顾黎雄 张德志 吴晓琰 邵雪宝 李阿梅 杨圣菊 曹双林 陈晓栋 陈浩
226001江苏,南通大学附属医院皮肤性病科(顾黎雄、吴晓琰、杨圣菊、曹双林、陈晓栋);新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院皮肤科(张德志);中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 皮肤病研究所病理科(邵雪宝、李阿梅、陈浩)
顾黎雄 张德志 吴晓琰 邵雪宝 李阿梅 杨圣菊 曹双林 陈晓栋 陈浩
226001江苏,南通大学附属医院皮肤性病科(顾黎雄、吴晓琰、杨圣菊、曹双林、陈晓栋);新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院皮肤科(张德志);中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 皮肤病研究所病理科(邵雪宝、李阿梅、陈浩)
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Sebaceoma:a clinicopathological analysis of 31 cases
Gu Lixiong,Zhang Dezhi,Wu Xiaoyan,Shao Xuebao,Li Amei,Yang Shengju,Cao Shuanglin,Chen Xiaodong,Chen Hao
Department of Dermatology and Venerology,Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,Nantong 226001,Jiangsu,China(Gu LX,Wu XY,Yang SJ,Cao SL,Chen XD);Department of Dermatology,People′s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Urumqi 830001,China(Zhang DZ);Department of Pathology,Institute of Dermatology,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Nanjing 210042,China(Shao XB,Li AM,Chen H)
ObjectiveTo analyze clinicopathologic features of sebaceoma.MethodsClinical,pathologic and immunohistochemical findings from 31 cases of sebaceoma were retrospectively analyzed.The clinicopathologic features of sebaceoma were investigated.ResultsThere were 9 males and 22 females.The patients′age was 53.90 ± 15.40 years,and the clinical course was 9.41±13.75 years.Sebaceoma predominantly affected the face.The common lesion of sebaceoma was red,yellowish⁃red,skin⁃colored or slight brown papules,with no subjective symptoms in most cases.Histopathologically,neoplasms had symmetric structures,and were located in the dermis.Epidermal involvements were found in 9 cases.The neoplasm cells were mainly composed of basaloid cells,a few mature sebocytes and some transition cells.The proportion of mature sebocyts was less than 1%in 26 cases,less than 20%in 2 cases,and 20%-40%in 3 cases.Mitoses were occasionally found in 5 cases.One patient was complicated by eccrine poroma.Varying amounts of ducts were found in all the patients.Immunohistochemical staining showed that epithelial membrane antigen was expressed on ducts and mature sebocytes in all the patients,while epithelial antigen was undetected in any of the patients.Carcinoembryonic antigen,androgen receptor and D2⁃40 were found in 20,24 and 28 patients with sebaceoma,respectively.Conclusions The diagnosis of sebaceoma mainly depends on histopathological examination.Combined immunohistochemical detection of epithelial membrane antigen,androgen receptor and D2⁃40 is beneficial to its differential diagnosis.
Sebaceoma;Carcinoembryonic antigen;Receptors,androgen;Epithelial membrane antigen;Epithelial antigen;D2⁃40
s:Zhang Dezhi,Email:zdz⁃163@163.com;Chen Hao,Email:ch76ch@163.com
Fund program:Jiangsu Provincial Special Program of Medical Science(BL2012003)