上篇文章中,我们谈到“备胎”的英译,谈到英语中和汉语“备胎”对应的spare tire一词,虽然两者具有同样的字面意义,即汽车的备用轮胎,但比喻意义却不相同。汉语中的“备胎”是指感情生活中的后备队员、替补队员,而英语中的spare tire在大多数正式词典中并没有“感情备胎”之意,而是指a bulge of fat around the waist,即“腰部的赘肉”。今天我们就从这个赘肉说起。
赘肉,即多余的肉,是指堆积、囤积在身上的脂肪,尤其指腰部和腹部的肉。很多人,尤其是爱美的女性,提到赘肉都深恶痛绝,避之唯恐不及,因为赘肉不仅增加体重,而且还影响体型,影响穿衣的美感。赘肉多的时候,环绕在腰的周围,形成一个圆环,英语形象地称之为spare tire,即“备胎”。美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary对它的描述是:“The flab around the stomach that can stick out over a womans jeans, obtained by overeating, not exercising enough, or drinking too much beer.”例如:
①Whenever Kara sits in a bathing suit she covers her stomach because she doesnt want guys to see that she actually has a humongous spare tire.
②That girl was carrying a spare tire big enough to put on my car!
然而,并非所有的spare tire都是丑陋不堪的,适度的spare tire长在某些人身上就是一种美。比如有人认为:“Spare tires can be kind of cute on the right woman. Small spare tires are sexy, whereas big truck tires arent.”
对于这种赘肉,汉语也同样有一个形象的戏称,即“游泳圈”,跟spare tire可谓异曲同工,虽然名称不同,却同样形象传神,诙谐幽默,简直是天生一对。
英语中还有一个更为可爱、浪漫的词语来称呼这种赘肉,即love handle (爱的把手)。Urban Dictionary对它的描述是:“Love handles are the areas of extra fat that hang or slightly bulge (凸出) from the sides, and are also the little rolls on the lower back (后腰). Both men and women can have these.”
比起spare tire这个丑陋的字眼,love handle简直要萌死人,它远没有spare tire所具有的那种冒犯的含义,因此比spare tire更为常用,也更为可爱。例如:
1. That girls love handles are so cute ... Look at those curves!
2. Veronica has the most amazing figure; she has achieved the perfect love handle without being overweight.
难怪有人对love handles情有独钟,甚至这样说:“Women SHOULD have love handles. If they dont have small ones on their lower back (back rolls), then they are way too skinny. This is how I like my girls too. I LOVE those extra curves and places to hold that feel soft in my hands, OH YEAH!”试想如果把love handle换成spare tire一词,还会让人如此沉醉吗?
由于spare tire还有“备胎”之意,有时可能会产生歧义,因此必须在不会引起误解的情况下使用。但love handle专指腰部或腹部的赘肉,不会产生歧义,因此使用范围更广,更为常用,例如:
①Eventually, a nurse is free to give me two injections (注射)—one needle goes in my belly and another needle, the size of my little finger, into my love handle.
②Fat in the love handle area, waist and thighs is the most challenging to get rid of.
“赘肉”还有另一种形象的称呼,即muffin top (松糕顶)。知道什么是muffin吗?那种杯状的小松糕,带有冠状的顶部,像是烤制时面糊过多溢出来的样子。用它来形容人们身上的赘肉是不是非常形象呢?Urban Dictionary这样形容它:“Muffin-top is a word used to describe the strange and bizarre waist scrunching effect that results when females wear tight fitting, low-rise/hip-hugger pants along with small-sized, navel exposing, mid-riff tops. When a woman wears a pair of tight jeans that makes her flab spill out over the waistband, it is just like the top of a muffin sitting over the edge of the paper case.”
Muffin top和love handle的区别在于,前者特指女性在穿紧身衣、低腰裤、露脐装时,由于衣服太紧,或赘肉太多,赘肉挣脱衣服的束缚、凸出在衣服之外的样子,犹如松糕顶端过多的面糊溢出松糕底座一般。因此,它必须是穿衣服时被过紧的衣服挤出来的那堆赘肉。就视觉效果而言,muffin top似乎谈不上什么美感,当然也很难有love handle的那份可爱。
说白了,这都是紧身衣裤惹的祸:穿紧身裤不仅会出现不雅观的肚腩肉,还会患上一种叫作“感觉异常性股痛”的神经疾病,目前患这种病的年轻健康女性日益增多。极端的muffin top甚至被称作“muffin top syndrome”(肚腩综合征),它是指“The extremely horrifying, unattractive disease (not a medical disease) when a woman or man tried to squeeze into a pair of pants three sizes too small for them, resulting in the overflow of flab, rolls, junk and extra skin over the top of the pants.”当然,这并不是一种生理上的病症,而是一种夸张的说法。
赘肉较多的肚子,汉语常常称之为“大肚腩”“啤酒肚”“将军肚”“水桶腰”。英语也有类似的说法,如pot belly、beer belly、puffy belly、barrel waist等,和汉语倒也对应。另外,还有一些普通的说法表达大肚腩及其相关概念,比如:
People with larger waist sizes
If you have obesity around your tummy
People who have rounder stomachs, or central obesity
People who have excess belly fat
有趣的是,无论是汉语的“游泳圈”“啤酒肚”“将军肚”“水桶腰”还是英语中的spare tire、love handle、muffin top、beer belly、barrel waist,这些称呼全都是比喻的说法,但这些比喻各有特点,体现出英汉两种语言和文化既有共性,又有差异。下面我们进行一下简单的分析。
1. 英汉字面意义相同,比喻意义也相同。比如:啤酒肚和beer belly,水桶腰和barrel waist,这两组词中,英汉字面意义和比喻意义完全相同,体现出英汉两种语言和文化惊人的相似性,翻译时可以完美匹配。
2. 英汉字面意义相同,比喻意义不同。比如备胎和spare tire,字面指称意义相同,都是指汽车备用的轮胎,但比喻意义不同:备胎用来形容感情生活中的“后备军”或“替补队员”,而spare tire虽然在一定的语境中偶尔也可以指感情备胎,但多是临时的比喻,尚未形成固定意义,更多地还是用来形容腰部或腹部的赘肉,这个意义已经固定,且被大多数词典所收录。这种情况极易形成翻译中的“假朋友”现象,即两者看似对应实际却意义不同,容易产生翻译失误。
3. 英汉字面意义相同,比喻意义一方有,一方空缺。比如游泳圈和swim ring,游泳圈可用来指腹部和腰部的赘肉,但swim ring却不行,没有这个意义。
4. 英汉字面意义不同,比喻意义相同。比如游泳圈和spare tire,两者的字面指称意义不同,但比喻意义却完全相同,匹配程度高。
5. 英汉词汇不对应,一方有该词汇,另一方词汇空缺。比如英语中的love handle和muffin top,这两个概念在汉语中都没有,更谈不上比喻意义,这种情况通常无法按原文形象翻译,只能按意义译出。比如将love handle和muffin top译成“肚腩”而不是“爱的把手”和“松糕顶”。另一种方法是采用解释性翻译,即先译成“爱的把手”再进行解释,这样可以保留原文的趣味性。