Some Results of Biharmonic Maps

2016-09-22 06:05:11FENGShuxiangPANHong

FENG Shu-xiang,PAN Hong

(College of Mathematics and Information Science,Xinyang Normal University,Xinyang 464000,China)

Some Results of Biharmonic Maps

FENG Shu-xiang,PAN Hong

(College of Mathematics and Information Science,Xinyang Normal University,Xinyang 464000,China)

In this paper,we investigate biharmonic maps from a complete Riemannian manifold into a Riemannian manifold with non-positive sectional curvature.We obtain some non-existence results for these maps.

biharmonic maps;harmonic map

2000 MR Subject Classification:58E20,53C21

Article ID:1002—0462(2016)01—0019—08

Chin.Quart.J.of Math.


§1. Introduction

We see that harmonic maps are biharmonic maps and even more,minimizers of the bienergy functional.After G Y Jiang[7]studied the first and second variation formulas of the bienergy E2,there have been extensive studies on biharmonic maps(for instance,see[4,7,10-11,14,16-18].

For harmonic maps,it is well known that:If a domain manifold(M,g)is complete and has non-negative Ricci curvature and the sectional curvature of a target manifold(N,h)is non-positive,then every energy finite harmonic map is a constant map(cf[15]).

For biharmonic maps,it is known that:If a non-compact Riemannian manifold(M,g)is complete and has non-negative Ricci curvature and(N,h)has non-positive sectional curvature,then every bienergy finite biharmonic map of(M,g)into(N,h)is harmonic(cf[2]).

Recently,N Nakauchi,H Urakawa and S Gudmundsson[14]proved that biharmoic map from a complete Riemannian manifold into a non-positive curved manifold with finite bienergy and energy are harmonic.S Maeta[13]proved that biharmoic map from a complete Riemannian manifold into a non-positive curved manifold with finite p-bienergy∫M|τ(u)|pdvg<∞(p≥2)and energy is harmonic.Y Luo[12]proved that biharmoic map from a complete Riemannian manifold into a non-positive curved manifold which has at least one hyperbolic point with finite p-bienergy∫M|τ(u)|pdvg<∞(p≥2)is harmonic.

Definition 1.1Let(N,h)be a Riemannian manifold.We say a point x0∈N is a hyperbolic point,if the sectional curvature of any tangent plane at x0is negative.

In this paper,we will show that

(a)Every biharmonic map u:(M,g)→(N,h)with finite energy and∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞is harmonic.

(b)In the case Vol(M,g)=∞,every biharmonic map u:(M,g)→(N,h)with∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞is harmonic.

(c)In the case N has at least one hyperbolic point and rank(du)≠1,every biharmonic map u:(M,g)→(N,h)with∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞is harmonic.

§2. Preliminaries

In this section we give more details for the definitions of harmonic maps,biharmonic maps and biharmonic submanifolds.

Let u:(M,g)→(N,h)be a map from an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold(M,g)to an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold(N,h).The energy of u is defined by

The Euler-Lagrange equation of E is

where we denote by▽the Levi-Civita connection on(M,g)andthe induced Levi-civita connection onis an orthonormal frame field on(M,g).τ(u)is called the tension field of u.A map u:(M,g)→(N,h)is called a harmonic map if τ(u)=0.

To generalize the notion of harmonic maps,in 1983 J Eells and L Lemaire[5]proposed considering the bienergy functional

In 1986,G Y Jiang[7]studied the first and second variation formulas of the bienergy E2.The Euler-Lagrange equation of E2is

We also recall biharmonic submanifolds.

Let u:(M,g)→(N,h=〈·,·〉)be an isometric immersion from an m-dimensional Riemannian manifold into an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold.We identify du(X)with X∈Γ(TM)for each x∈M.We also denote by〈·,·〉denote the induced metric u-1h.The Gauss formula is given by

where B is the second fundamental form of M in N.The Weingarten formula is give by

where Aξis the shape operator for a unit normal vector field ξ on M and▽⊥denotes the normal connection on the normal bundle of M in N.For any x∈M,the mean curvature vector field H of M at x is given by

If an isometric u:(M,g)→(N,h)is biharmonic,then M is called a biharmonic submanifold in N.In this case,we remark that the tension field τ(u)of u is written τ(u)=mH,where H is the mean curvature vector field of M.The necessary and sufficient condition for M in N to be biharmonic is the following:

We also need the following Lemma.

