
2016-11-30 06:05byMaryanneHigleyHamilton
疯狂英语·初中天地 2016年6期

by Maryanne Higley Hamilton



by Maryanne Higley Hamilton


Track 8

“Mrs. Hamilton, l need a new piece of paper. I don’t Iike my drawing! I drew the house too small,”1)moaned the new student standing at my desk. He handed me his art work, which showed twenty minutes of hard work and advanced artistic skill for a fifth grader.

“You have so much detail completed already. Let’s see if we can think of a way to fix it,” I2)empathized. “Mistakes are often a great chance to make your art work better.”

Students I’d had the previous year, some since primary school, knew two of the guiding rules in my art room were creative3)exploration and self-expression. New students were often4)insecure and easily frustrated, which sometimes led to5)torn-up papers or6)smashed clay.

“Let me tell you about a mistake I made while creating wall7)murals in someone’s home,” I began. “One was a painting in a little girl’s bathroom. After spending the morning planning and8)sketching, I painted a dog. I made him over four feet tall so that it looked like he was holding the bar for her towel.”

9)Gesturing with a paintbrush in the air I went on, “While I was putting the finishing10)touch on the black11)dog collar, the paint12)dripped on part of the wall where I shouldn’t paint.”

Nearby students exchanged smiles and stopped what they were doing to listen.

“It was a wall! I couldn’t throw it away and start over,” I said13)dramatically to14)stress my awful situation. “I had to figure out a way to fix it.”

I paused a few moments to give him time to consider what he would have done, then continued: “So I studied the painting for a while until I thought of a way to cover the spot: I added a red heart-shaped dog tag over it, and included the little girl’s15)initials.”

“Did the little girl like the painting?”

“The next day, my16)client called me to tell me her daughter loved the painting, and she was thrilled when she spotted her initials on the dog tag,” I said.

“So when you make a mistake, make something good out of it!” repeated the other kids, who had heard me say this before.

Since retiring from teaching art in the public schools five years ago, I’ve maintained a friendship with some of my students and their families. I recently heard two of my past students, now in college, recalling

their experiences in my classes. They both repeated, “When you

make a mistake, make something good out of it!”














1) moan [məun】 v. 抱怨着说

2) empathize ['empəθaIz】 v. 同情,感同身受

3) exploration [,eksplɔː'reIʃən】 n. 探索,探究

4) insecure [InsI'kjuə】

adj. 缺乏自信心的,心神不定的

5) torn-up 撕碎的

6) smashed [smæʃt】 adj. 打碎的

7) mural ['mjuərəl】 n. 壁画,壁饰

8) sketch [sketʃ】 v. 画草图

9) gesture ['dʒestʃə】 v. 以手势表示

10) touch [tʌtʃ】 n. 润饰,修饰,笔画

11) dog collar 狗项圈

12) drip [drIp】 v. 滴下

13) dramatically [drə'mætIkəlI】 adv. 引人注目地

14) stress [stres】 v. 强调

15) initial [I'nIʃəl】 n. 词首大写字母

16) client ['klaIənt】 n. 客户

The Art of Mistakes

新目标英语八年级(上)Unit5 STEP BY STEP随堂通
新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A