卡尔迈耶 关注未来 让纺织尽善尽美

2016-10-27 08:27:03
China Textile 2016年10期

卡尔迈耶 关注未来 让纺织尽善尽美


在中国纺织发展的进程中,尤其是某些阶段,国外设备制造企业对推动整个行业的发展起到了很大的推动和引领作用,卡尔迈耶无疑是其中很重要的代表企业。在中国纺织工业进入新常态的发展阶段后,卡尔迈耶在中国市场的发展战略有哪些变化,他们又是如何看待未来的中国市场的?带着这些问题,本刊记者采访了卡尔迈耶集团CEO Arno Gärtner 先生。


1995 年,我们在中国成立了分公司。第一家工厂坐落在江苏省常州市武进区,作为生产基地 和技术服务中心。工厂最初占地 1 万平方米,到 2003 年扩建至 2.5 万平方米。但是仅过了3年, 工厂已经无法满足产量增长的需求,于是集团决 定建立一个全新的工厂。2008 年,一个全新的现代化工厂在距离旧址10公里处的武进高新工业区正式落成。新工厂占地9 万平方米,涵盖工程 设计、生产、装配、销售、客户技术支持和服务等领域。如今,卡尔迈耶(中国)有限公司拥有完整的产品系列。中国分公司还包括了零备件销售和客户技术服务部,卡尔迈耶中国学院向客户提供各类技术培训,以及机器测试部门,以及向客户展示机器技术特征和性能的展厅。这些资源让我们稳稳占据中国市场,并不断发展壮大。近年来,中国经编市场的增长有所缓 慢,但是我们相信经编市场所受到的影响远比纺织行业其他领域小的多。


卡尔迈耶不仅销售机器,还为客户带去更多附加价值。例如,我们的 360°支持理念包含技术服务、零备件供应、纺织品咨询、学院培训和销售 5 个模块。这些模块互相关联,由经验丰富的高水平专家开展工作。这个创 新型服务理念的优势之一是在线交流。例如,“卡尔迈耶连线”app 在客户和卡尔迈耶服务团队间架起了桥梁,确保准确高效的沟通和第一时间的技术支持。“卡尔迈耶零备件网上商城”是一个 B2B平台,提供便捷、快速的 配件采购服务,客户可通过“卡尔迈耶原装备件”app来查看已购买零备件 的真伪。


我们的目标是向客户提供拥有最高品质和最佳性价比的产品。为此,机器的关键性部件都由卡尔迈耶自主生产。这些对机器的品质和性能有重要影响的部件都在卡尔迈耶的现代化生产车间制造。这保证了我们机器的品质和使用寿 命。为了贯彻这一宗旨,我们不断优化和升级机器、服务,以及生产流程和技术。创新工作不仅仅针对研发新产品,更包括开发和实施新工艺, 我们的工厂一直秉承这个理念。

KFocuas onr thle fMuture ato myakee trhe:textile perfect

Founded in 1937, Karl Mayer Ltd. stared to make Tricot machine after ten years. Today, the German family business leads the wrap knitting industry in the world, and also sets the standard of wrapping machine of wrap knitting and weaving.

In the process of Chinese textile development, especially in some stages, foreign equipment manufacturing enterprises greatly promote and lead the development of the whole industry, and Karl Mayer is undoubtedly one of the most important representatives. What changes of strategy and how do they look at Chinese market, after China entering a new normal stage? With these questions, the reporter interviewed Mr. Arno Gärtner, CEO of KARL MAYER Group.

China Textile: When did the KARL MAYER Group set up its factory in China?

What are the main business fields of the KARL MAYER Group in China?

What about the production and sales situation; is it increasing or decreasing? Why?

Mr. Arno Gärtner: We have been operating our own subsidiary in China since 1995. The first factory was set up in Wujin in Jiangsu Province as a production site and technical support center. The factory originally covered an area of 10,000 m², but was extended to 25,000 m² in 2003. But only three years later, capacity was still not enough, and the decision was taken to build a completely new factory. Therefore, a new, modern factory was opened 10 km away in the Wujin Hi-Tech Industrial Zone in 2008. It covers an area of 90,000m² and includes design &engineering, production, assembly, sales,service and customer support. Today, KARL MAYER (China) builds complete machines. Our Chinese subsidiary is also responsible for supplying spare parts and on-site technical support, and it offers training courses in its own Academy, and has a test center for processing trials and a showroom for to give technical presentations. These resources mean that we are well placed in and focused on the Chinese market.

Our company operates in China with its three Business Units of Warp Knitting, Technical Textiles and Warp Preparation.

Growth in the warp knitting market in China has been slowing down for some time now, but we believe that this market segment has been much less affected by the slowdown than other parts of the textile industry.

China Textile: What are the main advantages of KARL MAYER products?

The demands of domestic textile companies are changing significantly. How is KARL MAYER reacting to these changes?

Mr. Arno Gärtner: Our machines deliver an exceptional cost: benefit ratio. Karl Mayer products are the symbol of excellent quality and highest reliability in the industry. In addition, their performance is excellent producing short runs and processing individual jobs at a high level of productivity and quality. Our product range, which is tailored to market needs, is backed up by our extensive technical support program.

Karl Mayer does not only supply machines to the market, but also offers much more added-value to the customers after machines are delivered. Our 360°support concept comprises the modules of service,spare parts, textile consulting, the Academy and sales. These modules are all interconnected and are managed by highly qualified,experienced specialists. The advantage of this new support concept is the targeted use of online communication. For example, the KARL MAYER CONNECT app is available for technical support, and provides extensive,efficient, error-free communication between the customer and KARL MAYER’s service organization. As a B2B platform, the KARL MAYER SPARES WEBSHOP provides easy and immediate access to wear & tear and standard parts. Customers can use the CHECK PARTS app to check immediately that genuine spare parts have been delivered.

China Textile: Foreign companies usually win customers with their high product quality and innovations. How can KARL MAYER guarantee an excellent product quality, stability and innovation?

Mr. Arno Gärtner: Our aim is to provide our customers with high quality and the best cost/benefit ratio. For this reason, we basically produce all the key components of our machines ourselves. The components that are important for the quality and performance of our machines are produced in modern production facilities within the KARL MAYER Group. This enables us to guarantee the quality and service life of our machines.

We are an innovative market leader and trendsetter in our markets. To justify this claim, we are continuously improving and updating our machines and services, as well as our processes and know-how. Innovation does not only mean developing new products,but also means implementing new process innovations, which we do in our own production facilities, for example..

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