截至 2016年 9月 20日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)的数据报告显示,以“网络安全(network security)”“网络空间安全(cyberspace security)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为7186条与16464条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。
根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“网络安全(network security)”“网络空间安全(cyberspace security)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
根据Web of Science统计数据,以“网络安全(network security)”“网络空间安全(cyberspace security)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。
基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。
SPINS: Security protocols for sensor networks
Perrig A; Szewczyk R; Tygar JD; et al.
来源出版物:Wireless Networks, 2002, 8(5): 521-534
Security in wireless sensor networks
Perrig A; Stankovic J; Wagner D
来源出版物:Communications of the ACM, 2004, 47(6): 53-57
A survey of security issues in mobile ad hoc and sensor networks
Djenouri, Djamel; Khelladi, Lyes; Badache, Nadjib
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2005, 7(4): 2-28
Sensor network security: A survey
Chen, Xiangqian; Makki, Kia; Yen, Kang; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2009, 11(2): 52-73
The relay-eavesdropper channel: Cooperation for secrecy
Lai, Lifeng; El Gamal, Hesham
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,2008, 54(9): 4005-4019
美国国家安全54号总统令和国家安全23号总统令中对网络空间(cyberspace)的定义是:“网络空间是连接各种信息技术基础设施的网络,包括互联网、各种电信网、各种计算机系统、各类关键工业设施中的嵌入式处理器和控制器。还涉及人与人之间相互影响的虚拟信息环境。”该定义强调网络空间是大范围连接的网络,这种说法有一定的局限性,导致物理隔离的网络、ad hoc网络等局域连接的网络不包含在网络空间中。
可信计算领域在设备层主要面临底层设备故障引起的安全问题。为解决此问题,提高提供可信计算服务的硬件实体可靠性,包括元器件可靠性、设备可靠性和系统可靠性。以可信赖平台模块(TPM,trusted plateform module)为核心提供可信硬件平台,并作为可信计算平台的信任根,建立一级信任一级的信任链。
当今,社会信息化和网络化的发展导致数据爆炸式增长。据统计,平均每秒有200万用户在使用谷歌搜索,Facebook用户每天共享的东西超过40亿,Twitter每天处理的推特数量超过3.4亿。同时,科学计算、医疗卫生、金融、零售业等各行业也有大量数据在不断产生。2012年全球信息总量已经达到2.7 ZB,而到2015年这一数值预计会达到8 ZB。
这一现象引发了人们的广泛关注。在学术界,图灵奖获得者Jim Gray提出了科学研究的第四范式,即以大数据为基础的数据密集型科学研究;2008年《Nature》推出了大数据专刊对其展开探讨;2011年《Science》也推出类似的数据处理专刊。IT产业界行动更为积极,持续关注数据再利用,挖掘大数据的潜在价值。目前,大数据已成为继云计算之后信息技术领域的另一个信息产业增长点。据Gartner预测,2013年大数据将带动全球IT支出340亿美元,到2016年全球在大数据方面的总花费将达到2320亿美元。Gartner将“大数据”技术列入 2012年对众多公司和组织机构具有战略意义的十大技术与趋势之一不仅如此,作为国家和社会的主要管理者,各国政府也是大数据技术推广的主要推动者。2009年3月美国政府上线了data. gov网站,向公众开放政府所拥有的公共数据。随后,英国、澳大利亚等政府也开始了大数据开放的进程,截至目前,全世界已经正式有35个国家和地区构建了自己的数据开放门户网站。美国政府联合6个部门宣布了2亿美元的“大数据研究与发展计划”。在我国,2012年中国通信学会、中国计算机学会等重要学术组织先后成立了大数据专家委员会,为我国大数据应用和发展提供学术咨询。
人们进行数据分析由来已久,最初且最重要的目的就是获得知识、利用知识。由于大数据包含大量原始、真实信息,大数据分析能够有效地摒弃个体差异,帮助人们透过现象、更准确地把握事物背后的规律。基于挖掘出的知识,可以更准确地对自然或社会现象进行预测。典型的案例是Google公司的Google Flu Trends网站。它通过统计人们对流感信息的搜索,查询 Google服务器日志的IP地址判定搜索来源,从而发布对世界各地流感情况的预测。又如,人们可以根据Twitter信息预测股票行情等。
