Track 7
by Joel Rose
Robert Siegel (Host): Imagine if your hands shook so badly that you couldn’t even lift a glass of water. The condition can be1)devastating if you’re a musician, and that was almost the case for guitarist Richard Crandell.
Joel Rose (Reporter): Richard Crandell started playing guitar when he was a kid.
(Soundbite of acoustic guitar music)
Rose: For Crandell, it was a2)revelation.
Richard Crandell: With an3)acoustic guitar, you could create a whole4)orchestra. In other words, I could play these solo pieces that sounded fine just the way they were.
(Soundbite of acoustic guitar music)
Rose: In the early 1970s, Crandell left his job and his marriage in Buffalo注1, New York. He moved to the West Coast and started writing songs of his own.
(Soundbite of acoustic guitar music)
Rose: Crandell5)went on to record half a dozen albums; one of his tunes was even recorded by his idol, Leo Kottke, but Crandell never achieved Kottke’s level of fame. And these days, the guitar seems to cause him more frustration than joy.
1) devastating ['devəsteɪtɪŋ] adj. 毁灭性的,使荒废的
2) revelation [revə'leɪʃən] n. 显露,启示
3) acoustic [ə'kuːstɪk] adj. 原声的,非电声的
4) orchestra ['ɔːkɪstrə] n. 管弦乐队,交响乐团
5) go on to 接着做……
Crandell: If my life depended on it and I had to play the dance section of “Be Good or Be Gone,” this is how it would come out. (Soundbite of misplayed notes) I can’t play it.
Rose: Richard Crandell was6)diagnosed six years ago with essential tremor注27)disorder. His hands shake when he tries to write, use a computer, or play difficult passages on the guitar. It was around this time that Crandell got a job offer—a local concert8)promoter asked Crandell to drive a tour bus for9)Afropop star Thomas Mapfumo and his band. But Crandell had never driven a bus before.
Crandell: I was10)petrified because I was responsible for the lives of 14 Africans. I was not11)mechanical, I had a terrible sense of direction, but they trusted me.
Rose: Crandell successfully12)piloted the tour bus from Oregon注3to Alabama注4and back.
Crandell: They had totally cleaned out the bus. I looked under one of the seats and there was—I found this mbira. And I said, oh, what’s this?
Rose: The mbira is a traditional thumb piano from Africa. Crandell’s comes from Zimbabwe. It’s a flat piece of wood that he holds in his hands, with a row of metal13)strips across the top that he plays with his thumbs.
(Soundbite of mbira music)
Rose: To his surprise, Crandell discovered that his hands don’t shake when he plays it.
Crandell: I didn’t say, oh, I’ve got essential tremor; I better start playing mbira. I just like the sound of it.
Rose: Crandell taught himself how to tune and play the mbira. (Soundbite of mbira music) Crandell’s songs caught the ear of the14)saxophonist,15)composer and producer John Zorn. In 2004, Zorn brought Crandell to the East Coast to record. He16)recruited Brazilian-born Cyro Baptista to join Crandell in the studio. (Soundbite of mbira music) Baptista and Crandell made two records together. They’ve gotten strong reviews and even made a few17)critics’ top-10 lists.
Crandell: I’m grateful to have my little mbira. It18)turns out that I’ve gotten more attention on that than I ever got on the guitar. My19)mission at this point is to calm the world with this music because it seems to be so20)soothing.
安比拉琴(mbira)广泛见于非洲各地,又名Kalimba、Sanza、Kangombio、Leekembay或thumb piano。它是津巴布韦人民最喜爱的乐器之一。在20世纪30年代,这种乐器濒临绝迹,但在六七十年代重见天日,并受到西方国家人们的欢迎。安比拉琴采用22~28根长短不一的弹性金属条排列成一排或两排作为发声体,下面采用木头或葫芦瓜作为共鸣箱。演奏时用两手拿着琴体,两只大拇指按压金属条弹奏。
6) diagnose ['daɪəgnəʊz] v. 诊断
7) disorder [dɪs'ɔːdə] n.(身心机能的)失调,紊乱
8) promoter [prə'məʊtə] n. 组织者,推销者
9) Afropop ['æfrəʊpɒp] n. 非洲流行音乐
10) petrified ['petrɪfaɪd] adj. 吓呆了的
11) mechanical [mɪ'kænɪkəl] adj. 机械的
12) pilot ['paɪlət] v. 驾驶
13) strip [strɪp] n. 条片,条带
14) saxophonist ['sæksəfəʊnɪst] n. 萨克斯管吹奏者
15) composer [kəm'pəʊzə] n. 作曲家
16) recruit [rɪ'kruːt] v. 招募
17) critic ['krɪtɪk] n. 评论家
18) turn out 结果是……
19) mission ['mɪʃən] n. 使命,任务
20) soothing ['suːðɪŋ] adj. 抚慰的,使人宽心的
Disabled Guitarist Finds New Sound in Mbira