
2016-11-24 01:03全国友协、友城联合会
重庆与世界 2016年11期








1999年,我会代表中国地方政府正式加入世界城市和地方政府联合组织(United Cities and Local Governments, UCLG)的前身地方政府国际联盟,并成为UCLG的创始成员。UCLG是世界上最大的地方政府联合组织,会员遍布120多个国家,代表全球一半以上人口。在我会的积极推动下,目前,中国大陆已有22个城市成为其会员,我国在该组织中的影响不断上升,成为我国城市外交的全新领域。








2013 年3 月,在汪洋副总理与俄罗斯戈罗杰茨副总理见证下,中国人民对外友好协会会长李小林与俄罗斯联邦独联体事务、海外侨民及国际人文合作署署长科萨乔夫签署合作协议。



2012 年10 月,中国人民对外友好协会、中国传媒大学、 哥伦比亚驻华使馆在北京共同主办首届“哥伦比亚电影节”。

2010 年4 月,中国人民对外友好协会与美国沃特财务集团在上海共同主办沃特金融峰会。






Development of the Friendship Cities

In China, the international friendship cities (hereafter shortened as “friendship cities”) refer to the friendship and cooperation relationship established between provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and other cities of China and provinces (including states, counties, and districts) and cities of foreign countries.

The development of friendship cities establishment in China has gone through three phases listed as follows:

Phase I – “the early exploration phase” from 1973 to 1978 during which we established 6 pairs of friendship cities with Japan only.

Phase II – “the gradual expansion phase” from 1978 to 1991 during which China ushered in a new era of reform and openingup and exchanges with foreign countries went more and more frequently, so the establishment of friendship cities continued in an orderly way. The friendship cities increased to 390 pairs with many countries other than Japan and the cooperation fi elds also were expanded to economy, culture, education and human resources training and so on.

Phase III – “the rapid expansion phase” from 1992 till now during which The Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (hereafter shortened as the CPAFFC) proposed and founded the China International Friendship Cities Association (hereafter shortened as the CIFCA) in 1992, which indicates that this activity has come to a brand new stage characterized by high degree of consistency, balance and sustainable development. Up till now, great progress has been achieved in the establishment of friendship cities together with China’s increasingly deepened reform and opening-up, enhanced economic strength and frequent foreign exchanges.

In 1999, the CIFCA entered, on behalf of Chinese government, the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG), formerly known as the International Union of Local Authorities (IULA) as one of its original member. As the largest union for local governments, the UCLG more than 120 member countries all over the world, accounting for half and more populations of the world. With the active promotion of the CIFCA, there are currently 22 cities in China included into UCLG as members, which grants more says to China and proves to be a brand new fi eld we could tap into in terms of cities exchanges.

Achievements of the Establishment of Friendship Cities

Rapidly increased friendship cities number. Since the year of 2000, the number of friendship cities established has been growing rapidly. Up till now, 2,340 pairs of friendship provinces/ states and cities have been established between 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities (excluding Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions) and 464 cities in China and 499 provinces (including states, counties, and districts) and 1,546 cities of 134 foreign countries from fi ve continents.

Highly improved quality of friendship cities. On the one side, China continues in the way of further deepening and widening the fields its reform and opening-up covers, which allows the friendship cities to expand the exchanges and cooperation to more areas ,including economic trading, cities construction, technology research and development, environment protection, education, agricultural cooperation and medical health and so on. On the other side, in order to encourage the practical cooperation of multiple fi elds in various levels between friendship cities, the CIFCA puts forward several types of prizes so that friendship cities with outstanding contributions could be honored the way they deserve on “China International Friendship Cities Conference” held biennially, including the “International Friendship Cities Exchange and Cooperation Award”,“International Friendship Cities Outstanding Contribution Award”and “China’s Friendship Cities Exchange and Cooperation Award”.

Increasingly diversifi ed cooperation modes between friendship cities. After more than 40 years of development, the friendship cities, on the basis of their own geographic and cultural advantages, have been cooperating in more diversifi ed modes, including high-level of government visits, non-government visits, forums, financial investments and partner assistance, which indicates a further expanded and deepened exchange and cooperation between them.

Increasingly improved brand effect of friendship cities. In recent years, some projects, owing to the deepened cooperation between friendship cities, reveal a more and more obvious brand effect and grow increasingly infl uential on the world stage. For example, the biennial China International Friendship Cities Conference, which has been successfully held four times in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou respectively since 2008, has been fully acknowledged by leaders of China, other local governments and international cities organizations all over the world and developed to be one of the most infl uential international forums for discussions about activities of friendship cities and for exchanges between China and foreign countries.