错误信息不如没有信息。由于网络中信息的传播更加便利,所以网络虚假信息造成的危害也更大。例如,2013年4月24日,美联社Twitter帐号被盗,发布虚假消息称总统奥巴马遭受恐怖袭击受伤。虽然虚假消息在几分钟内被禁止,但是仍然引发了美国股市短暂跳水。由于大数据来源广泛及其多样性,在一定程度上它可以帮助实现信息的去伪存真。目前人们开始尝试利用大数据进行虚假信息识别。例如,社交点评类网站Yelp利用大数据对虚假评论进行过滤,为用户提供更为真实的评论信息;Yahoo和 Thinkmail等利用大数据分析技术来过滤垃圾邮件。
1)数据采集与预处理(Data Acquisition & Preparation)。
数据存储与大数据应用密切相关。某些实时性要求较高的应用,如状态监控,更适合采用流处理模式,直接在清洗和集成后的数据源上进行分析。而大多数其它应用则需要存储,以支持后继更深度的数据分析流程。为了提高数据吞吐量,降低存储成本,通常采用分布式架构来存储大数据。这方面有代表性的研究包括:文件系统 GFS,HDFS和 Haystack等;NoSQL数据库Mongodb、CouchDB、HBase、Redis、Neo4j等。
2)数据分析(Data Analysis)。
在计算架构方面,MapReduce是当前广泛采用的大数据集计算模型和框架。为了适应一些对任务完成时间要求较高的分析需求,文献[12]对其性能进行了优化;文献[13]提出了一种基于MapReduce架构的数据流分析解决方案 MARISSA,使其能够支持实时分析任务;文献[14]提出了基于时间的大数据分析方案Mastiff;文献[15]也针对广告推送等实时性要求较高的应用,提出了基于MapReduce的TiMR框架来进行实时流处理。
在查询与索引方面,由于大数据中包含了大量的非结构化或半结构化数据,传统关系型数据库的查询和索引技术受到限制,而 NoSQL二类数据库技术得到更多关注。例如,文献[16]提出了一个混合的数据访问架构HyDB以及一种并发数据查询及优化方法。文献[17]对key-value类型数据库的查询进行了性能优化。
3)数据解释(Data Interpretation)。
4)其他支撑技术(Data Transmission & Virtual Cluster)。
当前企业常常认为经过匿名处理后,信息不包含用户的标识符,就可以公开发布了。但事实上,仅通过匿名保护并不能很好地达到隐私保护目标。例如,AOL公司曾公布了匿名处理后的3个月内部分搜索历史,供人们分析使用。虽然个人相关的标识信息被精心处理过,但其中的某些记录项还是可以被准确地定位到具体的个人。纽约时报随即公布了其识别出的1位用户。编号为4417749的用户是1位62岁的寡居妇人,家里养了3条狗,患有某种疾病,等等。另一个相似的例子是,著名的DVD租赁商Netflix曾公布了约50万用户的租赁信息,悬赏100万美元征集算法,以期提高电影推荐系统的准确度。但是当上述信息与其它数据源结合时,部分用户还是被识别出来了。研究者发现,Netflix中的用户有很大概率对非top 100,top 500,top 1000的影片进行过评分,而根据对非top影片的评分结果进行去匿名化(de-anonymizing)攻击的效果更好。
此外,不同类型的大数据中可能存在多样化的访问控制需求。例如,在Web 2.0个人用户数据中,存在基于历史记录的访问控制;在地理地图数据中,存在基于尺度以及数据精度的访问控制需求;在流数据处理中,存在数据时间区间的访问控制需求,等等。如何统一地描述与表达访问控制需求也是一个挑战性问题。
以典型的k匿名方案为例。早期的方案及其优化方案通过元组泛化、抑制等数据处理,将准标识符分组。每个分组中的准标识符相同且至少包含k-1个元组,因而每个元组至少与k-1个其他元组不可区分。由于k匿名模型是针对所有属性集合而言,对于具体的某个属性则未加定义,容易出现某个属性匿名处理不足的情况。若某等价类中某个敏感属性上取值一致,则攻击者可以有效地确定该属性值。针对该问题研究者提出l多样化(l-diversity)匿名。其特点是在每一个匿名属性组里敏感数据的多样性满足要大于或等于 l。实现方法包括基于裁剪算法的方案以及基于数据置换的方案等。此外,还有一些介于k匿名与Z多样化之间的方案。进一步的,由于 l-diversity只是能够尽量使敏感数据出现的频率平均化。当同一等价类中数据范围很小时,攻击者可猜测其值。t贴近性(t-closeness)方案要求等价类中敏感数据的分布与整个数据表中数据的分布保持一致。其它工作包括(k, e)匿名模型(X, Y)匿名模型等。上述研究是针对静态、一次性发布情况。而现实中,数据发布常面临数据连续、多次发布的场景。需要防止攻击者对多次发布的数据联合进行分析,破坏数据原有的匿名特性。
社交网络产生的数据是大数据的重要来源之一,同时这些数据中包含大量用户隐私数据。截至2012年10月Face book的用户成员就已达10亿。由于社交网络具有图结构特征,其匿名保护技术与结构化数据有很大不同。
由数据的无序性、动态性等特点所决定,在数据库、文档中添加水印的方法与多媒体载体上有很大不同。其基本前提是上述数据中存在冗余信息或可容忍一定精度误差。例如,Agrawal等人基于数据库中数值型数据存在误差容忍范围,将少量水印信息嵌入到这些数据中随机选取的最不重要位上。而Sion等人提出一种基于数据集合统计特征的方案,将一比特水印信息嵌入在一组属性数据中,防止攻击者破坏水印.此外,通过将数据库指纹信息嵌入水印中,可以识别出信息的所有者以及被分发的对象,有利于在分布式环境下追踪泄密者;通过采用独立分量分析技术(简称 ICA),可以实现无需密钥的水印公开验证。其它相关工作包括文献[64-65],若在数据库表中嵌入脆弱性水印,可以帮助及时发现数据项的变化。
上述水印方案中有些可用于部分数据的验证。例如在文献[58-59]中,残余元组数量达到阂值就可以成功验证出水印。该特性在大数据应用场景下具有广阔的发展前景,例如:强健水印类(Robust Watermark)可用于大数据的起源证明,而脆弱水印类(Fragile Watermark)可用于大数据的真实性证明。存在问题之一是当前的方案多基于静态数据集,针对大数据的高速产生与更新的特性考虑不足,这是未来函待提高的方向。
