
2016-11-10 01:03王文采
植物研究 2016年4期


(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)



(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)



图1 A~E.靖安艾麻:A.雌茎顶部;B.花簇,具2雌花和3瘦果;C.雌花;D.宿存花被和瘦果;E.瘦果 F~K.河口水麻:F.当年生枝一段;G.生于老枝上落叶腋部的一对雌聚伞花序;H.雌团伞花序:I.雌团伞花序基部的密集苞片:J.雌花;K.雌蕊Fig.1 A-E.Laportea jinganensis:A. Apical part of pistillate stem; B. Flower cluster,with 2 pistillate flowers and 3 achenes; C. Pistillate flower; D. Persistent perianth and achene; E. Achene(from hologype) F-K.Debregeasia hekouensis:F. A part of hornotinous branch; G. A pair of pistillate cymes arising from an axil of a fallen leaf of old branch; H. Pistillate glomerule; I. Conferted numerous bracts at base of pistillate glomerule; J. Pistillate flower; K. Pistil(F,H-K from holotype,G from isotype)

靖安艾麻 图1: A~E

LaporteajinganensisW. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig.1: A-E

Species nova haec caulibus et foliis glabris pilis urentibus carentibus, stipulis minutis late triangularibus usque ad 1 mm longis indivisis, acheniis deltoideis laevibus intra generemLaporteaminsignis est, et cum characteribus tribus his a congeneribus sinensibus omnibus ceteris distinguitur. In eis, caules et folia pilis urentibus obtecta, stipulae majores, plerumque lanceolatae, 3-14 mm longae, 2-lobatae, et achenia obovata vel ovata, aut si triganularia nunc verruculosa sunt.

Herbs. Underground organs and basal part of stem unknown. Stems ca. 30 cm tall, below ca. 1 mm across, glabrous, ca. 7-leaved. Leaves alternate, slenderly petiolate, glabrous; blades thinly papery, ovate, rarely broadly ovate, 4.9-9.5 cm×1.5-5.5 cm, apex acuminate or cuspidate, base rounded or subtruncate, margin dentate; nervation trinerved, rarely penninerved, midrib with 2 pairs of secondary nerves; cystoliths dense, conspicuous, puncticulate; petioles 0.5-7.8 cm long; stipules yellow, broadly triangular, 0.5-1 mm×0.3-0.8 mm. Staminate inflorescences and staminate flower unknown. Pistillate inflorescences spike-like, singly arising from axils of apical cauline leaves, slender, 6.5-16 cm long; rachis densely puberulous (hairs 0.05-1 mm long), with 20-50 small flower clusters; clusters 1-3 mm in diam., 3-5-flowered. Pistillate flower: Pedicel 0-0.5 mm long, glabrous; tepals 4, unequal in size and different in shape, oblong-ovate, broadly or narrowly ovate, 0.5-0.8 mm×0.15-0.5 mm, in fruiting time slightly enlarged, abaxially on midrib sparsely puberulous, on margin ciliolate; ovary narrowly ovoid, ca. 0.9 mm long, glabrous; style tail-like, ca. 2 mm long. Achenes yellowish-white, flattened, deltoid, ca. 1.8 mm×1.5 mm, glabrous, smooth, shortly stiped.

江西(Jiangxi):靖安县,石境(Jingan Xian,Shijing),alt. 1 470 m,山谷林中(under forest in valley),草本高1 m;花淡绿色(herbs 1 m tall;fls. greenish),1997-09-03,张吉华(J. H. Zhang)97056(holotype,PE)。

本种的茎和叶无毛,自然也就无刺毛(stinging hairs),托叶小,宽三角形,长达1 mm,不分裂,瘦果正三角形,光滑,这些形态特征在艾麻属中罕见,根据上述特征即可将本种与我国艾麻属其他种区分开。在我国艾麻属其他种,茎和叶均被刺毛,托叶较大,多呈披针形,长3~14 mm,二裂,瘦果呈倒卵形或卵形,如为三角形时,则具小疣状突起[1,3]。

河口水麻 图1:F~K

DebregeasiahekouensisW. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig.1: F-K

Species nova haec est affinisD.longifoliae(Burm. f.) Wedd., quae foliis subtus cinereo-albo-pannosis nervis secundariis 5-8-jugatis praeditis, cymis pistillatis minoribus 0.8-2 cm latis semel ad ter ramosis, earum pedunculis 1-5 mm longis recedit.

