
2016-12-06 06:11:12周振宇,邵振洲,施智平
生态毒理学报 2016年1期





1 青鳉鱼生理特征检测方法(The detection method of medaka physiological characteristics)

鱼鳃的呼吸对污染物质十分敏感,对于半致死浓度的污染物在30 min内便可被检测到,亚致死的污染物也可在24 h内被检测出。在有污染物存在的情况下,鱼鳃的呼吸会极速加快,并且变得无规律。Gerhardt等[21]将监测电极直接安装在鱼鳃上,监视当前呼吸频率,分析数据并与正常的呼吸频率相比较,以判断水是否被污染。Cairns等[22]在水箱中插入网电极,通过注入电极的信号来记录鱼的呼吸运动。这2种方法虽然能一定程度地反映鱼的真实生理状况,然而无法排除装置本身对鱼类反应的影响且得到的信号往往十分微弱,不直观,容易形成较大的识别误差。

基于视觉的方法是以非接触式的监测手段,通过电荷耦合器件(charge coupled device,CCD)相机在自然状态下观测鱼类的生理特征和行为特性。本文通过分析青鳉鱼鱼鳃部位像素信息统计得到结果“颜色分布规律表(CDT)”,如表1所示。再结合机器学习算法中的线性分类器SVM(支持向量机),可准确定位得到青鳉鱼鱼鳃区域,实验结果如图1和2所示。其中SVM分类器是由颜色空间转换后分别得到的S(HSV)通道、a(Lab)通道组合成的特征向量训练得来。

表1 颜色分布规律表Table 1 The color distribution table

图1 颜色分布规律表(CDT)和支持向量机(SVM)Fig.1 The color distribution table(CDT)&support vector machine(SVM)

图2 青鳉鱼鱼鳃提取实验结果Fig.2 Experiment result of extracting gill of medaka fish



2 青鳉鱼运动特征检测方法(The detection method of medaka motion features)


2.1 骨架提取




图3 青鳉鱼骨架提取结果Fig.3 Experiment result of skeleton extraction of medaka fish

图4 青鳉鱼骨架模型Fig.4 The skeleton model of medaka fish

2.2 青鳉鱼骨架模型


2.3 青鳉鱼运动特征计算




图5 青鳉鱼骨架参考点Fig.5 The skeleton reference point of medaka fish


3 实验结果与分析(Experimental results and analysis)

为验证本文方法的有效性与可行性,做了如下实验。实验过程采用数码摄像头获取正常水质下的鱼体运动视频图像,每帧图像大小为480×640,帧率为30 fps。

通过实验结果可得,CDT&SVM方法检测得到的青鳉鱼呼吸次数与实际青鳉鱼呼吸次数误差较小,并且对于帧率为30 fps的CCD相机的实时采集,算法能满足实时性。实验在连续1 000帧图像中得到的青鳉鱼呼吸深度谱图结果如图6所示:

图6 青鳉鱼呼吸深度谱图Fig.6 Spectrum of respiratory depth of medaka fish

青鳉鱼胸鳍尾鳍摆动频率实验结果如表3所示,其中通过算法检测得到的尾鳍摆动数据准确性较高。相较而言,由于青鳉鱼胸鳍很难被准确识别,从而导致胸鳍摆动数据的准确性仍不够准确。算法具有较好的实时性,单帧耗时约23 ms,能满足在线采集、分析的需求。

实验在连续1 000帧图像中得到的青鳉鱼胸鳍、尾鳍摆幅如图7~9所示。

表2 青鳉鱼呼吸频率实测结果Table 2 Experiment result of medaka respiratory rate

表3 青鳉鱼胸鳍尾鳍摆动频率实测结果Table 3 Experiment result of medaka pectoral fins and tail beat frequency

图7 青鳉鱼尾鳍摆幅谱图Fig.7 Spectrum of tail swinging amplitude of medaka fish

图8 青鳉鱼胸鳍(左侧)摆幅谱图Fig.8 Spectrum of left pectoral fin swinging amplitude of medaka fish

图9 青鳉鱼胸鳍(右侧)摆幅谱图Fig.9 Spectrum of right pectoral fin swinging amplitude of medaka fish


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quality monitoring provides a novel solution in this field.The water quality is detected by the biological response to reflect the direct or indirect pollution.However,the observation indexes and quantitative criteria are major problems to estimate in the complex water environment.In this paper,the medaka fish is chosen as the model organism,and the corresponding physiological characteristics and movement characteristics are observation indexes,such as breathing frequency,pectoral oscillation frequency,tail beat frequency,etc.By adopting machine vision based method,the real-time monitoring and analysis are achieved.Experimental results show that the proposed method can provide the support and reference for the development of biological water quality monitoring and early warning.The measured breathing frequency of medaka fish was 3.06 Hz,the pectoral oscillation frequency was 4.83 Hz and the tail beat frequency was 5.08 Hz.The results are consistent with the actual indexes.

biological water quality monitoring;real time;observation index



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