Storyline 剧情
The movie begins centered on two characters named Erin Gilbert and Abby Yates, who work together to pen a book saying that ghosts actually exist among us. Upon its release, the piece doesnt really get any attention—but that changes a few years later. After Erin Gilbert manages to land a teaching job at Columbia University, her work on the book is discovered and she is "laughed out of academia". Its at this point that she reunites with her former best friend Abby Yates as well as two other would-be Ghostbusters. When ghosts invade Manhattan, she and her team have to save the world.
5. epic [?ep?k] adj. 漫长而艰难的;艰苦卓绝的
6. acorn [?e?k??n] n. 橡树果实
7. cosmic [?k?zm?k] adj. 宇宙的