
2016-12-07 12:18张慧雯
新东方英语·中学版 2016年8期


I am the Olympic Games mascot, a mixture of all the Brazilian animals. I was born out of the explosion of joy that happened when they announced that Rio would host the Olympic Games, on October 2, 2009. 我是奥运会吉祥物,融合了巴西所有动物的特征。2009年10月2日,当他们宣布里约将主办奥运会时,人们顿时欢呼雀跃起来,我就由此诞生了。

I was born on October 2, 2009, but my age is not counted like yours, so nobody knows exactly what it is. But I live my life playing, jumping, running and smiling, just like all the kids. 我诞生于2009年10月2日,但是我的年龄计算方法和你们的不一样,所以没有人知道我的准确年龄。不过我就像所有小孩儿一样,每天的生活除了玩耍、跳跃、奔跑就是微笑。

I can stretch and stretch and stretch myself, as much as I want. And since Im a mixture of Brazilian animals, I can do all the best things they can do: I can run faster, jump higher and be stronger. I can also imitate the voice of any animal—Im super-communicative! 我能把自己拉伸、拉伸、再拉伸,想伸多长就伸多长。因为我融合了巴西所有动物的特征,所以我能做所有他们最擅长的事情:我可以跑得更快,跳得更高,而且更为强壮。我还能模仿任何一种动物的声音——各种动物的语言我都会说哦!

I play all Olympic sports. And I always hang out around the city! My favorite pastime3) is making new friends. Thats why Im always connected. I love meeting people from all over the world. My best friend of all is the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games mascot. 我会奥运会所有的运动项目。我还常常在里约城里闲逛!我最喜欢的消遣就是结交新朋友,这也是为什么我的身边总是朋友不断。我喜欢结识来自世界各地的人们。在所有朋友中,我和2016里约残奥会吉祥物最要好。

I live in a tree-house, in the Tijuca Forest, which has become a meeting place for the gang. From my home, we can see the whole city and plan animal adventures. 我住在蒂茹卡国家森林公园的一个树屋里,这里已经成为小伙伴们聚会的地方。从我家我们不仅可以观赏整个城市,还能策划各种动物冒险活动。

To spread joy throughout the world and celebrate the friendship that flourishes8) between people from all over the world at this super sports event. 将快乐传遍全世界,为来自世界各地的人们在这场体育盛事中绽放的友谊喝彩。

I am the Paralympic Games mascot, a magical creature, a fusion1) of all the plants in the Brazilian forests. I was born out of the explosion of happiness when we found out that the Paralympic2) Games were coming to Rio, on October 2, 2009. 我是残奥会吉祥物,一个集巴西热带雨林里所有植物特征于一身的神奇生物。2009年10月2日,当得知残奥会将会在里约举办时,人们顿时狂欢起来,我就在这片欢乐中诞生了。

I was born on October 2, 2009, but my age is not counted like yours, so theres no way of knowing it exactly. All I know is that theres nothing better than playing, making friends and relaxing in the forest. 我诞生于2009年10月2日,但是我的年龄计算方法和你们的不一样,所以我的准确年龄就无从得知了。我只知道,没有比玩耍、交朋友和在森林里放松身心更美好的事情了。

I use my head. I really do! To get myself out of any jam, I can pull anything out of my head of leaves. After all, I know all the secrets of nature and I understand that with creativity, intelligence and determination, we can achieve whatever we want. 我会用脑子。我真的会!为了让自己摆脱各种困境,我能从我那树叶做的脑袋里拽出任何东西。毕竟,我知道大自然所有的秘密,我明白,只要有创造力、智慧和决心,我们就能获得我们想要的一切。

I play all Paralympic sports. And I make the most of living in Rio by playing a lot and adventuring outdoors! When Im not running around, I like to open a book and learn about the world. I also love samba4) and all kinds of Brazilian music. I enjoy making friends and sharing what I know. My best friend is the Rio 2016 Olympic Games mascot. 我会残奥会所有的运动项目。我会尽情玩耍,去户外冒险,过好在里约的每一天!当我没有在四处奔忙时,我喜欢翻开一本书,去了解这个世界。我还喜欢桑巴舞和各色各样的巴西音乐。我喜欢交朋友,喜欢分享我所知道的一切。2016里约奥运会吉祥物是我最好的朋友。

Around and about, mixed in with nature. I take naps on a water lily in the middle of a refreshing5) lake. This way, I can make the most of photosynthesis6)—sun bathing for me is like a banquet7). 我四处为家,与大自然融为一体。我会在一片清凉的湖中心的一株睡莲上小憩。这样,我就能充分进行光合作用——日光浴对我而言就像一场盛宴。

1. fusion [?fju??n] n. (由不同的品质、思想或事物结合而成的)新融合物

2. Paralympic [?p?r??l?mp?k] adj. 残疾人奥运会的;残奥会的

3. pastime [?pɑ?sta?m] n. 消遣;娱乐

4. samba [?s?mb?] n. 桑巴舞(巴西一种欢快的舞蹈)

5. refreshing [r??fre???] adj. 使人感到清爽的

6. photosynthesis [?f??t???s?nθ?s?s] n. 【生化】光合作用,光能合成

7. banquet [?b??kw?t] n. 盛宴,筵席

8. flourish [?fl?r??] vi. 繁荣;茂盛;兴旺

What else do I like to do? 我还喜欢做什么事情?

What is my mission? 我的使命是什么?

Where do I live? 我住在哪里?

To inspire everybody to use creativity and determination to always reach further and have fun. 鼓舞所有人用创造力和决心不断前进并享受其中的乐趣。