Lemma 2.1(Gaffney)[6]Let(M,g)be a complete Riemannian manifold.If a C1a-form α satisfies that∫M|α|dvg<∞and∫M(δα)dvg<∞or equivalently,a C1vector X defined by α(Y)=〈X,Y〉(∀Y∈Γ(TM))satisfies that∫M|X|dvg<∞and∫Mdiv(X)dvg<∞,then

§3.Proof of Theorem 1.2

In this section we will give a proof of Theorem 1.2

Proof Take a fixed point x0∈M and for every r>0,let us consider the following cut off function λ(x)on M

where Br(x0)={x∈M:d(x,x0)<r},C is a positive constant and d is the distance of(M,g). From(1),we have

Since the sectional curvature of(N,h)is non-positive.From(4),we have

where the inequality follows fromFrom(5),we have

By using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality,we have

From(6)and(7),we have

By assumption∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞,the right hand side of(8)goes to zero and left hand side of(8)goes to

if r→∞,since λ=1 on Br(x0).Thus we have

Therefore,we obtain that|τ(u)|is constant andfor any vector field X on M.

Therefore,if Vol(M)=∞and|τ(u)≠0|,then

which yields a contradiction.Thus,we have|τ(u)|=0,i.e.,u is harmonic.We have(b).

For(a),assume both∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞and∫M|du|2dvg<∞.Define a 1-from α on M defined by

for any vector X∈Γ(TM).

Note here that

Now we compute

where the fourth equality follows from that|τ(u)|is constant andFrom(13),we have

Since∫MF(|τ(u)|2)dvg<∞and|τ(u)|is constant,the function-δα is also integrable over M. From this and(12),we can apply Lemma 2.1 for the 1-from α.Therefore we have

so we have τ(u)=0,that is,u is harmonic.

For(c),since∫MF(|τ(u)|)dvg<∞,we obtain that|τ(u)|is constant andfor any vector field X on M.We only need to prove that c=0.If not,assume that y0is a hyperbolic point on N;then by smoothness we see that there is a neighborhood around y0∈U⊂N where every point is hyperbolic.Now we discuss two possibilities.

(i)du=0 everywhere in U.Then τ(u)=Trace(▽du)=0 in U,i.e.,c=0.

(ii)There exists a hyperbolic point y1∈U and q∈M,u(q)=y1,such that duqis non-degenerate.We choose geodesic coordinates{xi,i=1,···,m}on M around q such that duV(∂x1)≠0(possibly in a smaller neighborhood V of q).Then by the F-biharmonic equation andfor any vector field X on M,we have in V,

where KN(du(∂xi),τ(u))denotes the sectional curvature at y0of the tangent plane spanned by du(∂xi)and τ(u),i=1,···,m.Since duV(∂x1)≠0 and rank(du)≠1,we have rank(du)|V≥2,there exists a vector field du(∂xj)such that du(∂xj)is not parallel to τ(u),we have

a contradiction.

If a biharmonic map u:(M,g)→(N,h)is an isometric immersion,that is,M is a biharmonic submanifold in N,we obtain the following result.

then u is harmonic.

Therefore M is minimal,that is,u is harmonic.


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Supported by the Natural Natural Science Foundation of China(11201400);Supported by the Basic and Frontier Technology Research Project of Henan Province(142300410433);Supported by the Project for Youth Teacher of Xinyang Normal University(2014-QN-061)

Biographies:FENG Shu-xiang(1978-),female,native of Heze,Shandong,a lecturer of Xinyang Normal University,M.S.D.,engages in differential geometry;PAN Hong(1980-),female,native of Zaozhuang,Shandong,a lecturer of Xinyang Normal University,M.S.D.,engages in differential geometry.