-601Plant extract synthesized silver nanoparticles: Rajan, Ramachandran; Industrial Crops and Products 28An ongoing source of novel biocompatibleChandran, Krishnaraj;materialsHarper, Stacey L.; et al.2015, 70: 356-373 25 Removal of arsenic by magnetic biochar prepared from pinewood and natural hematite Wang, Shengsen; Gao, Bin; Zimmerman, Andrew R.; et al. Bioresource Technology 2015, 175: 391-395Factors governing dissolution process of Badgujar, Kirtikumar C.; Bioresource Technology 24lignocellulosic biomass in ionic liquid:Bhanage, BhalchandraCurrent status, overview and challengesM.2015, 178: 2-18

Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science 农业,乳品和动物科学

Chemistry, Applied 化学应用

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Gaze, L. V.; Journal of Dairy Science 21Preference mapping of dulce de lechecommercialized in Brazilian marketsOliveira, B. R.;Ferrao, L. L.; et al.2015, 98(3): 1443-1454Annual Review of AnimalKoepfli, Klaus-Peter; 21The genome 10 K project: A way forwardPaten, Benedict; BiosciencesO'Brien, Stephen J.2015, 3: 57-111 19 Enteric methane production, rumen volatile fatty acid concentrations, and milk fatty acid composition in lactating Holstein-Friesian cows fed grass silageor corn silage-based diets van Gastelen, S.; Antunes-Fernandes, E. C.; Hettinga, K. A.; et al. Journal of Dairy Science 2015, 98(3): 1915-1927Almeida, A. M.;Animal 16Animal board invited review: Advances inproteomics for animal and food sciencesBassols, A.;Bendixen, E.; et al.2015, 9(1): 1-17 14 Effect of Mediterranean saltbush (Atriplex halimus) ensilaging with two developed enzyme cocktails on feed intake, nutrient digestibility and ruminal fermentation in sheep Alsersy, Haidy; Salem, Abdelfattah Z. M.; Borhami, Borhami E.; et al. Animal Science Journal 2015, 86(1): 51-58Huhtanen, P.; Journal of Dairy Science 13Comparison of methods to determine methaneemissions from dairy cows in farm conditionsCabezas-Garcia, E. H.;Utsumi, S.; et al.2015, 98(5): 3394-3409 13 Progesterone supplementation to lactating dairy cows without a corpus luteum at initiation of the Ovsynch protocol Bisinotto, R. S.; Castro, L. O.; Pansani, M. B.; et al. Journal of Dairy Science 2015, 98(4): 2515-2528Methaneemissionsfromcattle:EstimatesfromAnimalFeedScienceandshort-term measurements using a Green FeedHammond, K. J.; 12system compared with measurements obtainedHumphries, D. J.; Technologyusing respiration chambers or sulphur hexafluoride Crompton, L. A.; et al.2015, 203: 41-52 tracer12 Invited review: Overview of new traits and phenotyping strategies in dairy cattle with a focus on functional traits Egger-Danner, C.; Cole, J. B.; Pryce, J. E.; et al. Animal 2015, 9(2): 191-207Pacheco,AllineR.;AnnualReviewofAnimal12The impact of the milk glycobiome on the neonateBarile, Daniela;Biosciences gut microbiotaUnderwood, Mark A.;et al.2015, 3: 419-445

Agriculture, Multidisciplinary 综合农业

被引频次文章题目作者来源出版物Agriculture Ecosystems &30Carbon sequestration in agricultural soils viaPoeplau, Christopher;Environmentcultivation of cover crops: A meta-analysisDon, Axel2015, 200: 33-41AgricultureEcosystems&Physico-chemical properties and microbialGul, Shamim; 20responses in biochar-amended soils: MechanismsWhalen, Joann K.; Environmentand future directionsThomas, Ben W.; et al.2015, 206: 46-59 20 Utilizing food matrix effects to enhance nutraceutical bioavailability: Increase of curcumin bioaccessibility using excipient emulsions Zou, Liqiang; Liu, Wei; Liu, Chengmei; et al. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63(7): 2052-2062Journal of the Science of FoodTimilsena, Yakindra 18Enhanced efficiency fertilisers: A review ofand Agriculture formulation and nutrient release patternsPrasad; Adhikari, Raju;Casey, Phil; et al.2015, 95(6): 1131-1142 18 Crop residue management and soil health: A systems analysis Turmel, Marie-Soleil; Speratti, Alicia; Baudron, Frederic; et al. Agricultural Systems 2015, 134(SI): 6-16Journal of Agricultural andStructure characterization of a novelLiao, Wenzhen; 18polysaccharide from dictyophora indusiata and itsLuo, Zhen; Food Chemistrymacrophage immunomodulatory activitiesLiu, Dan; et al.2015, 63(2): 535-544 16 The use of vermicompost in organic farming: Overview, effects on soil and economics Lim, Su Lin; Wu, Ta Yeong; Lim, Pei Nie; et al. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2015, 95(6): 1143-1156Angus, J. F.; Crop & Pasture Science 16Break crops and rotations for wheatKirkegaard, J. A.;Hunt, J. R.; et al.2015, 66(6): 523-552 16 Simulation and prediction of radio frequency heating in dry soybeans Huang, Zhi; Zhu, Hankun; Yan, Rongjun; et al. Biosystems Engineering 2015, 129: 34-47Agriculture Ecosystems &Review on greenhouse gas emissions from pig 16houses: Production of carbon dioxide, methanePhilippe, F. X.; Environmentand nitrous oxide by animals and manureNicks, B.2015, 199: 10-25




中文信息(2016年1期)2016-07-03 11:09:08
Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast