
2016-11-12 06:41:00张天宇
中国水土保持科学 2016年5期








土壤侵蚀是指水和风等营力对土壤物质的分离和搬运[1]。根据侵蚀的形态,土壤水力侵蚀可以分为细沟间侵蚀、细沟侵蚀、浅沟侵蚀和切沟侵蚀[2]。浅沟侵蚀形成的沟道称为浅沟,其宽度一般为30~50 cm,深度不超过50 cm[1]。浅沟不妨碍耕作活动,且常被耕作活动填充;而填充和侵蚀的长期交替进行会引发土壤侵蚀,导致浅沟两侧地面高程的显著下降,形成槽形地。在全球很多地区,浅沟侵蚀被认为是重要的泥沙源[3]。由于其重要性和特殊性,浅沟侵蚀于1950年代就已被我国学者列为一种专门的侵蚀形态[4]。1980年代已有针对性研究[5-6]。近年来,浅沟侵蚀研究的主要内容涉及浅沟监测方法[7]、产沙贡献率[8]、空间分布[9-10]、位置预报[11]、侵蚀量预报[12]、生态效应[13]及侵蚀机理[14]等方面。



1 材料与方法

首先,构造出一个垄台的横截面,并假设:垄台横截面为梯形,垄台被浅沟切穿,垄台表面与浅沟底面平行(图2A),垄作紧密相连,垄沟为V字型。这些假设条件基本符合东北黑土区的实际情况;其次,将垄台削平,并根据几何知识建立测量深度Hm与换算深度H的换算公式;再次,结合该换算公式和实测数据,探讨不换算(直接使用测量深度计算浅沟体积)情况下的误差。实测数据为黑龙江省鹤山农场鹤北2号小流域2009年浅沟数据,包括融雪浅沟和降雨浅沟。该小流域面积约3.4 km2。气候属寒温带大陆性季风气候,年平均降水量为492 mm。地形为波状起伏的丘陵,平均坡度2.2°。土壤为典型黑土。土地利用以旱地为主,垦殖率为93%。主要作物为大豆、玉米和春小麦等。耕作普遍采用垄作,常用垄台有2种:小垄和大垄(表1)。

图1 东北黑土区垄作耕地中的浅沟A:横剖面;B:纵剖面Fig.1 Ephemeral gullies in ridge-tillage croplands in the black soil region of northeastern China.A:Cross section view;B:Longitudinal section view

图2 A一个被浅沟切穿的垄台的横截面(阴影部分为垄台,空白部分为浅沟沟壁);B垄台被推平后的横截面Fig.2 A:The cross section of a ridge cut by ephemeral gully(EG)erosion(shadow part is ridge,and blank part is the side wall of EG);B:The cross section of the ridge after flattening

2 结果与分析

2.1 测量深度与换算深度的换算公式


表1 黑龙江省鹤山农场2种常用垄台的形态Tab.1 Morphologic characteristics of two types of ridge commonly used in the Heshan Farm,Heilongjiang Province cm




由式(3)可知,Hm与H的差值是一个以垄台形态(Hr,Wu和Wl)为自变量的函数;因此,只要知道垄台形态,就可以得到一个修正参数。用Hm减去这个修正参数,就可以得到H。以黑龙江省鹤山农场常见的2种垄台为例(表1),小垄对应的修正参数为3.75 cm,大垄对应的修正参数为2.39 cm。