Future Directions of Friendship Cities Development In 2014, President Xi Jinping pointed out on the 60th Anniversary Conference of CPAFFC that more efforts should be made to promote people-to people diplomacy, city-to-city diplomacy, public diplomacy, friendship cities development and exchanges of local government between China and other countries so as to achieve resources sharing, advantages complementing and winwin situation, which indicates our ways forward in the future for friendship cities work.

To build a globally connected friendship cities network and a community of common destiny for all mankind. On a series of summits celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations in September, 2015, President Xi Jinping elaborated on how to establish a community of common destiny for all mankind and drew a promising picture for the development of international relationships, which marked the great achievement brought forward by the great-power diplomatic theory with Chinese characteristics. President Xi Jinping also emphasized that we should establish a globally connected partnership both in international and regional levels so as to initiate a brand new mode for country-to-country relationships, that is, “dialogues over confrontations and being partnered instead of being aligned”. The main job for the CPAFFC is to make friends while the friendship cities prove to be an important channel for it in terms of enhancing mutual understanding, friendship and cooperation between Chinese people and people of other countries. Given that we have established over 1,500 pairs of friendship cities with 134 foreign countries all over the world, we are already half way to build a globally connected friendship cities network and a community of common destiny for all mankind.

To upgrade the reform and opening-up level of local cities via the platform of friendship cities. As a major developing country, development remains the fi rst priority for the Communist Party to govern and rejuvenate China in a better way. One important mission of our diplomatic work is to serve the domestic development, which, specifi cally speaking, refers to acting as a go-between for provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and cities of China to open up to and have reciprocal cooperation with other countries. At present, the number of member cities owned by the CPAFFC has increased to 500 and is still on the rise. The CPAFFC also has organized a series of high-quality forums and conferences to promote a more effi cient exchange for cities between China and foreign countries, such as the China International Friendship Cities Conference, China-U. S. Governors Forum, China-Japan Governors Forum, China-India Local Governments Cooperation Forum, China-France Local Governments Forum, China-Poland Local Governments Cooperation Forum and China-Tanzania Cities Dialogue Session and so on, which shows that the exchange mechanism and extent between China and foreign countries has been gradually enriched and widened.

To optimize the friendship cities’ layout and balance regional development. More priorities shall be given to optimize the layout of friendship cities home and abroad considering the fact that they are already distributed disproportionately. Firstly, the layout should be balanced between the east and the west within China, namely, while we continue to promote the further development of coastal provinces and cities of the east, efforts should be made to establish more friendship cities in west region so that a benign cycle could be formed where the east development could serve as successful experiences for the west and infl uence the latter in a positive way. Secondly, the layout concerning foreign countries should also be balanced. On the one side, we should continue to cement our friendships with developed countries of the west; on the other side, priorities should be given to establish more friendship cities with peripheral countries and countries of other continents, especially with countries along the Belt and Road line and of Latin-America, Africa, South Asia and Southeast Europe, so that the future diplomatic exchanges could be carried out in an all-round and multiple-fi eld way.

To encourage a whole participation of people and set up an interaction platform between government and citizens. In July of this year, President Xi Jinping stressed in the “Congratulations Letter on the 2016 G20 Non-government Societies Conference”that non-government organizations function as an important platform through which more people could take part in public affairs and the economic development could be strengthened. Being a crucial part of non-government diplomacy, the friendship cities work as a bridge connecting governments and common people. So, more importance should be attached to both exchanges between governments and congresses and exchanges between various industries and non-government societies to encourage wider participation among common people, set up interaction platform for government and people, listen to people’s voice and aggregate social consensus, which would create a positive atmosphere for benign interactions and close cooperation between the government and people and therefore embrace a sustainable development of economic society.

In conclusion, the development of friendship cities, after more than 40 years of rapid development, has reached a new phase which is stable and orderly in terms of quantity, quality and management level. Despite the fact that the bilateral relationships between China and some countries might hit the rocks occasionally, the communication between friendship cities of these countries, however, keeps moving forward positively, which also implies that the friendship cities function in a relatively sound and mature system of their own. In the future, exchanges between friendship cities will expand to deeper layers and broader fi elds and play an increasingly important role in boosting the development of local economy and society.

(Provided by China International Friendship Cities Association)

Friendship Cities: A New Chapter for People-to-People Diplomacy