早在大数据概念出现之前,数据溯源(DataProvenance)技术就在数据库领域得到广泛研究。其基本出发点是帮助人们确定数据仓库中各项数据的来源,例如了解它们是由哪些表中的哪些数据项运算而成,据此可以方便地验算结果的正确性,或者以极小的代价进行数据更新。数据溯源的基本方法是标记法。后来概念进一步细化为why-和where-两类,分别侧重数据的计算方法以及数据的出处。除数据库以外,它还包括 XML数据、流数据与不确定数据的溯源技术。数据溯源技术也可用于文件的溯源与恢复。例如文献[74]通过扩展Linux内核与文件系统,创建了一个数据起源存储系统原型系统,可以自动搜集起源数据。此外也有其在云存储场景中的应用。
未来数据溯源技术将在信息安全领域发挥重要作用。在 2009年呈报美国国土安全部的“国家网络空间安全”的报告中,将其列为未来确保国家关键基础设施安全的3项关键技术之一。然而,数据溯源技术应用于大数据安全与隐私保护中还面临如下挑战:
虽然基于大数据的威胁发现技术具有上述的优点,但是该技术目前也存在一些问题和挑战,主要集中在分析结果的准确程度上。一方面,大数据的收集很难做到全面,而数据又是分析的基础,它的片面性往往会导致分析出的结果的偏差。为了分析企业信息资产面临的威胁,不但要全面收集企业内部的数据,还要对一些企业外的数据进行收集,这些在某种程度上是一个大问题。另一方面,大数据分析能力的不足影响威胁分析的准确性。例如,纽约投资银行每秒会有 5000次网络事件,每天会从中捕捉25 TB数据。如果没有足够的分析能力,要从如此庞大的数据中准确地发现极少数预示潜在攻击的事件,进而分析出威胁是几乎不可能完成的任务。
其次,传统认证技术中认证方式越安全往往意味着用户负担越重。例如,为了加强认证安全,而采用的多因素认证。用户往往需要同时记忆复杂的口令,还要随身携带硬件USB Key一旦忘记口令或者忘记携带USB Key,就无法完成身份认证。为了减轻用户负担,一些生物认证方式出现,利用用户具有的生物特征,例如指纹等,来确认其身份。然而,这些认证技术要求设备必须具有生物特征识别功能,例如,指纹识别。因此很大程度上限制了这些认证技术的广泛应用。
目前,基于大数据的数据真实性分析被广泛认为是最为有效的方法。许多企业已经开始了这方面的研究工作,例如,Yahoo和 Thinkmail等利用大数据分析技术来过滤垃圾邮件;Yelp等社交点评网络用大数据分析来识别虚假评论;新浪微博等社交媒体利用大数据分析来鉴别各类垃圾信息等。
来源出版物:软件学报, 2000, 11(11): 1460-1466
21世纪是信息的时代。信息成为一种重要的战略资源,信息的获取、处理和安全保障能力成为一个国家综合国力的重要组成部分。信息安全事关国家安全、事关社会稳定。 因此, 必须采取措施确保我国的信息安全。近年来,信息安全领域的发展十分迅速,取得了许多新的重要成果。信息安全理论与技术的内容十分广泛,但由于篇幅所限,这里主要介绍密码学、可信计算、网络安全和信息隐藏等方面的研究和发展。
来源出版物:中国科学(E辑:信息科学): 2007, 37(2): 129-150
安全评估是贯穿信息系统生命周期的重要管理手段,是制定和调整安全策略的基础和前提。只有充分识别系统安全风险,才能有针对性地采取有效的安全防范措施。基于IDS(intrusion detection system)海量报警信息和网络性能指标,结合服务、主机本身的重要性及网络系统的组织结构,提出采用自下而上、先局部后整体评估策略的层次化安全威胁态势量化评估模型及其相应的计算方法。该方法在报警发生频率、报警严重性及其网络带宽耗用率的统计基础上,对服务、主机本身的重要性因子进行加权,计算服务、主机以及整个网络系统的威胁指数,进而评估分析安全威胁态势。实验表明,该系统减轻了管理员繁重的报警数据分析任务,能够提供服务、主机和网络系统3个层次的直观安全威胁态势,使其对系统的安全威胁状况有宏观的了解。而且,可以从安全态势曲线中发现安全规律,以便调整系统安全策略,更好地提高系统安全性能,为指导安全工程实践、设计相应安全风险评估和管理工具提供了有价值的模型和算法。
来源出版物:软件学报, 2006, 17(4): 885-897
来源出版物:软件学报, 2004, 15(8): 1208-1219
来源出版物:软件学报, 2003, 14(1): 110-116
来源出版物:电子学报, 1999, 27(1): 98-102
软件定义网络(software-defined networking,简称SDN)技术分离了网络的控制平面和数据平面,为研发网络新应用和未来互联网技术提供了一种新的解决方案。综述了基于OpenFlow的SDN技术发展现状,首先总结了逻辑控制和数据转发分离架构的研究背景,并介绍了其关键组件和研究进展,包括OpenFlow交换机、控制器和SDN技术,然后从4个方面分析了基于OpenFlow的 SDN技术目前所面临的问题和解决思路。结合近年来的发展现状,归纳了在校园网、数据中心以及面向网络管理和网络安全方面的应用,最后探讨了未来的研究趋势。
来源出版物:软件学报, 2013, 24(5): 1078-1097
目前的入侵检测系统存在着在先验知识较少的情况下推广能力差的问题。在入侵检测系统中应用支持向量机算法,使得入侵检测系统在小样本(先验知识少)的条件下仍然具有良好的推广能力。首先介绍入侵检测研究的发展概况和支持向量机的分类算法,接着提出了基于支持向量机的入侵检测模型,然后以系统调用执行迹(system call trace)这类常用的入侵检测数据为例,详细讨论了该模型的工作过程,最后将计算机仿真结果与其他检测方法进行了比较。通过实验和比较发现,基于支持向量机的入侵检测系统不但所需要的先验知识远远小于其他方法,而且当检测性能相同时,该系统的训练时间将会缩短。
来源出版物:软件学报, 2003, 14(4): 798-803
来源出版物:软件学报, 2008, 19(3): 702-715
来源出版物:通信学报, 2007, 28(8): 113-122
Wireless mesh networks: A survey
Akyildiz, IF; Wang, XD; Wang, WL
来源出版物:Computer Networks, 2007, 47(4): 445-487
SPINS: Security protocols for sensor networks
Perrig, A; Szewczyk, R; Tygar, JD; et al.