2.2 直接使用测量深度计算浅沟体积的误差

2.2.1 计算公式 如果直接使用测量深度计算浅沟体积,会高估浅沟的深度和体积。高估的程度可以用体积相对误差来衡量,其计算公式为


式(5)表明:E是以垄台形态(Hr,Wu和Wl)和H为自变量的函数;在其他因子不变时,E随Hr增大而增大,随Wu与Wl之比的减小而增大。这意味着,在垄台较高、较尖的情况下,体积相对误差更大,更需要考虑垄作的影响,在垄台形态不变时,E与H呈反比。仍以黑龙江省鹤山农场常见的2种垄台为例(图3和表1)。小垄情况下:H为5 cm时,E为75%,而H逼近至50 cm(注:常用的浅沟深度上限)时,E下降为8%;大垄情况下:H为5 cm时,E为48%,而H逼近至50 cm(常用的浅沟深度上限)时,E下降为5%。这意味着,在浅沟深度较小时,E更大,更需要考虑垄作的影响。2.2.2 应用实例 2009年,利用卷尺法对鹤北2号小流域所有浅沟进行测量。共发现28条融雪浅沟和23条降雨浅沟。测量结果显示,融雪浅沟、降雨浅沟和全部浅沟的总体积分别为506.5m3、937.1 m3和1 443.6m3(表2和表3)。如果直接使用测量深度计算浅沟体积,则融雪浅沟、降雨浅沟和全部浅沟的总体积将分别为546.7 m3、1 147 m3和1 690.4 m3,分别被高估8%、22%和17%。这种误差值是不可忽略的,因此换算是很有必要的。

图3 浅沟换算深度与体积相对误差的关系(深度上限为50 cm)Fig.3 Relationships between calibrated depth and relative error ratio of volume for ephemeral gullies(The upper limit of depth is 50 cm)

3 结论与讨论






表2 鹤北2号小流域2009年融雪浅沟形态特征Tab.2 Morphologic characteristics of snow-melt ephemeral gullies(EG)in the Hebei-2 small watershed(Year 2009)

表3 鹤北2号小流域2009年降雨浅沟形态特征Tab.3 Morphologic characteristics of rainfall ephemeral gullies(EG)in the Hebei-2 small watershed(Year 2009)

表3 (续)Continued from Tab.3

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Measurement and calibration of ephemeral gully depth in ridge-tillage croplands

Zhang Tianyu1,2

(1.State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Wetland Ecology and Vegetation Restoration,Northeast Normal University,130024,Changchun,China;2.School of Geographical Sciences,Northeast Normal University,130024,Changchun,China)

[Background]Ephemeral gullies(EG)are small channels eroded by concentrated flow.The traditional method of monitoring EG is the ruler method,by which the widths,depths and lengths of EGs aremanually measured.Ridging,whereby elevated rows are created,is a commonly used tillage practice in China.EGs can develop in ridged croplands as furrows serve to concentrate runoff so that EGs develop perpendicular to rows as water spills over one ridge to the next furrow.In this case,the fluctuating relief induced by ridging causes difficulty in measurement of EG depth.Whether measurements are taken at ridge tops or in furrows,the measured depth cannot be used directly to calculate EG volume and must be calibrated to the EG depth that would have formed on a none-ridge(flat)land surface.Reports on the procedure and validity of calibration are limited.This study aims to establish an equation by which one can calibrate the depth measured from a ridge top(measured depth)to the corresponding depth for a none-ridge land surface case(calibrated depth),and understand the necessity of calibration.[Methods]Firstly,the cross-section of a ridge was established,whose shape was assumed to be an isosceles trapezoid.The distance from the ridge top to the EG bottom was measured,i.e.measured depth.Secondly,the ridge height was adjusted to that of a flat land surface.The distance from the newly adjusted land surface to the EG bottom was the calibrated depth.Thirdly,a calibration equation was established according to plane geometry knowledge.Fourthly,the calibration equation was applied to EGs in the Hebei-2 small watershed in the Heilongjiang Province to estimate the EG volume error in the noncalibration case.[Results]1)The calibrated depth was a function of the measured depth and the morphologic characteristics of the ridges(height,top width and bottom width).2)If the calibration was not used,the EG volume would be overestimated.The overestimation can be evaluated with relative error ratio(RER),which was positively correlated with the height and sharpness of the ridge and negatively correlated with EG depth.In the Hebei-2 watershed,the RER was 48%-75%when the EG was 5 cm deep and 5%-8%when the EG was almost 50 cm deep.For all 51 EGs,the RER was 17%. Therefore,the calibration is necessary.[Conclusion]For EGs in ridged croplands,the measured depth can be calibrated by the equation developed in this study,with morphologic characteristics of the ridges as parameters.Without calibration,the EG depth and volume could be overestimated by up to 17%at the small watershed scale.Therefore,the established equation is suitable for this calibration,and the calibration is necessary,and even necessary for water sheds with high and sharp ridges and shallow EGs. We suggest that the resultsmay be utilized for future EG surveying by more accurately calculating the significance of EG erosion.

soil erosion;ephemeral gully depth;calibration;morphology;ridge-tillage;ridge;Heilongjiang





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2016- 07- 28



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