
2016-11-11 02:33石家庄东苑小学郝磊娜
河北教育(教学版) 2016年5期

○石家庄东苑小学 郝磊娜




一 、Introduce yourself(Including your name,your age,your family and what do you like to do).介绍自己(包括你的姓名、年龄、家庭以及你喜欢做什么)。

二、Look at the picture.Can you tell me what the two boys are talking about?Choose three small pictures to talk about.看图片,你能告诉我这两个男孩在讨论什么吗?选择你喜欢的三个小图片说一说。

三、What did you do last Saturday?Where did you go?Talk with your friends.你上周六做了些什么,去了哪里?和朋友们交流一下吧。


一、Listen and choose the words you hear.听音,选出所听到的单词。






二、Listen and choose the answers.听音,选出正确答案。

()1.A.I'm reading a book. B.She is drawing a picture.

()2.A.The man is singing. B.Danny is swimming.

()3.A.I usually go to the park. B.I went to the cinema to see a film.

()4.A.Yes,I had a great trip. B.I missed you.

()5.A.He broke his tail. B.Yes,he does.

三、Listen and fill in the blanks.听音,填空。

Last Sunday,I_________to Summer Palace with my_________.It's very big.There were many _________there.Some kids flew_________in the sky.They ran fast and they were very happy.Some _________sang the songs.It was nice!I_________an ice cream and I_________my_________a gift.We took many_________.It was a great trip!

Reading and Writing读写部分

一、Circle the word which is different.圈出不同类的单词。




4.hadyesterday weredid

5.happy sadwritewrong

6.photo nightevening afternoon

7.worry takefeeltired

8.email letter computer postcard

二、Fill in the blanks with the correct words.用单词的正确形式填空。

1.Jenny likes to___________this song very much.(sing)

2.Look!My mum is___________a cake!That's wonderful!(make)

3.What__________you do yesterday?

I______to the park with my friends.(do/go)

4.Today is my birthday.I__________nine years old today.I__________eight years old yesterday.(is)

5.Danny,please don't jump.

I'm not jumping,I'm__________.(dance)

三、Choose the correct answers.选择正确答案。

()1.--What____you do yesterday?--I watched the animals at the zoo.


()2.Jenny is__________.

A.watch a filmB.reading a books C.flying a kite

()3.I need stamps______the two postcards.


()4.--_______is singing?

--The woman behind you.


()5.Look!A young_______is running.


()6.--May I_____your pictures,Jenny?--Sure.


()7.I want to write______email to my friends.


()8.--When is your birthday?--My birthday is______March.


四、Read and choose.读一读,选出正确答案(将序号写在横线上)。

1.--Excuse me,where is the zoo?--_________

2.--_______________--I'm sorry.

3.--How old is the Palace Museum?--_______

4.--What do you see?--____________________

5.--I missed you,Li Ming.--________________

6.--What happened?--_____________________

A.It's about six hundred years old.B.I missed you,too.

C.I see some pictures.They are old.D.He broke his leg.

E.Go straight and turn left.F.Danny,please don't run.

五、Read the sentences and choose.根据描述,选择最佳答案。

()1.I use it to write an email.What is it?


()2.It's a kind(种类)of drink,Chinese like it very much.


()3.I don't like snakes because when I see the snakes I feel______.


()4.If you broke your friend's pencil,what will you say?

A.Help!B.Thank you.C.Sorry.

()5.It's a place.It's very old,it's about 2000 years old.What's it?

A.The Great WallB.Palace Museum C.Tian'anmen Square

六、Read and write.读一读,写一写,按要求完成题目。

_________________________________ _____________________________________

My parents and I went to Beijing last Sunday.We went there by plane. Shijiazhuang is not far from Beijing.We went to see the Great Wall first,it's very long and beautiful!We also went to see the Palace Museum and Tian'an⁃men Square.They're wonderful.We bought many gifts for my grandparents and my friends.My uncle and aunt work in Beijing.We visited them and had din⁃ner with them.We ate Beijing duck.

What about you?

Please write to me soon.

_________________________________ _____________________________________



(1)Anna's family went to a trip to_________.


(2)--How did they go on a trip?--_________

A.By car.B.By plane.C.By train.

(3)--Where did they go to see first?--________

A.The Great Wall.B.The Palace Museum. C.Tian'anmen Square.

(4)Her_________work in Beijing. A.father and motherB.uncle and aunt C.brother and sister

(5)--Where did they eat Beijing duck?--_____

A.In a restaurant.B.At Anna's home. C.At Anna's uncle's home.

七、Read and tick.阅读短文,判断正误。

In my happy childhood(童年),I have many good friends,but I think Mandy is my best friend.She is patient because she writes and draws patiently(耐心地).She has short hair.She is black.But she looks so beautiful.She comes to my home and plays with me every weekend.At my home,we often play comput⁃er games,surf the Net or watch the photos of cats,dogs and birds.

On summer holiday,she often swims with her family in the swimming pool.Her birthday is on July 16th.She usually has a birthday party with her friends. We can sing,dance,take photos and eat birthday cake.

She is a lovely girl,I think.Do you think so?

()1.Mandy is my best friend.

()2.She is white.

()3.Mandy often plays computer games with her mother.

()4.On summer holiday,Mandy often swims in the swimming pool.

()5.July 16this my birthday.

八、Write.写作。他们在哪,都在做些什么?看图写一篇小文章。你可能用到的词汇:play on the swing荡秋千 feed喂食


一、1.I like to sing songs.

2.Look!The young man is running.

3.I'm sorry.

4.Dear Jenny,I miss you.

5.They were 9 years old last year.

二、1.What's she doing?

2.Who is singing?

3.What did you do yesterday?

4.Did you have a nice trip?

5.Does he read books on Sunday?

三、Last Sunday,I went to Summer Palace with my mum.It's very big.There were many people there.Some kids flew kites in the sky.They ran fast and they were very happy.Some women sang the songs.It was nice!I ate an ice cream and I bought my dad a gift.We took many photos.It was a great trip!

Units 1—2 听力练习
Units 3—4 听力练习
Units 5—6 听力练习
Units 7—8 听力练习
修订版PEP 六年级英语毕业检测题