Changes in sperm characteristics of the three main breeds of sheep in Algeria after dietary supplementation

2016-11-30 12:33:55LitimMiloudBereksiReguigKarima
Asian Pacific Journal of Reproduction 2016年3期

Litim Miloud, Bereksi Reguig Karima

1Department of Biology, University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis of Mostaganem, Algeria

2Department of Biology, University of Djillali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

Changes in sperm characteristics of the three main breeds of sheep in Algeria after dietary supplementation

Litim Miloud1⋆, Bereksi Reguig Karima2

1Department of Biology, University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis of Mostaganem, Algeria

2Department of Biology, University of Djillali Liabes Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria


Article history:


Received in revised form Accepted

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Objective: To evaluate the eff ect of an important dietary supplement on sperm quantity and quality breeding rams of the three main breeds of sheep at the artif icial insemination center, called Belhandjir, in the region of Naama in Algeria. Methods: Twenty-four breeding rams of the three major breeds in Algeria, namely Ouled Djellal, Hamra and Rumbi breeds are divided into two groups CR and SR, and subjected to two dif ferent diets. The fi rst group CR followed a regime R based on barley and fodder and the second SR group to follow a regime R + a vitamin and mineral dietary supplement for 15 weeks of collection. Analysis of sperm quality (motility) and quantity (volume, concentration and doses produced) were followed after collection. Results: The quantitative ef fect was more signif icant in supplemented rams SR, volume and concentration were higher in rams SR. Therefore, the doses produced dif fer signifi cantly compared to the group of control rams CR. Results of motility were more mixed, motility showed a signif icant diff erence in rams supplemented of Ouled Djellal breed only; however, the other two breeds Hamra and Rumbi, showed no signifi cant dif ferences. Conclusions: Supplementation could signifi cantly improve the characteristics of quantitative sperm in the breeding rams of the three main Algerian sheep breeds. Motility, only qualitative parameter studied, was not signifi cantly improved.

1. Introduction

The bad results observed in some breeds of sheep farmers lead to a lack of interest for this technique and makes the organization of breeding schemes diffi cult. This can lead, in more or less long term, to the closure of some insemination centers. Diff erent causes can be the origin of an alteration of semen quality of rams: food, xenobiotics, collection rate, stress, photoperiod, and pathology[1]. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of signifi cant dietary supplements, consisting of fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble and micronutrients on doses of semen produced in breeding rams of the three major breeds in Algeria, namely, Ouled Djellal, Hamra and Rumbi breed. For this study, we mobilized the data regularly collected at the center of artifi cial insemination (AI) Belhandjir.

2.Materials and methods

During 2012, 24 healthy breeding rams, with no damage in their reproductive system, Ouled Djellal breed, previously trained for semen collection and regularly collected in artifi cial insemination center, were selected for experimentation.

Rams were followed at the NAICGI (National Artificial Insemination Centre and Genetic Improvement) Belhandjir in the region of Naama, which is located in the semi-arid area at an altitude of 1 147 m above sea level, latitude: 32°42´16 N, longitude: 0°42´07 W. Rams are aged from 24 to 40 months; they are medium weight, BCS: body condition scoring, between 2 and 3 (The results concerning the relationship between the BCS at the moment of AI and its success are variable across studies. For Grimard et al., there is no signifi cant relationship between these variables[2], and Roche, the relationship is positive[3]).

Breeding rams are divided into two groups, the CR group or control rams (Ouled Djellal: n = 5, Hamra: n = 4 and Rumbi: n = 3), and a SR group or supplemented rams (Ouled Djellal: n = 5,Hamra: n = 4 and Rumbi: n = 3). Throughout the experiment, the group of control rams CR followed a regime R that is based on barley and fodder and the second group SR followed an R + vitamin and mineral regime (A mineral and vitamin complement or MVC, resulting from industry). This dietary supplement is made up of water-soluble vitamins (B vitamins and vitamin C), fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, manganese, phosphorus and calcium; it also contains betaines, and methionine. The dietary supplement was used in 15 days of 30, and at a dosage of 1.5% of the R (barley + fodder) regime.

To avoid biasing our results, given the strong positive correlation existing between scrotal circumference and spermatic production[4], the two lots of CR and SR, of the three breeds, have been selected such a way that the average perimeters of the scrotum are very close in all breeds of rams used.

Rams are stimulated by the presence of a sheep, and collections are made using an artifi cial vagina. A semen analysis was followed after the collection. Four variables are studied, namely, volume, concentration, number of doses produced (quantitative parameters) and motility of the semen (only qualitative parameter studied).