来源出版物:Wireless Networks, 2002, 8(5): 521-534
Securing ad hoc networks
Zhou, LD; Zygmunt, JH
来源出版物:IEEE Network, 1999, 13(6): 24-30
Bro: A system for detecting network intruders in real-time
Paxson, V
来源出版物:Computer Networks-The International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking, 1999,31(23-24): 2435-2463
Security in mobile ad hoc networks: Challenges and solutions
Yang, H; Luo, HY; Ye, F; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Wireless Communications, 2004, 11(1): 38-47
Routing security in wireless ad hoc networks
Deng, HM; Li, W; Agrawal, DP
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Magazine, 2002,40(10): 70-75
A survey of security issues in mobile ad Hoc and sensor networks
Djenouri, Djamel; Khelladi, Lyes; Badache, Nadjib
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2005, 7(4): 2-28
A survey of security issues in wireless sensor networks
Wang, Yong; Attebury, Garhan; Ramamurthy, Byrav
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials Nuclear Technology, 2006, 8(2): 2-22
Security technology for smart grid networks
Metke, Anthony R; Ekl, Randy L
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2010, 1(1): 99-107
Sensor network security: A survey
Chen, Xiangqian; Makki, Kia; Yen, Kang; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2009, 11(2): 52-73
来源出版物:南京理工大学学报, 2014, 38(1): 12-21
来源出版物:计算机研究与发展, 2014, 51(8): 1681-1694
在现有法律法规和标准体系的指导下,提出了一种通用的网络安全体系框架,阐述了安全目标、安全边界、安全体系要素与安全服务和安全风险评估之间的关系.在网络安全体系框架的基础上,利用统一建模语言(Unified Modeling Language,UML)在建模表述上的强大性和通用性给出了安全目标、安全边界和安全体系要素的建模方法,以规范化安全体系的表示形式并消除沟通中的歧义性。利用建立的模型,安全管理员使用提出的网络安全建模分析方法,可以验证业务流程的目标满足性并得出可能的安全风险。最后通过一个典型网上银行网络的建模分析,验证了提出的安全体系框架和建模分析方法的有效性和合理性。相比于传统的方法,该方法建模分析要素更为全面,且推导得出的结果指导性更强。
来源出版物:计算机研究与发展, 2014, 51(7): 1578-1593
来源出版物:中国图书馆学报, 2015, 41(216): 72-84
来源出版物:电信科学, 2015, 7: 1-6
来源出版物:计算机学报, 2015, 38(4): 749-758
来源出版物:中国科学:信息科学, 2016, 46(2): 125-164
来源出版物:科技导报, 2016, 34(14): 107-112
来源出版物:软件学报, 2016, 27(8): 2099-2114
Principles of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks: A survey
Mukherjee, Amitav; Fakoorian, S. Ali A;Huang, Jing; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2014, 16(3): 1550-1573
Understanding security failures of two-factor authentication schemes for real-time applications in hierarchical wireless sensor networks
Wang, Ding; Wang, Ping
来源出版物:AD HOC Networks, 2014, 20: 1-15
Security in wireless ad-hoc networks: A survey
Di Pietro, R; Guarino, S; Verde, N. V; et al.
来源出版物:Computer Communications, 2014, 51:1-20
A Survey on security aspects for LTE and LTE-A networks
Cao, Jin; Ma, Maode; Li, Hui; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials,2014, 16(1): 283-302
Integrated security analysis on cascading failure in complex networks
Yan, Jun; He, Haibo; Sun, Yan
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
A mean field game theoretic approach for security enhancements in mobile ad hoc networks
Wang, Yanwei; Yu, F. Richard; Tang, Helen; et al.
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2014, 13(3): 1616-1627
Security and privacy in mobile social networks: Challenges and solutions
Liang, Xiaohui; Zhang, Kuan; Shen, Xuemin; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Wireless Communications, 2014, 21(1): 33-41
k-Zero day safety: A network security metric for measuring the risk of unknown vulnerabilities
Wang, Lingyu; Jajodia, Sushil; Singhal, Anoop; et al.
来源出版物: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2014, 11(1): 30-44
Safeguarding 5G wireless communication networks using physical layer security
Yang, Nan; Wang, Lifeng; Geraci, Giovanni; et al.
来源出版物: IEEE Communications Magazine, 2015,53(4): 20-27
Relay selection for security enhancement in cognitive relay networks
Liu, Yuanwei; Wang, Lifeng; Tran Trung Duy; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,2015, 4(1): 46-49
On the security of cognitive radio networks
Elkashlan, Maged; Wang, Lifeng; Duong, Trung Q; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2015, 64(8): 3790-3795
Physical layer network security in the full-duplex relay system
Chen, Gaojie; Gong, Yu; Xiao, Pei; et al.
来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2015, 10(3): 6443-6462
Security and trust management in opportunistic networks: A survey
Wu, Yue; Zhao, Yimeng; Riguidel, Michel; et al.
来源出版物:Security and Communication Networks, 2015,8(9): 1812-1827
Security of software defined networks: A survey
Alsmadr, Izzat; Xu, Dianxiang
来源出版物:Computers & Security, 2015, 53: 79-108
Optimizing resource and data security in shared sensor networks
Huygens, Christophe; Matthys, Nelson;Joosen, Wouter; et al.
来源出版物:Security and Communication Networks, 2016,9(2): 149-165
来源出版物:Information Sciences, 2016, 327: 288-299
Wireless sensor networks will be widely deployed in the near future. While much research has focused on making these networks feasible and useful,security has
little attention. We present a suite of security protocols optimized for sensor networks: SPINS. SPINS has two secure building blocks: SNEP and muTESLA. SNEP includes: Data confidentiality, two-party data authentication, and evidence of data freshness. muTESLA provides authenticated broadcast for severely resource-constrained environments. We implemented the above protocols, and show that they are practical even on minimal hardware: the performance of the protocol suite easily matches the data rate of our network. Additionally,we demonstrate that the suite can be used for building higher level protocols.
secure communication protocols; sensor networks; mobile ad hoc networks; MANET; authentication of wireless communication; secrecy and confidentiality;cryptography
Wireless sensor network applications include ocean and wildlife monitoring, manufacturing machinery performance monitoring, building safety and earthquake monitoring, and many military applications. A major benefit of these systems is that they perform in-network processing to reduce large streams of raw data into useful aggregated information. Protecting it all is critical. Because sensor networks pose unique challenges, traditional security techniques used in traditional networks cannot be applied directly. To make sensor networks economically viable, sensor devices are limited in their energy,computation, and communication capabilities research. People cover several important security challenges,including key establishment, secrecy, authentication,privacy, robustness to denial-of-service attacks, secure routing, and node capture. Security is sometimes viewed as a standalone component of a system's architecture, where a separate module provides security. To achieve a secure system, security must be integrated into every component,since components designed without security can become a point of attack.