Shrubs. Stems ca. 2 m tall, 2-3 cm across (according to collector); hornotinous branches ca. 2 mm across, annual branches 3-5 mm across, all spreading-puberulous. Leaves alternate, petiolate; blades papery, narrowly ovate or broadly lanceolate, 9-18(-22) cm×3-6.8(-13) cm, apex acuminate or attenuate, base broadly cuneate, margin denticulate; surfaces adaxially strigose, abaxially appressed-puberulous; nervation trinerved, with lateral basal nerves spreading upwards surpassing the middle of leaf blade, and with ca. 3 pairs of secondary nerves; cystoliths dense, minutely punctiform; petioles ca. 5 cm long, densely strigillose; stipules unknown. Staminate cymes and staminate flower unknown. Pistillate cymes in pairs axillary, those arising from leaf axils of hornotinous branch small, ca. 3 mm×9 mm, one to two times dichotomously branched, 2-4-glomerulate, with peduncles ca. 4 mm long, those arising from axils of fallen leaves of annual or more older branches large, 3-6 cm×5-9 cm, four to six times dichotomously branched, with numerous glomerules and with peduncles 1.5-4.5 cm long; branches with peduncles hirtellous; bract 1 or wanting, linear, ca. 2 mm long, hirtellous; glomerules subglobose, 2-4 mm in diam., multi-flowered, at base, i. e. on top of ultimate branch with numerous conferted bracts which are brown, membranous, deltoid, ovate or narrowly ovate, 0.4-0.6 mm×0.15-0.6 mm, abaxially on midrib with a few hairs, on margin ciliate. Pistillate flower nearly sessile: Perianth brownish, urceolate, ca. 1 mm long, above sparsely strigose, apex inconspicuously 4-dentate; ovary ovoid, ca. 0.7 mm long, glabrous, at base abruptly narrowed; stigma penicillate, with hairs spreading and at base connate.

云南(Yunnan):河口县,南溪(Hekou Xian,Nanxi),alt. 300 m,山谷热带雨林边(at margin of tropical rain forest in valley),灌木高2 m,粗2~3 cm;叶长达22 cm,宽达13 cm,背面绿色(shrub 2 m tall,with stem 2-3 cm across;leaves up to 22 cm long and 13 cm broad,abaxially green),1993-11-08,陈家瑞(C.J.Chen)93073(holotype,PE; isotypes of 3 sheets,PE)。

本种在亲缘关系方面接近长叶水麻(Debregeasialongifolia(Burm.f.) Wedd.),与后者的区别在于本种的叶下面被短柔毛,具约3对二级脉,一年生枝或老枝上生的雌聚伞花序硕大,宽5~9 cm,四至六回分枝,具多数团伞花序,其花序梗长1.5~4.5 cm。在长叶水麻,叶片下面密被灰白色毡毛,具5~8对二级脉,所有的雌聚伞花序都较小,宽0.8~2 cm,一至三回分枝,具2~8个团伞花序,花序梗长1~5 mm[2,4~5]。




3.Chen J R,Friis I,Wilmot-Dear C M.Laportea[M].//Wu Z Y,Raven P H.Flora of China.Beijing:Science Press,Missouri:Missouri Botanical Garden Press,2003:85-88.

4.Chen J R,Friis I,Wilmot-Dear C M.Debregeasia[M].//Wu ZY,Raven P H.Flora of China.Beijing:Science Press,Missouri:Missouri Botanical Garden Press,2003:185-187.

5.Wilmot-dear C M,Friis I.Debregeasiaaustralissp. nov.(Urticaceae),with a new synopsis of and a new key to the genus[J].Edinburgh Journal of Botany,2012,69(2):301-311.


WANG Wen-Tsai

(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Scienses,Beijing 100093)

A species of the genusLaportea(Urticaceae),L.jinganensis, and a species of the genusDebregeasia(also Urticaceae),D.hekouensis, are described as new from Jiangxi Province and Yunnan Province respectively. The diagnostic differences betweenL.jinganensisand its Chinese congeners and betweenD.hekouensisand its ally,D.longifolia, are given respectively.

Urticaceae;Laportea;Debregeasia;new species;China






防治水土流失 建设秀美靖安