段恩奎 雷晓华
摘 要:随着空间生命科学研究的发展,人们将细胞、组织培养技术与微重力环境相结合产生了组织工程研究的一个新领域—微重力组织工程。模拟太空微重力条件下细胞培养和组织构建研究表明,微重力环境有利于细胞的三维生长,形成具有功能的组织样结构,培养后的三维组织无论从形态上还是基因表达上都更接近于正常的机体机体组织。这种微重力对细胞的作用效应,将可能为未来组织工程和再生医学研究提供一条新途径。
关键词:微重力 生物反应器 细胞培养 组织工程
Abstract:Along with the development of space biology, the technique of tissue and cell culture under microgravity is becoming a new research filed, which has been known as microgravity tissue engineering. The study of microgravity or simulated microgravity on cells and tissues culture indicated that microgravity could offer a special effects on forming three-dimension (3-D) tissue structure and functional tissues. The 3-D tissue constructs generated on microgravity conditions exhibit more similar phenotypes in either morphous or gene expression profiles to those in normal tissues in vivo.
Key Words:Microgravity;Bioreactor;Cell culture;Tissue engineering