Security in mobile ad hoc networks is difficult to achieve, notably because of the vulnerability of wireless links, the limited physical protection of nodes, the dynamically changing topology, the absence of a certification authority, and the lack of a centralized monitoring or management point. Earlier studies on mobilead hoc networks(MANETs) aimed at proposing protocols for some fundamental problems, such as routing, and tried to cope with the challenges imposed by the new environment. These protocols, however, fully trust all nodes and do not consider the security aspect. They are consequently vulnerable to attacks and misbehavior. More recent studies focused on security problems in MANETs,and proposed mechanisms to secure protocols and applications. This article surveys these studies. It presents and discusses several security problems along with the currently proposed solutions(as of July 2005) at different network layers of MANETs. Security issues involved in this article include routing and data forwarding, medium access, key management and intrusion detection systems(IDSs). This survey also includes an overview of security in a particular type of MANET, namely, wireless sensor networks(WSNs).
Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) use small nodes with constrained capabilities to sense, collect, and disseminate information in many types of applications. As sensor networks become wide-spread, security issues become a central concern, especially in mission-critical tasks. In this paper, we identify the threats and vulnerabilities to WSNs and summarize the defense methods based on the networking protocol layer analysis first. Then we give a holistic overview of security issues. These issues are divided into seven categories: cryptography, key management, attack detections and preventions, secure routing, secure location security, secure data fusion, and other security issues. Along the way we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of current secure schemes in each category. In addition, we also summarize the techniques and methods used in these categories, and point out the open research issues and directions in each area.
sensor networks; security; ad hoc networks;survey; key management; attack detections and preventions;secure routing; secure location; secure data aggregation;node compromise
This paper establishes the utility of user cooperation in facilitating secure wireless communications. In particular, the four-terminal relay-eavesdropper channel is introduced and an outer-bound on the optimal rate-equivocation region is derived. Several cooperation strategies are then devised and the corresponding achievable rate-equivocation region are characterized. Of particular interest is the novel noise-forwarding(NF)strategy, where the relay node sends codewords independent of the source message to confuse the eavesdropper. This strategy is used to illustrate the deaf helper phenomenon, where the relay is able to facilitate secure communications while being totally ignorant of the transmitted messages. Furthermore, NF is shown to increase the secrecy capacity in the reversely degraded scenario, where the relay node fails to offer performance gains in the classical setting. The gain offered by the proposed cooperation strategies is then proved theoretically and validated numerically in the additive white Gaussian noise(AWGN) channel.
cooperation; eavesdropper; noise-forwarding(NF); relay; security
Wireless mesh networks(WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs with other networks such as the Internet, cellular, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15,IEEE 802.16, sensor networks, etc., can be accomplished through the gateway and bridging functions in the mesh routers. Mesh clients can be either stationary or mobile,and can form a client mesh network among themselves and with mesh routers. WMNs are anticipated to resolve the limitations and to significantly improve the performance of ad hoc networks, wireless local area networks(WLANs), wireless personal area networks(WPANs), and wireless metropolitan area networks(WMANs). They are undergoing rapid progress and inspiring numerous deployments. WMNs will deliver wireless services for a large variety of applications in personal, local, campus, and metropolitan areas. Despite recent advances in wireless mesh networking, many research challenges remain in all protocol layers. This paper presents a detailed study on recent advances and open research issues in WMNs. System architectures and applications of WMNs are described, followed by discussing the critical factors influencing protocol design. Theoretical network capacity and the state-of-the-art protocols for WMNs are explored with an objective to point out a number of open research issues. Finally, testbeds, industrial practice, and current standard activities related to WMNs are highlighted.
wireless mesh networks; ad hoc networks;wireless sensor networks; medium access control; routing protocol; transport protocol; scalability; security; power management and control; timing synchronization
Wireless sensor networks will be widely deployed in the near future. While much research has focused on making these networks feasible and useful,security has
little attention. We present a suite of security protocols optimized for sensor networks: SPINS. SPINS has two secure building blocks: SNEP and muTESLA. SNEP includes: Data confidentiality, twoparty data authentication, and evidence of data freshness. muTESLA provides authenticated broadcast for severely resource-constrained environments. We implemented the above protocols, and show that they are practical even on minimal hardware: The performance of the protocol suite easily matches the data rate of our network. Additionally,we demonstrate that the suite can be used for building higher level protocols.
secure communication protocols; sensor networks; mobile ad hoc networks; MANET; authentication of wireless communication; secrecy and confidentiality;cryptography
Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. Military tactical and other security-sensitive operations are still the main applications of ad hoc networks, although there is a trend to adopt ad hoc networks for commercial uses due to their unique properties. One main challenge in the design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. In this article, we study the threats an ad hoc network faces and the security goals to be achieved. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. In particular; we take advantage of the inherent redundancy in ad hoc networks-multiple routes between nodes-to defend routing against denial-of-service attacks. We also use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service,which forms the core of our security framework.
We describe Bro, a stand-alone system fordetecting network intruders in real-time by passively monitoring a network link over which the intruder’s traffic transits. We give an overview of the system’s design, which emphasizes high-speed(FDDI-rate) monitoring, real-time notification, clear separation between mechanism and policy, and extensibility. To achieve these ends, Bro is divided into an ‘event engine’ that: reduces a kernelfiltered network traffic stream into a series of higher-level events, and a ‘policy script interpreter’ that interprets event handlers written in a specialized language used to express a site's security policy. Event handlers can update state information, synthesize new events, record information to disk, and generate real-time notifications via syslog. We also discuss a number of attacks that attempt to subvert passive monitoring systems and defenses against these, and give particulars of how Bro analyzes the six applications integrated into it so far: Finger, FTP, Portmapper, Ident,Telnet and Rlogin. The system is publicly available in source code form.
network intrusion detection; passive network monitoring; network monitoring evasion; domain-specific languages
Security has become a primary concern in order to provide protected communication between mobile nodes in a hostile environment. Unlike the wireline networks, the unique characteristics of mobile ad hoc networks pose a number of nontrivial challenges to security design, such as open peer-to-peer network architecture, shared wireless medium, stringent resource constraints, and highly dynamic network topology. These challenges clearly make a case for building multifence security solutions that achieve both broad protection and desirable network performance. In this article we focus on the fundamental security problem of protecting the multihop network connectivity between mobile nodes in a MANET. We identify the security issues related to this problem, discuss the challenges to security design, and review the state-of-the-art security proposals that protect the MANET link- and network-layer operations of delivering packets over the multihop wireless channel. The complete security solution should span both layers, and encompass all three security components of prevention, detection, and reaction.