The least signifi cant diff erence test (z-test), the Student test, and for correlations, the Fisher’s Z-Transformation were used. The P value < 0.05 was considered as signifi cant.

3. Results

The effect of supplementation was very marked in rams from the SR group after collection. A highly signifi cant diff erence was found in the calculation of the average doses produced by SR group rams compared to rams CR group (Table 1), average 29.23±13.47 respectively and 16.83±6.92 in Ouled Djellal breed (P < 0.000 1), average 23.73±9.55 vs 16.10±4.93 in Hamra breed (P = 0.004 9) and about 28.31±12.17 vs 18.22±9.28 in the Rumbi breed (P = 0.000 5). The use of dietary supplements increases the main (of) doses produced, an increase of about 73%, 47% and 55% of doses produced in SR group compared to CR group respectively in Ouled Djellal, Hamra and Rumbi breeds (Table 1).

The volume in the group SR differs significantly from that observed in the CR group, a diff erence of about 47% in Ouled Djellal breed:[(1.79±0.63) vs. (1.21±0.37) mL, P < 0.000 1], 24% in Hamra breed:[(1.16±0.29) vs. (0.93±0.18) mL, P = 0.007 7], and 50% in Rumbi breed:[(1.84±0.79) vs. (1.22±0.46) mL, P = 0.000 23] (Table 1), which has consistently increased the number of doses produced, given the correlation between the two parameters (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Correlations between volumes and doses produced in diff erent breeds studied.

The supplementation improves significantly the quantitative characteristics studied (volume, concentration and doses produced) in rams of three breeds. Only the diff erence of the concentration at the Rumbi breed was not signifi cant, although the mean concentration in supplemented rams is superior to controls (5.68±1.31 vs 5.06±1.18, P = 0.061, Table 1). The value of motility (qualitative characteristic) was very mixed, only the Ouled Djellal breed has a significant diff erence, other breeds studied show no signifi cant diff erences.

All recorded values of diluents in the three breeds studied after supplementation were considered signifi cant compared to values recorded in controls rams (CR). The diluent values are signifi cantlyhigher in supplemented rams, which does not reduce the cost of doses produced.

Table 1 Average changes in individual sperm characteristics and data supplemented rams of the three main breeds in Algeria.

A positive correlation was observed between doses produced and the volume of the semen in Hamra and Rumbi breeds (Figure 1). Diff erences are not signifi cant for both Rumbi and Hamra breeds after Fisher transformation (P > 0.05, signifi cances levels of P are respectively P = 0.43, P = 0.95), the same thing was observed in Ouled Djellal breed, the diff erence is not signifi cant (P = 0.48)

4. Discussion

Similar studies have shown that massive supplements fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) and water-soluble (B-complex vitamins) which were administered to male pigs can increase the total amount of sperm and the products especially after daily intensive collections so called stress[5]. Many authors have reported the eff ect of diet on reproductive performance in rams[6]. Supplementation studies show a benefi cial eff ect of folate on sperm quality in humans (infertile men)[7]. In animals, vitamin B12 deficiency in utero is associated with a reduced number of spermatogonia[8].

Vitamin E in the diet can improve the density of cells in spermatogenesis, Sertoli cells, tube diameter and the thickness of the germinal epithelium seminiferous (especially 200 IU)[9]. Ascorbic acid plays an important role in the sperm DNA of protection of the oxidative damage induced by ROS[10]. Another study reported that the ascorbic acid supplementation in the drinking water for 12 weeks increased concentration of male rabbit’s sperm[11].

The use of dietary supplements (vitamin compounds and minerals) does not allow us to reduce the volume of diluent required for the production of semen doses. The diluent values are significantly higher in supplemented rams of diff erent breeds studied, which don’t reduce the cost of doses produced.

In conclusion, supplementation had the same impact in other breeds tested namely race Hamra and Rumbi, and this result was not observed in race Ouled Djellal only[12]. Quantitative sperm characteristics were signifi cantly diff erent, for against motility, only qualitative parameter studied, has not been improved signifi cantly. Fluctuations in sperm characteristics above quantitative and qualitative (sperm concentration, ejaculate volume, and doses produced) is a multifactorial problem that reaches many insemination centers. However, there should be strict control of some factors“controllable”, such as the living conditions of animals, collection rhythm, stress and especially a well-adapted food.

Declare of interest statement

The authors declare that there are no confl icts of interests regarding the publication of this article.


The authors of this article are very grateful to the leaders of the artifi cial insemination center of Belhandjir in the region of Naama.

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*Corresponding author: Litim Miloud, Department of Biology, University of Abdelhamid Ibn Badis of Mostaganem, Algeria.



Dietary supplementation Breed