1.1 “蛋白-蛋白”交联对乳化性的影响
1.2 “蛋白-糖”交联对乳化性的影响
“蛋白-糖”交联有单糖或低聚糖作用和多糖作用两大类型。葡萄糖是最常见的通过美拉德反应与蛋白质发生交联的单糖。Saeki[7]用葡萄糖对鲤Cyprinus carpio肌原纤维功能性进行研究发现,在美拉德反应早期葡萄糖对乳化活性和乳化稳定性均有所提高。You等[9]在研究鲢Hypophthalmichthys molitrix水溶性蛋白与不同糖类形成聚合物的乳化性中发现,处理样品的糖分子量越低,其乳化特性越差,如木糖分子量最低,其最易发生美拉德反应,生成较多不溶类黑素,使溶液溶解度降低,并进一步导致乳化性下降。Kato等[31]在研究卵清蛋白美拉德反应时发现,经葡萄糖反应后,样品的乳化性比空白样品更高,但效果弱于葡萄糖6-磷酸,这是因为葡萄糖6-磷酸除了具有羰基外,还具有磷酰基团,有助于卵清蛋白与其作用。
2.1 “蛋白-蛋白”交联对凝胶的促进
目前,促凝胶交联研究集中在动物源蛋白方面,主要针对肉糜制品。Ahhmed等[43]用转谷氨酰胺酶使鸡肉肠、牛肉肠凝胶强度显著提高。Chanarat等[6]研究了金线鱼Nemipterus furcosus、印度鲭鱼Rastrelliger kanagurta、沙丁鱼Sardinella gibbosa的鱼糜凝胶性,发现交联后凝胶强度均显著增加,且金线鱼效果最强,这是因为其属于低脂鱼,而脂肪过多会阻碍凝胶基质的蛋白聚集。有关研究中所用的转谷氨酰胺酶大都属于外源性酶[20],而很多鱼本身含有的内源性转谷氨酰胺酶也是良好的交联剂,Yongsawatdigul等[14]利用罗非鱼内源性转谷氨酰胺酶来交联长蛇鲻Saurida spp.鱼糜后发现,其凝胶断裂强度和变形均有所增加。Giosafatto等[44]用转谷氨酰胺酶交联卵清蛋白,发现转谷氨酰胺酶会通过共价键增强凝胶形成,并使得弹性提高。涉及乳源蛋白的研究中,Lauber等[39]用转谷氨酰胺酶交联酸奶后断裂点力增加;Cura等[42]用漆酶作为交联剂,交联酪蛋白酸钠后使凝胶断裂点力增加。对于植物源蛋白而言,Sun等[45]用转谷氨酰胺酶诱导鸡胸肉肌原纤维/豌豆蛋白,发现其凝胶峰值力显著增加。Ramírez-Suárez等[46]则以鸡胸肉肌原纤维/大豆混合物为蛋白源,发现其储能模量显著提高。这类将植物蛋白与动物蛋白混合制备而成的蛋白配料,是一种用来制备少肉食品的手段。
2.2 “蛋白-糖”交联对凝胶的促进
3.1 蛋白质交联与热稳定性
3.2 蛋白质交联与亲水性
3.3 蛋白质交联与成膜性
3.4 蛋白质交联与起泡性
3.5 蛋白质交联与其他加工性能
表1 蛋白质交联对不同蛋白源及功能性影响的研究情况汇总Tab.1 Functionality performances of varied protein sources induced by protein crosslinks
表2 国内外不同食品蛋白源的蛋白质交联的研究统计Tab.2 Protein crosslinks of varied protein sources at domestic and abroad
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Research advances in functionality of food protein ingredients by protein crosslinking:a review
JIANG Meng-yun,LIU Jun-rong,TIAN Yuan-yong
(College of Food Science and Engineering,Dalian Ocean University,Dalian 116023,China)
Research advances in protein crosslinks and functionalities of food protein are reviewed comprehensively from the point of view of functional food protein ingredients.Firstly,facilitating roles of crosslinks of“protein-protein”and“protein-carbohydrate”in food functionality are described,with special emphasis on properties of emulsifying and gel forming.Secondly,effects of various crosslinks related to proteins on functionality performances are discussed including heat stability,hydrophilicity,film formation and foaming property.It can be concluded that most of protein crosslinks show a positive effect on improvement of functionalities of food protein ingredients,“protein-protein”crosslinks being more widely explored compared to“protein-carbohydrate”interactions.Furthermore,researches at home and abroad on protein crosslinks contain almost all these conventional food protein sources,including animal and vegetable original proteins,and diary and egg protein,focusing on single protein source,seldom on mixed protein.Finally,protein crosslinking mechanism,especially protein natural oxidation process,is suggested to be further investigated,insight into the application of protein sources,in particular low-fat protein,by-products and mixed protein sources.
protein crosslink;food protein ingredient;functionality