A mobile ad hoc network consists of a collection of wireless mobile nodes that are capable of communicating with each other without the use of a network infrastructure or any centralized administration. MANET is an emerging research area with practical applications. However, wireless MANET is particularly vulnerable due to its fundamental characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, distributed cooperation,and constrained capability. Routing plays an important role in the security of the entire network. In general, routing security in wireless MANETs appears to be a problem that is not trivial to solve. In this article we study the routing security issues of MANETs, and analyze in detail one type of attack - the “black hole” problem - that can easily be employed against the MANETs. We also propose a solution for the,black hole problem for ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol.
Security in mobile ad hoc networks is difficult to achieve, notably because of the vulnerability of wireless links, the limited physical protection of nodes,the dynamically changing topology, the absence of a certification authority, and the lack of a centralized monitoring or management point. Earlier studies on mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs) aimed at proposing protocols for some fundamental problems, such as routing,and tried to cope with the challenges imposed by the new environment. These protocols, however, fully trust all nodes and do not consider the security aspect. They are consequently vulnerable to attacks and misbehavior. More recent studies focused on security problems in MANETs,and proposed mechanisms to secure protocols andapplications. This article surveys these studies. It presents and discusses several security problems along with the currently proposed solutions(as of July 2005) at different network layers of MANETs. Security issues involved in this article include routing and data forwarding, medium access, key management and intrusion detection systems(IDSs). This survey also includes an overview of security in a particular type of MANET, namely, wireless sensor networks(WSNs).
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSNs) are used in many applications in military, ecological, and healthrelated areas. These applications often include the monitoring of sensitive information such as enemy movement on the battlefield or the location of personnel in a building. Security is therefore important in WSNs. However, WSNs suffer from many constraints, including low computation capability, small memory, limited energy resources, susceptibility to physical capture, and the use of insecurewireless communicationchannels.These constraints make security in WSNs a challenge. In this article we present a survey of security issues in WSNs. First we outline the constraints, security requirements, and attacks with their corresponding countermeasures in WSNs. We then present a holistic view of security issues. These issues are classified into five categories: cryptography, key management, secure routing, secure data aggregation, and intrusion detection. Along the way we highlight the advantages and disadvantages of various WSN security protocols and further compare and evaluate these protocols based on each of these five categories. We also point out the open research issues in each subarea and conclude with possible future research directions on security in WSNs.
There is virtually universal agreement that it is necessary to upgrade the electric grid to increase overall system efficiency and reliability. Much of the technology currently in use by the grid is outdated and in many cases unreliable. There have been three major blackouts in the past ten years. The reliance on old technology leads to inefficient systems, costing unnecessary money to the utilities, consumers, and taxpayers. To upgrade the grid,and to operate an improved grid, will require significant dependence on distributed intelligence and broadband communicationcapabilities.Theaccessand communications capabilities require the latest in proven security technology for extremely large, wide-area communications networks. This paper discusses key security technologies for a smart grid system, including public key infrastructures and trusted computing.
attestation; public key infrastructure(PKI);supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA); security;smart grid; trusted computing
Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) use small nodes with constrained capabilities to sense, collect, and disseminate information in many types of applications. As sensor networks become wide-spread, security issues become a central concern, especially in mission-critical tasks. In this paper, we identify the threats and vulnerabilities to WSNs and summarize the defense methods based on the networking protocol layer analysis first. Then we give a holistic overview of security issues. These issues are divided into seven categories: cryptography, key management, attack detections and preventions, secure routing, secure location security,secure data fusion, and other security issues. Along the way we analyze the advantages and disadvantages of current secure schemes in each category. In addition, we also summarize the techniques and methods used in these categories, and point out the open research issues and directions in each area.
sensor networks; security; ad hoc networks;survey; key management; attack detections and preventions;secure routing; secure location; secure data aggregation;node compromise
This paper provides a comprehensive review of the domain of physical layer security in multiuser wireless networks. The essential premise of physical layer security is to enable the exchange of confidential messages over a wireless medium in the presence of unauthorized eavesdroppers, without relying on higher-layer encryption. This can be achieved primarily in two ways: without the need for a secret key by intelligently designing transmit coding strategies, or by exploiting the wirelesscommunication medium to develop secret keys over public channels. The survey begins with an overview of the foundations dating back to the pioneering work of Shannon and Wyner on information-theoretic security. We then describe the evolution of secure transmission strategies from point-to-point channels to multiple-antenna systems,followed by generalizations to multiuser broadcast, multipleaccess, interference, and relay networks. Secret-key generation and establishment protocols based on physical layer mechanisms are subsequently covered. Approaches for secrecy based on channel coding design are then examined, along with a description of inter-disciplinary approaches based on game theory and stochastic geometry. The associated problem of physical layer message authentication is also briefly introduced. The survey concludes with observations on potential research directions in this area.
physical layer security; information-theoretic security; wiretap channel; secrecy; artificial noise;cooperative jamming; secret-key agreement
Understanding security failures of cryptographic protocols is the key to both patching existing protocols and designing future schemes. In this work, we investigate two recent proposals in the area of smart-card-based password authentication for security-critical real-time data access applications in hierarchical wireless sensor networks(HWSN). Firstly, we analyze an efficient and DoS-resistant user authentication scheme introduced by Fan et al. in 2011. This protocol is the first attempt to address the problems of user authentication in HWSN and only involves lightweight cryptographic primitives, such as one-way hash function and XOR operations, and thus it is claimed to be suitable for the resource-constrained HWSN environments. However, it actually has several security loopholes being overlooked, and we show it is vulnerable to user anonymity violation attack, smart card security breach attack, sensor node capture attack and privileged insider attack, as well as its other practical pitfalls. Then, A.K. Das et al.’s protocol is scrutinized, and we point out that it cannot achieve the claimed security goals:(1) It is prone to smart card security breach attack;(2) it fails to withstand privileged insider attack; and(3) it suffers from the defect of server master key disclosure. Our cryptanalysis results discourage any practical use of these two schemes and reveal some subtleties and challenges in designing this type of schemes. Furthermore, using the above two foremost schemes as case studies, we take a first step towards investigating the underlying rationale of the identified security failures,putting forward three basic principles which we believe will be valuable to protocol designers for advancing more robust two-factor authentication schemes for HWSN in the future.
