【摘 要】法律英语特点鲜明,要求严格的、规范的、正式的语体。翻译英语法律文件,要准确认识法律英语的专业特点,同时也要仔细分析法律英语文本的句子结构。
法律语言不同于一般的大众话语,是一种特殊的语言。法律语言在法律活动中具有举足轻重的地位。法律英语是指法律界通用的书面英语(包括法律、法规、条例、协定等),尤其是指律师起草法律文件、合同惯常使用的语言(孙万彪,2003)。在专门用途英语(English for Special Purposes)中,法律英语是最具特色的一种。
法律英语词汇有其特定的专业含义。例如,award(奖品)在法律用语中是“裁定或判决”的意思; damages(损害,名词复数)要翻译成“损害赔偿金”。类似的词语还有action(law suit), avoid(cancel),等。
在英语合同文本中,不用but而用provided that,不用after而用subsequent,不用before而用prior。其他的书面用语还有:construe(explain), deem(consider),operate, same。
英语法律文本中,由于历史原因,至今还能看到用拉丁文和法语书写的词语和谚语。词语如ad hoc(专门的), de facto(事实上), in re(关于), per se(自身),pro rata(按比例)。拉丁文谚语如:Caveat emptor(买者自慎之);Facta sunt potentiora verbis(事实胜于雄辩)。
为了使要表达的意思更为准确,常使用现成的行话、套话,如and for no other purposes; shall not be deemed a consent等。
原文:In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
评析:此句从总体来看是一句并列句,在各分句中有主从句及从句中的并列句。按照长句“切割法”的翻译方法,按各分句从句的逻辑关系逐一译出,并不难译。原文“In case of the removal of ...on the Vice President”为句子的第一部分。句中the same 在法律英语中常常用作代词,是指上面提及的事,避免重复,这里是指the powers and duties of the said office。句中devolve on 是动词,意为(of work, duties)be transferred or passed to sb,为汉语行文的需要,在翻译时,可以进行词义转换,把英语中的动词转译成汉语中的名词。原文“and the Congress may by law ...a President shall be elected”为句子的第二部分。该部分包含两层意思,第一层:the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President.第二层:and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected为复合句。句中the disability一词在翻译时应将其深层含义译出,该词是指“上述提及的免职、死亡、辞职或无能履行情况”。
[1]Bryan A. Garner.Blacks Law Dictionary(Seventh Edition)〔M〕.USA:WEST GROUP,1999.
[2]杨士焯. 英汉翻译教程〔M〕.北京:北京大学出版社,2006.