password authentication; hierarchical wireless sensor networks; user anonymity; smart card; non-tamper resistant
Pervasive mobile and low-end wireless technologies, such as radio-frequency identification(RFID), wireless sensor networks and the impending vehicular ad-hoc networks(VANETs), make the wireless scenario exciting and in full transformation. For all the above(and similar) technologies to fully unleash their potential in the industry and society, there are two pillars that cannot be overlooked: security and privacy. Both properties are especially relevant if we focus on ad-hoc wireless networks, where devices are required to cooperate -e.g. from routing to the application layer-to attain their goals. In this paper, we survey emerging and established wireless ad-hoc technologies and we highlight their security/privacy features and deficiencies. We also identify open research issues and technology challenges for each surveyed technology.
wireless networks; ad-hoc networks; security;privacy; survey
High demands for broadband mobile wireless communications and the emergence of new wireless multimedia applications constitute the motivation to the development of broadband wireless access technologies in recent years. The Long Term Evolution/System ArchitectureEvolution(LTE/SAE) system has been specified by the Third Generation Partnership Project(3GPP) on the way towards fourth-generation(4G) mobile to ensure 3GPP keeping the dominance of the cellular communication technologies. Through the design and optimization of new radio access techniques and a further evolution of the LTE systems, the 3GPP is developing the future LTE-Advanced(LTE-A) wireless networks as the 4G standard of the 3GPP. Since the 3GPP LTE and LTE-A architecture are designed to support flat Internet Protocol(IP) connectivity and full interworking with heterogeneous wireless access networks,the new unique features bring some new challenges in the design of the security mechanisms. This paper makes a number of contributions to the security aspects of the LTE and LTE-A networks. First, we present an overview of the security functionality of the LTE and LTE-A networks. Second, the security vulnerabilities existing in the architecture and the design of the LTE and LTE-A networks are explored. Third, the existing solutions to these problems are classically reviewed. Finally, we show the potential research issues for the future research works.
LTE security; LTE; LTE-A; IMS security;HeNB security; MTC security
The security issue of complex networks has drawn significant concerns recently. While pure topological analyzes from a network security perspective provide some effective techniques, their inability to characterize the physical principles requires a more comprehensive model to approximate failure behavior of a complex network in reality. In this paper, based on an extended topological metric, we proposed an approach to examine the vulnerability of a specific type of complex network, i.e.,the power system, against cascading failure threats. The proposed approach adopts a model called extended betweenness that combines network structure with electrical characteristics to define the load of power grid components. By using this power transfer distribution factor-based model, we simulated attacks on different components(buses and branches) in the grid and evaluated the vulnerability of the system components with an extended topological cascading failure simulator. Influence of different loading and overloading situations on cascading failures was also evaluated by testing different tolerance factors. Simulation results from a standard IEEE 118-bus test system revealed the vulnerability of network components, which was then validated on a dc power flow simulator with comparisons to other topological measurements. Finally, potential extensions of the approach were also discussed to exhibit both utility and challenge in more complex scenarios and applications.
complex network security; cascading failure;structural vulnerability; extended topological analysis
Game theory can provide a useful tool to study the security problem in mobile ad hoc networks(MANETs). Most of existing works on applying game theories to security only consider two players in the security game model: an attacker and a defender. While this assumption may be valid for a network with centralized administration,it is not realistic in MANETs, where centralized administration is not available. In this paper, using recent advances in mean field game theory, we propose a novel game theoretic approach with multiple players for security in MANETs. The mean field game theory provides a powerful mathematical tool for problems with a large number of players. The proposed scheme can enable an individual node in MANETs to make strategic security defence decisions without centralized administration. In addition, since security defence mechanisms consume precious system resources(e. g., energy), the proposed scheme considers not only the security requirement of MANETs but also the system resources. Moreover, each node in the proposed scheme only needs to know its own state information and the aggregate effect of the other nodes in the MANET. Therefore, the proposed scheme is a fully distributed scheme. Simulation results are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
mean field game; security; mobile ad hoc network(MANET)
Mobile social networking is a pervasive communication platform where users with smartphones can search over the Internet and query neighboring peers to obtain the desired information. In this article, we examine the architecture, communication patterns, and especially the security and privacy of MSN. We first study three categories of mobile applications with a focus on two autonomous mobile applications, business card and service review. We then explore the possible methods to deal with the associated security and privacy challenges. By discussing the shortages of the methods, we finally provide several promising research directions.
By enabling a direct comparison of different security solutions with respect to their relative effectiveness,a network security metric may provide quantifiable evidences to assist security practitioners in securing computer networks. However, research on security metrics has been hindered by difficulties in handling zero-day attacks exploiting unknown vulnerabilities. In fact, the security risk of unknown vulnerabilities has been considered as something unmeasurable due to the less predictable nature of software flaws. This causes a major difficulty to security metrics, because a more secure configuration would be of little value if it were equally susceptible to zero-day attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel security metric, k-zero day safety, to address this issue. Instead of attempting to rank unknown vulnerabilities,our metric counts how many such vulnerabilities would be required for compromising network assets; a larger count implies more security because the likelihood of having more unknown vulnerabilities available, applicable, and exploitable all at the same time will be significantly lower. We formally define the metric, analyze the complexity of computing the metric, devise heuristic algorithms for intractable cases, and finally demonstrate through case studies that applying the metric to existing network security practices may generate actionable knowledge.
security metrics; network security; attack graph; network hardening
The fifth generation(5G) network will serve as a key enabler in meeting the continuously increasing demands for future wireless applications, including an ultra-high data rate, an ultrawide radio coverage, an ultralarge number of devices, and an ultra-low latency. This article examines security, a pivotal issue in the 5G network where wireless transmissions are inherently vulnerable to security breaches. Specifically, we focus on physical layer security, which safeguards data confidentiality by exploiting the intrinsic randomness of the communications medium and reaping the benefits offered by the disruptive technologies to 5G. Among various technologies, the three most promising ones are discussed: heterogenous networks,massive multiple-input multiple-output, and millimeter wave. On the basis of the key principles of each technology,we identify the rich opportunities and the outstanding challenges that security designers must tackle. Such an identification is expected to decisively advance the understanding of future physical layer security.
This letter proposes several relay selection policies for secure communication in cognitive decodeand-forward relay networks, where a pair of cognitive relays is opportunistically selected for security protection against eavesdropping. The first relay transmits the secrecy information to the destination, and the second relay, as a friendly jammer, transmits the jamming signal to confound the eavesdropper. We present new exact closed-form expressions for the secrecy outage probability. Our analysis and simulation results strongly support our conclusion that the proposed relay selection policies can enhance the performance of secure cognitive radio. We also confirm that the error floor phenomenon is created in the absence of jamming.
cognitive radio; cooperative networks;physical layer security
Cognitive radio has emerged as an essential recipe for future high-capacity, high-coverage multitier hierarchical networks. Securing data transmission in these networks is of the utmost importance. In this paper, we consider the cognitive wiretap channel and propose multiple antennas to secure the transmission at the physical layer, where the eavesdropper overhears the transmission from the secondary transmitter to the secondary receiver. The secondary receiver and the eavesdropper are equipped with multiple antennas, and passive eavesdropping is considered where the channel state information(CSI) of the eavesdropper's channel is not available at the secondary transmitter. We present new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic secrecy outage probability. Our results reveal the impact of the primary network on the secondary network in the presence of a multiantenna wiretap channel.
cognitive radio; multiple antennas; physicallayer security; wiretap channel
This paper investigates the secrecy performance of full-duplex relay(FDR) networks. The resulting analysis shows that FDR networks have better secrecy performance than half duplex relay networks, if the self-interference can be well suppressed. We also propose a full duplex jamming relay network, in which the relay node transmits jamming signals while receiving the data from the source. While the full duplex jamming scheme has the same data rate as the half duplex scheme, the secrecy performance can be significantly improved, making it an attractive scheme when the network secrecy is a primary concern. A mathematic model is developed to analyze secrecy outage probabilities for the half duplex, the full duplex and full duplex jamming schemes, and the simulation results are also presented to verify the analysis.
physical layer secrecy; cooperative relay networks; full duplex relay; secrecy outage probability
As a new networking paradigm, opportunistic networking communications have great vision in animal migration tracking, mobile social networking, network communicationsinremoteareasandintelligent transportation, and so on. Opportunistic networks are one of the evolutionary mobile ad hoc networks, whose communication links often suffer from frequent disruption and long communication delays. Therefore, many opportunistic forwarding protocols present major security issues, and the design of opportunistic networks faces serious challenges such as how to effectively protect data confidentiality and integrity and how to ensure routing security, privacy, cooperation, and trust management. In this paper, we first systematically describe the security threats and requirements in opportunistic networks; then propose a general security architecture of opportunistic networks; and then make an in-depth analysis on authentication and access control, secure routing, privacy protection, trust management, and incentive cooperation mechanisms; and at the same time, we present a comparison of various security and trust solutions for opportunistic networks. Finally, we conclude and give future research directions.
opportunistic networks; security; authentication;privacy; trust management; incentive mechanism
Software Defined Networking(SDN) has emerged as a new network architecture for dealing with network dynamics through software-enabled control. While SDN is promoting many new network applications,security has become an important concern. This paper provides an extensive survey on SDN security. We discuss the security threats to SDN according to their effects, i.e.,Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information disclosure,Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege. We also review a wide range of SDN security controls, such asfirewalls, IDS/IPS, access control, auditing, and policy management. We describe several pathways of how SDN is evolving.
software defined networking; security; software defined security; networking; network security
A growing number of deployments of wireless sensor networks(WSNs) position the nodes as multipurpose albeit limited platforms. These platforms offer services to a set of applications of different owners. This view introduces security problems complementary to protection against outsiders requiring mechanisms beyond the existing physical, base crypto and network-level protection. Limited trust in the different applications mandates a security solution providing granular control over resources and data. Because of the constrained nature of network-embedded systems, transferring solutions from the distributed systems domain to the embedded system requires optimization. Distributed monitors can provide adequate security but must be concise and controllable by lightweight run-time artifacts as well as be deployed only where needed. Presented research consists of an operational model that inserts controls by instrumentation of local or remote interaction in the resource-rich back end,subsequently enforcing control at the nodes by using scaled down policy engines. The selective injection is achieved through aspect-oriented techniques. The solution is demonstrated for two paradigms encountered when building WSN applications, thus achieving local resource protection and protection of distributed event-based data flow. The costs and benefits of the selective injection approach are validated and quantified through a river monitoring case and associated simulation experiments.
sensor network; security; monitor; policy;aspect oriented
Leveraging software-defined networking for security policy enforcement
Liu, Jiaqiang; Li, Yong; Wang, Huandong; et al.
Network operators employ a variety of security policies for protecting the data and services. However,deploying these policies in traditional network is complicated and security vulnerable due to the distributed network control and lack of standard control protocol. Software-defined network provides an ideal paradigm to address these challenges by separating control plane and data plane, and exploiting the logically centralized control. In this paper, we focus on taking the advantage of softwaredefined networking for security policies enforcement. We propose a two layer OpenFlow switch topology designed to implement security policies, which considers the limitation of flow table size in a single switch, the complexity of configuring security policies to these switches, and load balance among these switches. Furthermore, we introduce a safe way to update the configuration of these switches one by one for better load balance when traffic distribution changes. Specifically, we model the update process as a path in a graph, in which each node represents a security policy satisfied configuration, and each edge represents a single step of safely update. Based on this model, we design a heuristic algorithm to find an optimal update path in real time. Simulations of the update scheme show that our proposed algorithm is effective and robust under an extensive range of conditions.
software defined network; security; network update
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